Thousands of participants joined our 30-Day Countdown-To-Holidays KetoDiet Challenge and here's the top 3 inspiring success stories. This time we included prizes worth over $1,400 and gave more than 15 bonus prizes to participants that did really well during the challenge! Congratulations to the winners and well done to everyone that took part!
To take part in our Challenges, sign up and get notified as soon as the next challenge is announced. All KetoDiet Challenges are and will always be FREE and you won't have to buy any products to join.
Ashley's Success Story
I am a 24 year old RN from Maine. I currently weigh 216.5 pounds. I've lost 12 pounds since October following a keto diet on my own, but I'd like some more guidance and consistency with keto. I think this challenge will help me focus and stay consistent.

Why Did You Join?
Weight loss, my goal is to lose 15 pounds by Christmas! I need help remaining consistent. I want to be able to serve as a healthy role model for my patients and be able to keep up with the physical demands of working in the Emergency Department.
What Helped You Stay on Track?
This Challenge couldn't have come at a better time with the holiday season. I'm new to Keto and having a Challenge that keeps me focused and motivated has been a huge help in obtaining my goals.
Checking into the app daily was a great reminder and motivator to stay on the Keto plan. I've gained and lost the same 30 pounds several times over the past 2 years, but this time I'm keeping it off for good.
How Has KetoDiet Helped?
My goal coming into the Challenge was simply weight loss, I've lost 12.7 pounds during the Challenge, however I have gained so much more. I notice physical changes in the mirror and even more so in my before and after pictures, but I've also had a significant increase in my energy level and I've completely eliminated my lower back pain.
The KetoDiet Challenge really helped me to focus in on doing Keto the right way and I'm so thankful I decided to take the plunge.
What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?
The Keto Salted Caramel Turtle Candy was delicious!
Ashley's Progress during the 30-Day KetoDiet Challenge
During the 30-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Ashley lost over 12 pounds, increased energy and no back pain!
Isha's Success Story
My age is 26 and I have been overweight since many years. I have tried to lose weight by following different diet plans, GM diet, exercise, yoga, gym but never been successful.
I didn’t knew about KetoDiet previously. Today, while searching for some diet plan I came through this blog and saw 2 week Keto vegetarian diet plan. I thought this is something I could do as most of the mean were my favorite.
So, I am starting this diet for the Keto Diet Challenge for a month from tomorrow and see what I can achieve in one month of time span. My current weight is 202.4 lbs.

Why Did You Join?
To achieve healthy eating habits and to lose weight for my graduation ceremony.
What Helped You Stay on Track?
The main goal for me, to lose weight was my Graduation Ceremony (Dec 17, 2017) for which I really wanted to fit into size 10 dress. I was not sure of winning the contest but I was definitely sure to lose more than 10 pounds and lose inches.
This challenge not only encourage me to lose weight but also to adopt healthy lifestyle, control my portions, selecting healthy options every time I eat and to lose inches.
How Has KetoDiet Helped?
When I came across Keto Diet past month, I tried to understand how does it works. I really liked the concept of low carbs, high fats and adequate protein intake. More than just following diet, I wanted to experiment that how body reacts to these groups of food during this diet. Moreover, it was not a diet but an inspiring challenge.
For initial few days there were drastic weight loss followed by some fluctuations. Overall, during a month of Keto challenge, not only I lost 15 lbs but also I lost inches around belly. Initially I use to wear size 14 but now I fit into size 10 dresses.
Previously, as soon as I woke up I used to eat a lot and there was no control in portions but after just 1 week into ketosis I learnt to control my portions. In second week, I learnt to switch onto healthy food options. In third week, I learnt make variety of Keto meals. Finally, during last week of the challenge, I could wake up early which help me to improve concentration during work. I started feeling energetic and stayed active throughout the day. This challenge truly helped me and I would continue until I reach 150 lbs.
What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?
My favorite recipe from the blog are Egg Stuffed Avocado and All Day Vegetarian Keto Breakfast.
Egg stuffed avocado is the best thing I came across. As I love to eat both – avocado and eggs; this recipe was a perfect blend of two items and it is easy to prepare. The all-day vegetarian Keto breakfast is my favorite meal because it contains variety of items on the plate – all healthy and provide you instant energy. I used to feel full after this meal.
Isha's Progress during the 30-Day KetoDiet Challenge
During the 30-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Isha lost over 14 pounds, several inches around her belly and dropped 2 dress sizes!
Kristin's Success Story
Finally I decided to commit to a Ketogenic diet after dabbling with low carb intermittently for the past few months. Hoping to lose some weight and decrease overall inflammation.
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Why Did You Join?
Weight loss, improved metallic profile, decrease lupus and migraine symptoms.
What Helped You Stay on Track?
Even though I'm quite shy and don't like to speak on the blog, following other peoples posts really kept me motivated.
How Has KetoDiet Helped?
Tracking my food intake was eye opening and left no room for doubt. My migraines have become less severe and frequent in only 4 weeks! I'm convinced with continued adherence to the keto diet they will continue to improve.
What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?
The Low-Carb Mini Chicken Pot Pie is my favorite. Perfect this time of year!
Kristin's Progress during the 30-Day KetoDiet Challenge
During the 30-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Kristin lost over 11 pounds!
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