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5 Keto Success Stories
60-Day Autumn 2017 KetoDiet Challenge

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Thousands of keto dieters took part in our 60-Day September-November KetoDiet Challenge and here's the top 5 inspiring success stories. This time we included prizes worth over $2,000. Well done to our winners and everyone that took part!

To take part in our Challenges, sign up and get notified as soon as the next challenge is announced. All KetoDiet Challenges are and will always be FREE and you won't have to buy any products to join.

Table of Contents

Joe's Success Story

I am a 41 year old woman, single mom of two beautiful children, and a active duty Air Force member for the past 18 and a half years! Every second of my life is full.

I care for over 370 Airmen and my two children... which in the end leaves zero time to care for myself! It is time to take back this little piece for me and work on regaining my health!

5 Keto Success Stories - 60-Day Autumn 2017 KetoDiet Challenge

Why Did You Join?

My health in the last three years has significantly declined. I have been diagnosed with several medical conditions, to include hypothyroidism and PCOS.

I am 41 years old, have two beautiful children, and wish to regain my health, start feeling better, and extend my life so I can grow old with my children!

What Helped You Stay on Track?

This Challenge! I felt like I had someone else other then just me to be accountable to.

How Has KetoDiet Helped?

I loved watching my progress. It was easy to type in and I enjoyed watching the days go by. I’d open up the chalk and show my friend... look I’ve made it 49 days!

What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?

My absolute favorite is the Pesto Caprese Chicken Casserole. It’s my kids favorite also!

Joe's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge

During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Joe lost over 15 pounds and 2 inches off her waist!

Shannon's Success Story

I have been overweight throughout my life and never quite understood what it means to live by a healthy diet and the importance of exercise.

At school I was the round kid, at 5"3' it shows more evidently and was teased for it but luckily that didn't stop me moving on to University. In recent years after becoming a student my BMI finally hit 32 and I felt the effects. I couldn't walk up the two flights of stairs to my classes without being out of breath, I would avoid beach holidays and most of all dodge photos!

But no more! I knew I was unhappy and something had to change when I stumbled across the reddit Keto community and subsequently the KetoDiet Challenge. All I needed was guidance, resources and a starting point - all of which I found here and that has helped me for the first time in my life stick to a diet. But I wouldn't just call this a diet, it is how I am choosing to live.

5 Keto Success Stories - 60-Day Autumn 2017 KetoDiet Challenge

Why Did You Join?

To no longer be in the obese weight category, to increase my fitness, to lose weight, and to increase my self confidence.

What Helped You Stay on Track?

So many things! My top tips would be:

  • Lemon water is the bomb and makes reaching your daily water intake so much easier.
  • At first when you're working against your cravings, fat bombs really helped me, find a substitute you need will really help those first few days.
  • Use a logging app to help you understand your macros, they seem confusing to begin with but having an app crunch it for you helps to make sure you stay on track.
  • Finding new recipes and enriching my palette, Keto is not restrictive - I enjoy cooking so it has been really fun.
  • Tracking progress, having a weekly weigh in and sticking to this. Progress is motivation!

How Has KetoDiet Helped?

The KetoDiet blog and webpages were the first and best resource I actually found when it came to a starting point and a free compilation of recipes I could easily stick to. I could find guidance and resources to print and get me started.

My favourite thing about this being a challenge is that it also appeals to my competitive nature, I had 60 days to stay accountable and make a difference, I also wanted to be able to show something for that commitment and for the first time I feel proud of myself that I have.

Secondly, I was given a starting point - if you have always been a "I'll start tomorrow" person, this is the challenge for you.

I reached my target! I lost 28lbs, now have a BMI of 27, and am well on my way to reaching a healthy weight. For the first time in my life I feel in control of my eating habits and I no longer feel out of breath doing simple tasks. I am also now training for a 5k!

What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?

To no longer be in the obese weight category, to increase my fitness, to lose weight, and to increase my self confidence.

Shannon's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge

During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Shannon lost 29 pounds!

Desiree's Success Story

My office job caused 15 kg to sneak up on me. I need to get rid of this weight so I can tie my shoe-laces again! Also, my blood pressure needs to come down.

5 Keto Success Stories - 60-Day Autumn 2017 KetoDiet ChallengePin itFollow us 148.4k

Why Did You Join?

