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The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread

4.8 stars, average of 937 ratings

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The Best Low-Carb Yeast BreadPin itFollow us 148.4k

Are you ready for the best low-carb yeast bread ever?

Fluffy low-carb yeast bread has been on my to-do list forever and I knew I had to make it keto. I finally have the perfect low-carb and keto yeast bread recipe and I am so excited to share with you!

I'll admit I took my time to get this done. I first made this low-carb yeast bread recipe in summer 2019 but I wanted to make a few adjustments and try a few more baking mixes before I was 100% happy with the results. Life gets busy, I signed two new books and before I knew six months have passed.

Finally it's here — this is your guide to keto yeast bread perfection!

How to Make Keto Yeast Bread

Making low-carb yeast bread is easier than you may think. I already knew how to make Low-Carb Bread so I used the same recipe to start with and combined it with what I've learnt about yeast and how to use it in baking to get the best results.

Having tested many loaves of bread, I have one piece of advice for you: If you don't have to use any substitutions, follow the recipe as it is with no swaps, especially when it comes to using defatted sesame flour. I tested several substitutions and nothing compared to the original recipe which had the best taste and texture.

Here's what you'll need to make keto yeast bread:

  • Dry active yeast. This ingredient will make your bread fluffy and will add a delicious flavour to it. You will need to use warm water to activate the yeast. The ideal temperature should be about 40 °C/ 100 °F.
  • Inulin-based sweetener such as yacon syrup or sugar. This ingredient is essential for activating the yeast. Don't panic, no sugar will be left after the fermentation of yeast!
  • Eggs and egg whites. You'll generally need to use more egg whites to keep the bread fluffy. Don't worry it won't taste eggy!
  • Apple cider vinegar. This ingredient will add a fantastic flavour to your bread. Plus, when combined with baking soda, it acts as a leavening agent.
  • Ground nuts and/or seeds. I like the combination of flax meal and sesame flour because they work perfectly in a bread recipe. Not too overpowering so you can still eat this bread with sweet spreads like chia jam and other tasty toppings like Keto Nutella.
  • Coconut flour. Great for texture and it tastes neutral when used in small amounts together with other nut and seed flours. I promise, you won't taste any coconut. If you still want to avoid it you can use the same amount (in cups) of flax meal or sesame flour, or about three times more almond flour.
  • Psyllium husks, powdered. This ingredient is absolutely essential if you want to get the perfect fluffy texture. Check out my tips below to learn why I use whole husks rather than ready-made powder.
  • Whey protein isolate powder or egg white protein isolate powder to replace the missing gluten.
  • Leavening agents including gluten-free baking powder, or a combination of cream of tartar and baking soda. To get 1 teaspoon of gluten-free baking powder, simply use 1/2 tsp cream of tartar and 1/4 tsp baking soda.
  • Other ingredients. Depending on the flavour you want to achieve you can add salt, pepper, sesame seeds, herbs, spices, garlic powder or onion powder. Whatever you fancy!

Why Use Yeast in Keto Bread?

Yeast is a single-celled fungus that works by feeding on sugar and in return excretes carbon dioxide and alcohol as by-products.

This fermentation process of yeast makes dough rise and allows it to become light and fluffy by creating air pockets inside. Apart from its role as a leavening agent, yeast adds a delicious flavour to any bread.

We're working with gluten-free ingredients so the effect won't be exactly the same as you would expect in a traditional yeast bread. Plus there is fat in seeds, nuts and coconut which makes any keto bread naturally less fluffy. Still this recipe is by far my favourite way to make low-carb and keto bread that is fluffy and tastes amazing.

To replace the missing gluten, we are using powdered psyllium husks and whey or egg white protein isolate powder. These two ingredients are essential for the texture of almost any keto bread.

Make sure to use dry active yeast or fresh yeast. Do not use nutritional yeast as that would not work in this recipe.

If the yeast does not activate (does not become frothy), do not use it because the yeast is not active. This can happen if the yeast is not properly stored or is old.

Can I Use Fast-Acting Dried Yeast?

