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Next up is Yoori's success story who won the second prize in our KetoDiet Challenge!
Yoori joined the 30-Day KetoDiet Challenge to lose weight and manage her autoimmune condition (Hashimoto's). In just 30 days of following a keto diet, Yoori lost 13 pounds, 2 inches from her waist and improved the symptoms of her autoimmune condition!
To take part in our Challenges, sign up and get notified as soon as the upcoming challenge is announced. All KetoDiet Challenges are and will always be FREE and you won't need to buy any products to join.
Yoori's Success Story
I'm a full time nurse working night shift and a full time grad student as well. My busy and irregular schedule has kept me unhealthy for years. I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and heard that this diet can help me tremendously with the symptoms of my illness on top of losing weight. I'm very excited to get started!
Why Did You Join?
Weight loss, feeling improvement in symptoms from my autoimmune disease.
What Helped You Stay on Track?
Slow but steady weight loss has motivated me to keep going with the Keto lifestyle! Once the Keto flu went away I started to feel relief from the symptoms from my autoimmune disease and that kept me going throughout the month!
Also did I mention that all the food taste amazing? I've been on so many fad diets and calorie restricting diets that I felt sick by the first week into the diet. Keto has been the only diet plan that left me feeling more energized.
How Has KetoDiet Helped?
It allowed me to keep track of my weight and my measurements so I can see a noticeable change towards the end. I follow the Keto Diet App Instagram page and it's been very exciting to see other people's excitement towards the challenge as well. Also the products being given away as prizes look amazing!
What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?
My absolute favorite is the cookie dough fat bomb! I downloaded the KetoDiet app and got many recipes from there as well. So far I've really liked zucchini noodles with meat sauce, chicken nuggets breaded with almond flour, coconut flour pancakes, salmon patties, chocolate and nut butter fat bomb, bullet proof coffee and matcha tea, cauliflower rice and cheeseburger soup.
How Can We Improve?
Possibly introducing some exercise ideas to go along with the diet challenge! Like squat challenge or walk a mile a day Challenge. -- Noted for future challenges! :-)
Yoori's Progress
During the 30-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Yoori lost 13 pounds and 2 inches from her waist!

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