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Strawberry Keto Milkshake

4.3 stars, average of 1,023 ratings

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Berry shakes and smoothies are delicious on hot summer days. My mom used to make strawberry milkshake for me when I was a kid. She only used two ingredients, strawberries from our garden and whole milk from a local farmer. To make this shake keto-friendly, I used coconut milk and added some MCT oil which will increase the fat-burning potential of a keto diet. Hope you like it as much as I do :-)

I kept my milkshake simple but you can optionally add any of these low-carb ingredients:

  • 3-5 drops Stevia extract for extra sweetness
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds for a thicker smoothie-like shake
  • whipped cream or coconut milk on top

Hands-on Overall

Serving size 1 milkshake

Allergy information for Strawberry Keto Milkshake

✔  Gluten free
✔  Dairy free
✔  Egg free
✔  Nut free
✔  Nightshade free
✔  Pork free
✔  Avocado free
✔  Coconut free
✔  Fish free
✔  Shellfish free
✔  Beef free


  • Recipe can be made dairy-free or coconut-free.

Nutritional values (per 1 milkshake)

Net carbs6.4 grams
Protein2.5 grams
Fat27.4 grams
Calories276 kcal
Calories from carbs 9%, protein 4%, fat 87%
Total carbs8.4 gramsFiber2 gramsSugars3.7 gramsSaturated fat23.9 gramsSodium98 mg(4% RDA)Magnesium56 mg(14% RDA)Potassium509 mg(25% EMR)

Ingredients (makes 1 serving)


  1. Place the coconut milk, almond milk, strawberries and vanilla into a blender. Strawberry Keto Milkshake
  2. Add MCT oil and optionally a few drops of stevia. Strawberry Keto Milkshake
  3. Pulse until smooth and serve immediately! Strawberry Keto Milkshake
  4. Tip: For a thicker smoothie-like shake, add a tablespoon of chia seeds. Pulse until smooth. Strawberry Keto Milkshake

Strawberry Keto Milkshake

4.3 stars, average of 1,023 ratings
Strawberry Keto Milkshake
Easy keto berry milkshake made with just 5 healthy ingredients!
Hands on5m

Ingredients (makes 1 serving)

  • 1/4 cup coconut milk such as Aroy-D or heavy whipping cream (60 ml/ 2 fl oz)
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk or water (180 ml/ 6 fl oz)
  • 1/2 cup strawberries, fresh or frozen (72 g/ 2.5 oz)
  • 1 tbsp MCT oil or extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp sugar-free vanilla extract


  1. Place the coconut milk, almond milk, strawberries and vanilla into a blender.
  2. Add MCT oil and optionally a few drops of stevia.
  3. Pulse until smooth and serve immediately!
  4. Tip: For a thicker smoothie-like shake, add a tablespoon of chia seeds. Pulse until smooth.

Nutrition (per 1 milkshake)

Net Carbs6.4g
Saturated Fat23.9g

Detailed nutritional breakdown (per 1 milkshake)

Net carbsProteinFatCalories
Total per 1 milkshake
6.4 g2.5 g27.4 g276 kcal
Coconut milk (full-fat, unsweetened)
1.6 g1.1 g12.1 g111 kcal
Almond milk natural (unsweetened)
0.7 g0.9 g2.2 g25 kcal
Strawberries, fresh
4.1 g0.5 g0.2 g23 kcal
MCT oil
0 g0 g13 g112 kcal
Vanilla Extract, homemade (KetoDiet blog)
0 g0 g0 g4 kcal

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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Comments (62)

Lemon cheese cake looks like a keeper. Going to try it this week.

Hi matina
Would you suggest adding whey protien to this shake like 2 tbsps to boost the protien . I am diabetic  and housekeeper so I need to keep full during day.

Hi Laurie, 2-4 tbsp protein powder (egg white or whey protein isolate) or collagen powder would be the perfect addition! I do that all the time.

Hello. I saw within this site that I could be exposed lead.  Before purchasing I need to know why.  Thank you so much.

Hi Elaine, I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you are referring to?

Would I be able to use my Strawberry cream keto protein powder and monkfruit sweetener?  

Hi Nicole, I am not familiar with that powder but I assume you could do that as long as it's truly keto approved (watch out for added starches and blood sugar spiking sweeteners).

Hi! Brand new to keto here!! Very excited to begin this new journey. I love shakes and I am looking for some simple recipes to make as I run out the door for work. I've tried the strawberry one but was slightly confused because your ingredients list states to use vanilla extract but your instructions do not mention adding it in.

You are right - fixed! 😊

Is it okay to use erythritol instead of stevia drops?
Just a little bit.. maybe ½ tsp or even less.