Yes, you can use instant yeast which is also known as fast-acting or fast-rising yeast. You won't need to activate is and can mix it directly with the dry ingredients. Do not reduce the amount of water used in the recipe.

What if My Yeast Doesn't Foam?

If your yeast doesn't foam it meant it's not activated and the fermentation didn't start. This can happen when:

  • The water was too hot or it was too cold. When working with yeast, make sure you get the temperature right. The ideal temperature is about 40 °C/ 100 °F. Too hot and the yeast will not survive. Too cold and the yeast will remain dormant. You don't have to use a thermometer though — you can simply use your finger to test the water. If it feels hot, it will likely be too hot for your yeast to survive.
  • The yeast expired. Yeast will expire because it's a fungus that eventually dies. If the yeast is foaming it means it's still alive and will be fine to use. The expiry date will give you a good estimate of how long the yeast will last, but various conditions, such as where and how yeast is stored, will affect how long it will live.
  • You used a sweetener that doesn't work with yeast. You'll need inulin-based sweetener such as yacon syrup, or nutritive sweeteners such as maple syrup, honey, coconut sugar or even sugar. (Don't panic, no sugar will be left after the fermentation of yeast!) Do not use low-carb sweeteners like Erythritol, Swerve, Allulose or Xylitol to activate the yeast as these options won't work.

Can I Use Carton Egg Whites?

Yes, you can use carton eg whites instead or fresh egg whites. The recipe uses large egg whites and you should be counting each egg white as 33 grams (1.2 oz). Make sure to use a kitchen scale to measure them accurately.

I'm Keto, Can I Really Use Sugar?

Yes, you can! No carbs form sugar or yacon syrup will be left in the bread because it will be consumed by the yeast. I don't have sugar in my house so I used yacon syrup which works just as well.

When working with yeast, make sure you get the temperature right. The ideal temperature is about 40 °C/ 100 °F. Too hot and the yeast will not survive. Too cold and the yeast will remain dormant. You don't have to use a thermometer though — you can simply use your finger to test the water. If it feels hot, it will likely be too hot for your yeast to survive.

Apart from sugar and yacon syrup, you can use other nutritive sweeteners such as coconut sugar, maple syrup or honey. Do not use non-nutritive sweeteners such as Erythritol, Swerve or stevia as these won't work.

Can I Use Psyllium Husk Powder?

I don't recommend ready-made psyllium husk powder. I've baked dozens of keto breads and I made all of them using whole psyllium husks that I powdered myself. Ready-made psyllium husk powder is often too fine and makes any keto bread too dense, flat and heavy. Sometimes the bread would also get a purple hue and an ammonia-like aftertaste (although that may be related to rancid flax meal). Trust me, you don't want any of these in your low-carb bread!

The best way to get the best texture and flavour is to buy whole psyllium husks and powder them in a coffee grinder of a food processor.

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Do I Need to Use Protein Powder?

We are using protein powder to replace the gluten that is missing in a low-carb bread. If you don't use it, your keto bread may not be as fluffy but it will be just as delicious.

Some keto recipes also ask for xanthan gum as it works perfectly in gluten-free bread recipes. It will make the dough more elastic, just like gluten does. However, beware that xanthan gum ma cause digestive issues so keep that in mind if you are considering it. If you want to use xanthan gum, simply skip the protein powder and use a teaspoon of xanthan gum instead.

Does This Keto Bread Taste Eggy?

Not at all! Unlike some low-carb bread recipes you may have tried before, this bread does not taste eggy even though it uses many eggs.

We want this bread to be fluffy so we will need more egg whites and just a few egg yolks. We're also using one egg yolk to brush on to as it will help create a nice crust.

Is This Keto Bread Moist?

Compared to most other low-carb breads, I find that the moisture in this keto yeast bread is negligible. However, if you use ground sesame seeds instead of fine sesame flour, you will get a lot more moisture.

If you've made keto bread before, moisture is a common issue. The reason it's moist is not the extra eggs or water used to make the dough — on the contrary, these are both essential for texture and for the bread to rise. The ingredients responsible for moisture are psyllium and flax meal (and also ground sesame seeds as opposed to fine sesame flour) as they will lock moisture in the bread. They are both essential in keto baking as psyllium adds volume and fluffy texture, while flax meal makes the bread taste more authentic.

