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Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes

4.4 stars, average of 50 ratings

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These mini cheesecakes are definitely on the list of my best recipes. They are great for the 4th July celebrations, but I'm sure you will find many other occasions for it, too :-)

I've used a special ingredient: freeze-dried fruit powder with no added sugar. I live in the UK and got it from, and there are several products available on Amazon.

Tips & Substitutions

Instead of gelatine powder you can use 2 tbsp or 2 envelopes gelatine powder, or 4 tbsp of agar flakes or 2 tsp agar powder. You can get berry powders from Amazon. If you don't have freeze-dried fruit powder, you can substitute blueberry fruit powder with raw cocoa powder and strawberry fruit powder with 1 cup of fresh strawberries. If you have nut allergies, use desiccated coconut instead of macadamia nuts.

I used mini cheese cake pan molds with removable bottom. If you don't have one, use silicone muffin forms. Other forms are not recommended - you will need to be able to remove the cheesecakes after they are done!

Hands-on Overall

Serving size 1 mini cheesecake

Allergy information for Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes

✔  Gluten free
✔  Egg free
✔  Nightshade free
✔  Pork free
✔  Avocado free
✔  Fish free
✔  Shellfish free

Nutritional values (per 1 mini cheesecake)

Net carbs3.8 grams
Protein3.6 grams
Fat19.6 grams
Calories204 kcal
Calories from carbs 7%, protein 7%, fat 86%
Total carbs5.6 gramsFiber1.8 gramsSugars3.3 gramsSaturated fat11.3 gramsSodium57 mg(2% RDA)Magnesium13 mg(3% RDA)Potassium86 mg(4% EMR)

Ingredients (makes 12 mini cheesecakes)


Cheese filling:


  1. Place all the ingredients for the crust in a food processor. Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
  2. Add freeze-dried blueberry powder. Pulse until the mixture is roughly chopped. Don't blend it too much. Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
  3. The crust batter should be crumbly, not as smooth as nut butter. Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
  4. Transfer the mixture in the mini cake molds and press it down. Place the molds in the fridge before the cheese filling is ready.
    Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
  5. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients for the filling apart from the gelatin sheets. Place half of the mixture in another bowl and set aside. Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
  6. Place 2 gelatin sheets into a small plate and add a bit of water. Alternatively, combine 1 teaspoon gelatin powder with 2 tablespoons of water.
  7. In a small pan, bring 1/4 cup of water to boil and turn the heat off. Add softened and drained gelatin sheets and mix well until it dissolves. Pour the gelatin mixture slowly into one of the bowls with cheese filling and incorporate well.
    Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
  8. Take the cake molds from the fridge and pour the mixture evenly into each of them. Place in the fridge before you prepare the last layer of cheese filling. Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
  9. Spoon the strawberry powder into the bowl with remaining cheese filling and mix well. Similarly to step 6, incorporate the remaining gelatin sheets and add the mixture slowly to the cheese filling while stirring. Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
  10. Take the cake molds from the fridge and carefully fill all of them with the last layer of cheese filling. Place in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours, or better overnight. Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
  11. Push the cakes out from the molds and and keep them in the fridge in an airtight container to prevent the edges from drying. Serve immediately or store covered in the fridge for up to 5 days. Keto No-Bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes

No-bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes

4.4 stars, average of 50 ratings
No-bake Mini Berry Cheesecakes
These low-carb mini cheesecake bites are so cute to make for any special occasion! The are packed with flavor from berries and vanilla and you won't need to bake them!
Hands on20m

Ingredients (makes 12 mini cheesecakes)

  • Crust:

  • 1 cup unsweetened desiccated coconut (75g / 2.6 oz)
  • 1/3 cup macadamia nuts (50g / 1.8 oz)
  • 1/4 cup butter or virgin coconut oil, melted (60 ml/ 2 fl oz)
  • 2 tbsp freeze-dried blueberry powder (10 g/ 0.4 oz)
  • 2 tbsp powdered Erythritol or Swerve (20 g/ 0.7 oz)
  • 5-10 drops liquid Stevia extract (Clear / Vanilla / Coconut)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • Cheese filling:

  • 200 g full-fat cream cheese (7.1 oz)
  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream (120 ml/ 4 fl oz)
  • 1/2 cup crème fraîche or sour cream (120 g/ 4.2 oz)
  • 1/2 tsp sugar-free vanilla extract or seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean
  • 4 tbsp freeze-fried strawberries, powdered (20 g/ 0.7 oz)
  • 2 gelatin leaves or 1 tsp gelatin powder
  • 1/2 cup powdered Erythritol or Swerve (80 g/ 2.8 oz)
  • 10-15 drops liquid Stevia extract


  1. Place all the ingredients for the crust in a food processor.
  2. Add freeze-dried blueberry powder. Pulse until the mixture is roughly chopped. Don't blend it too much.
  3. The crust batter should be crumbly, not as smooth as nut butter.
  4. Transfer the mixture in the mini cake molds and press it down. Place the molds in the fridge before the cheese filling is ready.
  5. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients for the filling apart from the gelatin sheets. Place half of the mixture in another bowl and set aside.
  6. Place 2 gelatin sheets into a small plate and add a bit of water. Alternatively, combine 1 teaspoon gelatin powder with 2 tablespoons of water.
  7. In a small pan, bring 1/4 cup of water to boil and turn the heat off. Add softened and drained gelatin sheets and mix well until it dissolves. Pour the gelatin mixture slowly into one of the bowls with cheese filling and incorporate well.
  8. Take the cake molds from the fridge and pour the mixture evenly into each of them. Place in the fridge before you prepare the last layer of cheese filling.
  9. Spoon the strawberry powder into the bowl with remaining cheese filling and mix well. Similarly to step 6, incorporate the remaining gelatin sheets and add the mixture slowly to the cheese filling while stirring.
  10. Take the cake molds from the fridge and carefully fill all of them with the last layer of cheese filling. Place in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours, or better overnight.
  11. Push the cakes out from the molds and and keep them in the fridge in an airtight container to prevent the edges from drying. Serve immediately or store covered in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Nutrition (per 1 mini cheesecake)

