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Hi Everyone, I have some exciting news for you!
The next KetoDiet Challenge will start in less than a couple of weeks. Are you ready for it? :-) If you've been following my Keto Challenges, you know that we've been continuously working on improvements based on your feedback. Before I get to the new features and improvements, I'd like to thank everyone who joined the previous challenge for their amazing feedback!
In this challenge, we focused on your most popular requests:
- Increase the duration of the challenge
The upcoming challenge will last for 90 days
- More prizes, more winners
We will have 5 winners and bonus prizes for up to 50 participants
- More frequent updates/newsletters
We will send you more tips and advice to help you stay on track
- A closed forum specifically for the challenge
We created a members-only Facebook group for everyone joining the challenge. You can ask questions, join discussions, share your progress with others or even find an accountability buddy! Community support and accountability are the most powerful tools to help you achieve your goals. All without the distractions of public forums.

- The ability to share your progress with others
You can now share your progress - either with everyone, or only those who joined the KetoDiet Challenge. If you change your mind at any point, you can stop sharing your progress by disabling this option in your Progress tab.

Why Join the Challenge?
- Completely FREE subscription with NO monthly payments!
- Tracking tool to help you monitor your progress.
- Quick access to FREE tools (guides & tips, three diet plans, keto calculator, and more).
- My 400+ low-carb, keto, paleo & primal recipes will help you stay on track.
- Members-only community for support and motivation.
- Giveaway in November with prizes worth over $2,500.
- Anyone can join no matter where they live. Alternative prizes will be given in case the listed prizes are not available in all locations.
- Anyone can join no matter what their goal is. The KetoDiet Challenges are not just about losing weight. Everyone will get a chance to win and the focus is on healthy eating and overall progress - not just on weight loss. Five winners will be chosen based on overall accomplishment and their commitment to healthy eating, not based on the number of pounds lost.
Please, make sure you click on "Create a free account" when signing up. If you already have a KetoDiet Challenge account, simply sign in.
I Joined the #KetoDietChallenge! How About You?
Awesome Giveaway Prizes Worth over $2,500
As always, there will be a giveaway at the end of the challenge in November. Below are some of the amazing prizes worth over $2,500 for our five winners + even more bonus prizes. A big thank you to all our sponsors who contributed to this challenge!
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- 5 x Nuzest: premium plant-based protein powder, 5 flavours to choose from (5 containers + Shakers by NuZest)
- 5 x Bulletproof pack: Ground Coffee, Brain Octane Oil, protein powder, mug and t-shirt
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Bonus Prizes & Alternative Prizes
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