Weight loss, lowering blood pressure, become more flexible.

What Helped You Stay on Track?

This way of living really ticks all my boxes! I can choose anything I want to eat, at the end of the day I create something nice with the macro's I have left and everyday I start with a clean slate.

The one time I couldn't keep it up I immediately was out of ketosis and that felt like utter failure. The fact that I wanted to avoid experiencing that feeling again helped a lot during the rest of the challenge.

How Has KetoDiet Helped?

The fact everything was backed up with evidence. For example, putting butter in my coffee felt very wrong at the beginning, but because of everything I read in the KetoDiet guide, I was convinced!

And not long after that the scale and measuring tape proved me right! And of course your Community admin Sevi was there in the community, stopping me from being too strict with myself!

What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?

My favourite recipe was most definitely the slow cooked beef korma from The KetoDiet Cookbook (also in the pack "busy life" in the app).

I made a big batch one Sunday and divided it into equal portions (as precise as I could) and froze a number of bags. This made it really easy to eat, and fill out my macro's after work! And what a great tasting dish! Sometimes I combined it with cauliflower, sometimes with an egg and sometimes when I needed tot up my fat-intake, I just added a tablespoon of coconut oil whilst heating. Also I like the Easy Vanilla Fat Bombs.

Desiree's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge

During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Desiree lost over 24 pounds and 7 inches off her waist!

Stryder's Success Story

I'm a 27 year old child that has always struggled with sticking to diets and my fitness goals. After hearing about the Keto diet on the Tim Ferris Show, I started doing some research where this website was suggested on multiple occasions by various sources.

I'm joining the challenge for the community aspect and for accountability/tracking (and the prizes too hahaha). I am very intrigued to see what lies ahead with this diet/challenge and to see my transformation!

5 Keto Success Stories - 60-Day Autumn 2017 KetoDiet ChallengePin itFollow us 148.4k

Why Did You Join?

To lose some weight and fit my clothes better. To help keep me accountable on the diet and... THE PRIZES!

What Helped You Stay on Track?

My amazing and super supportive wife. She helped me track my macros and helped me cook. She also bought me the holy grail that kept me track Fat Bombs Cookbook.

I thought cutting out sugar would be impossible for me bacause I'm a sugar hound and would often have sugar binges where I could easily eat a box of cookies, or a pint of ice cream, or multiple bags of gummies (my kryptonite). This book has single handedly made this diet/lifestyle a feasible possibility for me. The recipes are very simple to follow, even for a novice cook like myself, and absolutely delicious!

How Has KetoDiet Helped?

After making my transition into ketosis and my short battle with the keto-flu, I have had zero cravings for sugar. I feel as though the challenge kept me accountable and true to the path while struggling through the first week.

Without the competition I likely would have succumbed to my cravings within the first week and never felt how amazing ketosis truly feels!

What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?

These recipes are from the App: Greek Meatball Salad, Bacon & Jalepeno Fritata, Almond & Vanilla Protein Bars and Easy Breakfast Eggs and Bacon.

Stryder's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge

During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Stryder lost over 16 pounds and 3 inches off his waist!

Melissa's Success Story

I am a mom of 2 girls, I work part time in the medical field and also volunteer for the school PTO. I was diagnosed with food allergies almost 5 years ago and upon eliminating the trigger foods from my diet, I lost 20 pounds.

Well, I slowly replaced those trigger foods with unhealthy substitutes and sugars. So I gained about 15 of those pounds back. I would like to lose 10 pounds and get back to the weight that I felt so good at.

5 Keto Success Stories - 60-Day Autumn 2017 KetoDiet Challenge

Why Did You Join?

I would like to lose 10 pounds and get back into the 130's. Ive gained some weight over the past few years and I know how much better I feel at that weight.

What Helped You Stay on Track?

My boyfriend joined me and helped support me, without him I know I would have struggled. Also, the amazing recipes from keto diet app, healthful pursuit and numerous other blogs helped keep us on track.

How Has KetoDiet Helped?

I lost 11 pounds! That would have been impossible without the KetoDiet Challenge. I felt completely helpless before and now I know that I am keto strong and cannot wait to continue on this new path.

What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?

The keto bread! I can make it any way... garlicky, cheesy, buns, breadsticks, it's so versatile.

Melissa's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge

During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Melissa lost 11 pounds and 2 inches off her waist!

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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