You could take it a step further and dehydrate the bread in the oven right after you bake it. To do that, I removed the bread from the loaf pan by grabbing the edges of the parchment paper and placed it directly on the rack in the oven. I then baked it at 100 °C/ 212 °F for about 30 minutes. Other than that, this keto yeast bread can be toasted in a toaster or under a broiler just like regular bread.

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How Many Servings Does One Recipe Make?

Depending on the size of your loaf pan and the thickness of the slices, this recipe makes 12 to 14 servings (1 slice per serving).

Should I Weigh the Ingredients?

Yes, for best results you should weigh all of the dry ingredients (apart from the ingredients that are used in small amounts such as teaspoons). I included amounts per cups but they are not the most accurate measure when it comes to low-carb baking.

Can I Substitute Defated Sesame Flour with Ground Sesame Seeds?

Yes, you can although the bread may be a bit more moist. I've had the amazing (if not the best) results with fine defated sesame flour but it is an ingredient that may not be easily available. I get mine on Amazon.

Ground sesame seeds are different from fine defated sesame flour so you can't swap them in the same ratio. They contain more fat and the texture is closer to flax meal. I've made this bread ground sesame seeds and here is what I found if you want to get the best results:

  • To replace defated sesame flour with ground sesame seeds, use 1 cup packed ground sesame seeds (140 g/ 5 oz) for every 1 1/4 cups fine defated sesame flour (100 g/ 3.5 oz).
  • Decrease the amount of water to a total of 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 cups (360 ml to 420 ml) or the bread may be too moist. If unsure, use less.
  • Because of the higher-fat nature of sesame seeds, you could also swap the egg yolks with more egg whites. This means that for one loaf you will need a total of 8 egg whites.
  • There seems to be a difference even between hulled and unhulled sesame seeds (hulled work better).

How to Make Easy Swaps

I've tried and tested many different ways to make keto yeast bread and found two winners that tasted best. The recipe I liked most also happens to be nut-free. It uses flax meal, sesame flour and coconut flour. Generally speaking you can make the following swaps:

  • If you want to make this bread with almond flour instead of sesame flour, you can use about 2 cups (200 g/ 7.1 oz) of regular almond flour (ground blanched almonds, not defated almond flour). I've tested this option as you can see on the image below. Almond flour can be substituted with the same amount of ground sunflower seeds.
  • Sesame flour and flax meal can be substituted with one another using approximately the same ratio (in cups).
  • Fine sesame flour can be substituted with ground sesame seeds. Fine defated sesame flour is similar to defated almond flour (and can be substituted in a similar ratio), the texture of ground sesame seeds is closer to flax meal (contains more fat and will make the dough more sticky and wet).
  • Coconut flour is the most absorbent of all of the options. Typically, I would use about three times more almond flour to replace coconut flour, and about twice as much of flax meal or sesame seed flour (in cups) to replace coconut flour.

Low-Carb Baking Conversions:
1 cup regular almond flour = 1/3 cup coconut flour + 1 egg or egg white
1 cup regular almond flour = 1/2 cup packed flax meal or 1/2 cup packed ground sesame seeds
1 cup regular almond flour = 1 cup ground sunflower seeds 1 cup packed ground sesame seeds = 1 cup packed flax meal
1 cup fine defated sesame flour = 1 cup fine defated almond flour (plus reduce the amount of water to just 1 1/2 cups)
If you can't find defated almond flour or defated sesame flour (which are still the best options in this recipe), you can use about 2 cups of regular almond flour (see section above for more information).

Why Is my Keto Bread Hollow Inside?

If your bread is hollow inside with an air bubble (just like the one I got in this bread, try making small burger buns instead of a loaf. I listed a few possible reasons in my original keto bread guide but I'm not absolutely sure as to why this happens. What I found is that if you make smaller burger sized buns, you won't get any hollow gaps.

How Much Will My Bread Rise?

