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Hi everyone, you'll soon be getting new recipes - just in time for the Holiday season!
There is a new update of the KetoDiet and KetoDiet Basic Apps pending approval on the AppStore. As usual, I'd like to give you some details about what's new.
Note: The new versions are awaiting approval and are not on the AppStore yet. They should be available in 7-10 days. If you like KetoDiet and want to help us do even more, please, don't forget to leave a review on the AppStore, it really makes a difference!
New Recipes
New recipes have been added to the optional packages, bringing the total number to 261. To see all new recipes, simply type "new" in the search box when you update to the new version - you'll find:
- Bacon & Jalapeno Frittata
- Beef Stir-fry with "Zero-carb" Noodles
- Lemon Chia Pudding
- Lemon Mug Cake
- Mackerel Stuffed Avocado
- Pizza Pepperoni Rolls
- Sausage & Cabbage Casserole
- Spiced Orange Mug Cake
- Turkey Ragu with Zoodles.
As always, you'll be getting even more free recipes via our integrated blog.

Beta Testing Will Start Soon
KetoDiet Basic for Android
We've been working on the final touch ups and will soon release the beta version of KetoDiet Basic for Android! Those who signed up for beta-testing will soon get instructions on how to download the app on their Android device (end of November / beginning of December).
Beta testing for KetoDiet for Android will start in early 2016 (includes planning & monitoring features). If you'd like to join hundreds of others, let us know by sending an email via this online form.
Universal KetoDiet iOS App
Beta testing for the KetoDiet universal iOS App will start in early 2016. If you are new to my blog, this post explains the difference between KetoDiet and KetoDiet Basic Apps.
Introducing New Website Features
As you may have noticed, we have been busy working on our website which delayed our work on the universal iOS App by a few weeks. Now we're back on track working on it so stay tuned :-)
Here is what we've done on the website over the last few weeks:
- We added a Recommended Section where I list products I love and use on a regular basis (foods, kitchen tools, exercise gear, supplements and more)
- We created a Book Page that lists all my books and will give you a sneak-peak of what's inside ;-)
- We created an eBook Page with free diet plans you can download as PDFs. We started with a 2 week ketogenic diet plan and will add 2-3 more so stay tuned!
- We've teamed up with Natural Ketosis to deliver low-carb, keto-friendly food for people with busy life styles! Check out the KetoDiet Meal Boxes. For the time being our meal boxes are only available in the UK (US coming soon).
- Finally, we've teamed up with Low-Carb and Keto Experts who can help people seeking personalised advice. For a long time I've been receiving e-mails from people asking for advice on their diet. I cannot offer such advice so I created a list of qualified experts who can help in such cases. Find out more on this page.
I hope you like our new changes - let me know what you think!
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