Hi Summer, yes you can! I'd start with 1 teaspoon and go up if needed. You may need to use up to 2 tablespoons depending on your preferred sweetness.

Could I use rice protein powder instead?

Hi Jenny, that will work too although I don't recommend using grain-based ingredients on keto but it is low in carbs if that's what you were asking (protein isolate).

Can’t wait to receive recipes

Hi thank you the the interesting keto diet info.
I am 186.5cm tall, weigh 115kg, active 58YO man.
I have just been diagnosed with sleep apnea and fatty liver. My doctor insists that I have to loose 20kg.
Not going to be easy as I love food and food loves me. I especially love baked veggies. The recipes are very appealing to me. Going to give it a go and see how I go.
Thanks GLEN.T

Your KETO blog is the most artfully beautiful and your recipes the most inviting of any I have come across. A delight to The eye and the taste buds! Bravo! Thank you so much!  
Sincerely, Jeanne Suhr

Thank you so much Jeanne, I appreciate your kind words!

We are allergic to all forms of coconut. What can we use as a replacement. Thank you.

Heavy whipping cream mixed with water or more almond milk would be a great replacement. I would even add an egg yolk (for added fats and micronutrients) 😊

I hate to be a party pooper but this recipe is almost certainly knocking you out of ketosis. Way too many carbs for ingesting in one sitting. I say this only because you and many others looking to give this a try have autoimmune diseases which are not fun. I hope the diet is working well to alleviate that but you may find more relief if you don't consume carbs in this way. Keto is an all or nothing diet.

Hi Max, it may be too many carbs for you but what works for one does not work for someone else. Berries don't kick you out of ketosis - what matters is carbs per serving and in that case a serving of cauliflower mash would be just as bad as berries. 6 grams of carbs per serving is not too many unless you follow a zero carb approach aiming for high ketone levels - which is something most people don't follow and don't need to follow.
7 Common Diet Myths in the Keto Community

What is the difference between melted extra virgin, unrefined coconut oil and MCT oil in terms of benefits?

In terms of benefits (other than practical reasons and the fact that coconut oil solidifies), here's a good post to explain what MCTs are and how they are different from virgin coconut oil: Complete Guide to Bulletproof Coffee

I tried with coconut oil! It feels like little flakes when mix with the ice! Love it!

Great recipe, but I can't find how many calories in a serving?

Hi David, calories are listed as "kcal" - I hope this helps!

OMG this is so good! Thanks for sharing!

This is wonderfull! I used HWC instead of coconut milk, and 1 1/2 tbsp of cream cheese like another commenter suggested instead of mct or coconut oil (because I didn’t have any). I had to add a little more sweetener because of the cream cheese, but it was perfect!! Thank you!

This was so scrumptious! I used blueberries in lieu of strawberries the first go around and the shake was sweet and satifying. I made with strawberries too -- delicious too. Both instance, I added chia seeds to the shakes for added thickness.
Wonderful recipe! Thank you!!!  

Yummy, Martina!
Thanks for keeping my epileptic child happy while on such a strict diet. 😊

Thank you for your kind words, Erica!

If I use almond milk instead of water do I have to change the nutritional values/macros? If so, how? Ditto the optional extras? Thanks.
I have your app and notice some recipes also have optional extra ingredients listed on them, which I presume aren't calculated into the nutritional value/macros? How can I work them out?

Hi Vicky, the recipe uses almond milk (the first ingredient listed is always the one used to calculate the nutrition facts). Even if you skip the almond milk, the change will be insignificant (3/4 cup almond milk contains 0.7 g net carbs and 25 calories). If you use all the optional extras and use this meal in our App in the Planner, then it's better if you count them in by "cloning" the existing blog meals and adding the extras. To do that, tap on the recipe listed in Custom Meals > Blog Meals and tap "clone" (top right). Then you can add any optional ingredients to your newly created custom meal. I hope this helps!

Hi. Is it ok to add a scoop of paleo egg protein?

Yes, you can add protein powder (will help with satiety).

What is egg protein and where can I get it?

Hi Laura, check out the tips in this recipe (links are in the ingredients): Keto Chocolate Protein Smoothie

I don't have mct. Is there any alternative I can use?

Yes, you can skip it or use macadamia nut oil instead.

I didn't have the oil on hand but i put about 1-1/2 tablespoons of creamcheese in it! Delish! More like a strawberry cheesecake shake!

That sounds delicious, thank you!

You rock! Tasted amazing with cream cheese. Thank you!

I have no idea why I was skeptical about this recipe! It is seriously delicious, I could drink these all day long! 😄

Thank you Natasha!

YUM!  I added ice and it makes it nice and frosty!

Thank you!

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