This will depend on several factors. Apart from the ingredients you use and the process you follow, even the shape and size of your bread loaf can affect the final result. On the photo below you can see that the loaf on the bottom is not as fluffy and well risen and two on top. That's the bread I made in a wider bread loaf pan and I also added the second part of the warm water too late (after all of the dry ingredients). This resulted in a less fluffy, flatter, more dense bread. It was still tasty though!

I used a 13 x 20 cm/ 5 x 8 inch loaf pan but you can use a bigger loaf pan too. Do not use silicone loaf pans as they are not sturdy enough to hold the shape of the dough and it may collapse/be dense and uneven.

Living at High Altitudes?

If you live at higher altitudes, increase your oven temperature by 15-30F and start checking the bread after 45 minutes instead of 60 minutes. Use a wooden skewer to test for doneness.

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Hands-on Overall

Serving size 1 slice

Allergy information for The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread

✔  Gluten free
✔  Dairy free
✔  Nut free
✔  Nightshade free
✔  Pork free
✔  Avocado free
✔  Fish free
✔  Shellfish free
✔  Beef free

Nutritional values (per 1 slice)

Net carbs1.6 grams
Protein8.7 grams
Fat5.3 grams
Calories101 kcal
Calories from carbs 7%, protein 39%, fat 54%
Total carbs6.3 gramsFiber4.7 gramsSugars0.5 gramsSaturated fat1.4 gramsSodium240 mg(10% RDA)Magnesium52 mg(13% RDA)Potassium169 mg(8% EMR)

Ingredients (makes 1 loaf, 12-14 slices)

Wet ingredients:
  • 2 cups warm water, divided (480 ml/ 16 fl oz)
  • 1 tbsp yacon syrup (15 ml) or sugar (won't affect the carb count)
  • 5 large egg whites
  • 3 large egg yolks, divided
  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar (30 ml)
Dry ingredients:


  1. Before you start and especially if you plan to make any swaps, make sure to read, make sure to check the blog post for all tips and detailed instructions, especially if you're viewing this recipe from the KetoDiet App.)
  2. Turn the light on in the oven (only the light). Pour 3/4 cup (180 ml) of the warm water into a bowl. The temperature should be about 40 °C/ 100 °F, but no more than 45 °C/ 110 °F. If you don't have this option on your oven, preheat the oven to the lowest setting (mine is 50 °C/ 120 °F). Open the oven for about 30 seconds to cool down slightly before placing the yeast/dough inside and close the door.
  3. Add yacon syrup or sugar and stir until fully dissolved. Don't panic, no sugar will be left after the fermentation of yeast! The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  4. Sprinkle with active dry yeast (or use 30 g/ 1.1 oz fresh yeast). Place the bowl in the oven. The light will be enough to keep the bowl warm. Allow to proof for 10 minutes. When ready, the yeast will be frothy and will grow in volume. While the yeast is proofing, line a loaf pan with parchment paper. (I used a 13 x 20 cm/ 5 x 8 inch loaf pan.)
  5. Once the yeast have proofed, remove the bowl from the warm oven. Keep the light in the oven on. The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  6. Meanwhile, place the whole psyllium husks in a coffee grinder and process until powdered. If you're using ready-made powder, make sure you're using the right type by checking the post above.
  7. Place all of the remaining dry ingredients, apart from any seeds you may sprinkle on top, in another bowl: defatted sesame seed flour, flax meal, coconut flour, whey (or egg white) protein powder, psyllium powder, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt. Mix to combine or use a hand mixer to process well. The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  8. Place all of the egg whites and two egg yolks in a bowl. (You'll need one egg yolk to brush on top of the bread.) The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  9. Add the egg whites and egg yolks into the bowl with the proofed yeast. Add the vinegar and the remaining warm water (1 1/4 cup/ 300 ml). The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  10. Use a hand mixer or a stand mixer and process until well combined. Add the dried mixture, about 1/2 cup at a time and process well. The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  11. Gradually add more until you use all of it. The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  12. Transfer the dough into the lined loaf pan. Spread using a spatula and optionally draw a line in the middle to create a slit effect. The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  13. Place in the oven and let it proof with the oven light on to 60 minutes. The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  14. Once the dough has proofed, remove from the oven. Preheat the oven to 175 °C/ 350 °F (fan assisted), or 195 °C/ 380 °F (conventional). Whisk the remaining egg yolk with about 2 teaspoons of water. Gently brush on top of the bread without pressing too much (do not deflate the bread). The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  15. Optionally, sprinkle with sesame seeds and transfer into the preheated oven. Bake for about 60 minutes. You can optionally cover the top of the bread with a foil for the last 15 to 20 minutes of the baking process (this will prevent any burning). The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  16. Once baked, remove from the oven and let it cool down. If you have another loaf pan, grab the edges of the parchment paper and transfer the bread to the second pan. This will minimise condensation and reduce moisture that has accumulated in the first pan. The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  17. Once completely cool, slice and serve. Store at room temperature loosely covered with kitchen towel for up to 3 days. The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  18. Eat just like bread — with butter, cream cheese and/or chia jam or use to make a sandwich. The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread
  19. To store for longer, slice the whole loaf and freeze in batches of 2 to 4 slices for up to 3 months.
    The Best Low-Carb Yeast Bread