Net Carbs3.8g
Saturated Fat11.3g

Detailed nutritional breakdown (per 1 mini cheesecake)

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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Comments (34)

I was just diagnosed with the Hashimotos and I just started looking at how to improve my diet. My work schedule sucks in terms of lunch. There’s day I don’t get a lunch or have to go very late. It really depends on the business needs and if we have enough staff.  So it’s definitely a work in progress for me but it’s great to see you have your condition under control and it gives me hope I too can get it under control.

Thank you Erica, we are here to help! Make sure to join our FB support group:

That looks absolutely delicious!.   I'm wondering if you could remake this same recipe using only goat dairy.   I have issues with Cow Dairy.  

I think that should work. I have been thinking it may even work with coconut cream.

Do you think these will travel well? I will be driving 1 hr 10 mins to a reunion and they may be sitting out a while as well both before we eat and then during the afternoon?  Would I need to set them on ice?  Thanks for your response.

Hi Jennifer, yes, they will be fine for just a couple of hours in the car but I can't guarantee they'll be fine if you leave them out for longer. It depends on the weather and I think it's better if you keep them cool 😊

have a nut allergy. What can be used instead?

Hi Kat, you can try coconut butter instead or shredded coconut and add a tablespoon or two of water or coconut oil if needed (if the mixture is too dry).

Hi. Can I use an 6 or 8 inch cake mould (springform with removable bottom) for this receipe please?

Hi San, I think both should work but the 8-inch might be better. It depends on how deep the pan is.

loved these! I used acai powder on the bottom and camu camu berry powder (extremely high in Vit C!) on top, mixed in with 1/2 cup of mashed up blackberries because they were fresh from our garden and I just love blackberry cheesecake! Thanks for sharing. I've got this on my Keto desserts Pinterest board.

Oh I love acai powder - great for smoothies! I still haven't tried camu camu but it's on my list 😊 Thank you, glad you liked it!

These look awesome! I am going to try this out with Blendfresh powders. Much healthier than freeze dried powders as they are raw. Can't wait to share! I hope you don't mind if I share a link for Blendfresh as some commenters are looking for a source. Just click my name and you can read about it on my blog.

Sure - thanks for sharing! I think that freeze-dried powders are fine - the freeze-drying process requires no preservatives or additives so I don't see why they should be less healthy 😊

Desiccated coconut is made with corn syrup

Hi Frank, only sweetened desiccated coconut is made with sugar / corn syrup. Unsweetened desiccated coconut only contains coconut and nothing else.

Question, if I avoided all sweeteners would it still come out ok? My husband and I are avoiding forms of sugar (only allowing fruit and honey, point is to get rid of junk food and the cravings). So just wondering if no sweeteners would make it turn out different. (I know it will taste different).. it looks really yummy and want to try it! Jen

Hi Jen, I think it depends on your palate. If you use fruit or fruit powders, there should be some sweetness and you won't need to add any or very little sweeteners. You can always use just a few drops of stevia (healthy, no impact on blood sugar or calories). Hope this helps! 😊

Do you know if strawberry and blueberry powder can be replaced by açai powder and if the carb content is still the same? here we only have açaí powder
Thank you

Hi Dalila, yes, you can try acai powder or even lucuma and maca powder. All these work but the amount may need to be adjusted.

Do you have a link for the dried blueberry/strawberry powders?  Also, is dessicated coconut the same as regular unsweetened coconut flakes?

Hi Stephanie, the coconut I used was shredded, the flakes would be too big but you can use a blender to cut them into smaller pieces. The link to the berry powders is in the note below the ingredients (US Amazon store) and I also included a link to an online shop I get them from in the UK (top of the post).

Lovely cakes and a great great idea!

Thank you! 😊

Is one serving one cheesecake?

Yes, one serving equals one piece of cheesecake.

These look delish! So pretty. Shame I'm vegetarian-keto so gelatin is out for me... will have to experiment with some vege-gel

Vege-gel is ok - I don't use it because it has some additives (at least the one I found). I also tried using it and there is one drawback: it thickens soooo quickly and while you add it to the cool mixture, it may get  a bit lumpy. I would suggest Agar powder - it's easier to work with and vegetarian, too 😊

These are lovely and are similar to a little cheesecake I made last year with cashew nut "cream cheese" while I was doing a Whole30 challenge and couldn't have any dairy.  Your freeze-dried blueberry powder intrigues me.  I've never seen it before.  I'll have to find a source.  

I love using fruit powder and there will be many more recipes using this ingredient 😊 Can you post a link to your cheesecake? I would love to try it!

Sure!  Here ya go:

Thanks a lot! I love trying new recipes and was actually trying to cut down on dairy recently 😊

In Belgium cottage cheese seems to contain twice as much fat as almost anywhere else (8.5%), we call it 'platte kaas'. Would that change the recipe?

Cottage cheese is slightly different, at least the one available here. If it's lumpy, you will need to use smooth cream cheese.