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New Update
New update of the KetoDiet App is awaiting approval at the AppStore and I'd like to give you some details about what's new and what you should be looking for.
New recipes have been added, bringing the total number to 245. As always, you'll be getting even more free recipes via our integrated blog. To see all new recipes, simply type "new" in the search box when you update to the new version - you'll find: Chicken Curry Salad, Chicken Pesto Salad, Chicken, Blue Cheese & Berry Salad, Duck Salad with Orange Glaze and Fat-burning Berry Ice-cream.

New restaurants have been added to our database. You'll find 5 new restaurants that have been added based on your requests (Mimi's Cafe, Panera Bread, UNO'S, Oporto Australia, Ruby Tuesday) so you can easily check for keto-friendly meals when eating out. Even more restaurants will be added in the upcoming update - stay tuned!
Minor adjustments and fixes: Recipe adjustments and new minor improvements (new photos).
My Cookbooks

Many of you have been awaiting the release of my first cookbook which includes over 150 delicious keto-friendly recipes and will be out this autumn. I can't still thank you enough for your continuous support - thanks to you, my cookbook has been one of the top pre-sellers! I hope you like the new book cover :-)
If you follow me on Instagram, you may also know that I've also been working on my second cookbook that will be all about fat bombs - both sweet and savoury. The Fat Bomb cookbook will be out in spring 2016 and will include 100 delicious fat bomb recipes. If you are wondering what fat bombs are and how they can be useful on a keto diet, check out this post. If you have any requests or suggestions for the recipes, let me know in the comments!
Shooting the book cover for the Fat Bomb cookbook was fun - everything came in handy! :-)
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Progress Update: Universal iOS App & Android App
As some of you may know, we have been working on a universal iOS App that will bring all the amazing features of the KetoDiet iPad App to the iPhone. Also, a couple of months ago, our team started working on KetoDiet App for Android. Those of you who have signed up to be our beta testers will soon be able to try and use the universal iOS app. We are about half way through our progress so stay tuned!
You can read more about the universal iOS app and Android app in this post. Please, keep in mind that beta testing for the iOS universal app will be available this autumn while the Android version will be ready for testing at the beginning of 2016.
If you are interested in beta testing, please, let us know via email (see "Contact Us")
Just one of our coffee breaks discussing the new UI for the universal app... It's pretty amazing and I'm sure you will love it :-)
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