The Best Keto Yeast Bread

4.8 stars, average of 937 ratings
The Best Keto Yeast Bread
This is the best low-carb and keto yeast bread you will every try. So fluffy and full of delicious flavor, just like real bread!
Hands on10m
Overall2h 30m

Ingredients (makes 1 loaf, 12-14 slices)

  • Wet ingredients:

  • 2 cups warm water, divided (480 ml/ 16 fl oz)
  • 1 tbsp yacon syrup (15 ml) or sugar (won't affect the carb count)
  • 5 large egg whites
  • 3 large egg yolks, divided
  • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar (30 ml)
  • Dry ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp active dry yeast (10 g/ 0.4 oz) or 30 g fresh yeast (1.1 oz)
  • 1 1/4 cup defated sesame seed flour (100 g/ 3.5 oz)
  • 1/2 cup packed flax meal (75 g/ 2.7 oz)
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour (60 g/ 2.1 oz)
  • 1/4 cup unflavoured whey protein powder or egg white protein powder (25 g/ 0.9 oz)
  • 6 tbsp whole psyllium husks, powdered (24 g/ 0.9 oz) - will make 3 tbsp psyllium husk powder
  • 1 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • Optional: 1 tbsp sesame seeds or seeds of choice for topping


  1. Before you start and especially if you plan to make any swaps, make sure to read, make sure to check the blog post for all tips and detailed instructions, especially if you're viewing this recipe from the KetoDiet App.)
  2. Turn the light on in the oven (only the light). Pour 3/4 cup (180 ml) of the warm water into a bowl. The temperature should be about 40 °C/ 100 °F, but no more than 45 °C/ 110 °F. If you don't have this option on your oven, preheat the oven to the lowest setting (mine is 50 °C/ 120 °F). Open the oven for about 30 seconds to cool down slightly before placing the yeast/dough inside and close the door.
  3. Add yacon syrup or sugar and stir until fully dissolved. Don't panic, no sugar will be left after the fermentation of yeast!
  4. Sprinkle with active dry yeast (or use 30 g/ 1.1 oz fresh yeast). Place the bowl in the oven. The light will be enough to keep the bowl warm. Allow to proof for 10 minutes. When ready, the yeast will be frothy and will grow in volume. While the yeast is proofing, line a loaf pan with parchment paper. (I used a 13 x 20 cm/ 5 x 8 inch loaf pan.)
  5. Once the yeast have proofed, remove the bowl from the warm oven. Keep the light in the oven on.
  6. Meanwhile, place the whole psyllium husks in a coffee grinder and process until powdered. If you're using ready-made powder, make sure you're using the right type by checking the post above.
  7. Place all of the remaining dry ingredients, apart from any seeds you may sprinkle on top, in another bowl: defatted sesame seed flour, flax meal, coconut flour, whey (or egg white) protein powder, psyllium powder, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt. Mix to combine or use a hand mixer to process well.
  8. Place all of the egg whites and two egg yolks in a bowl. (You'll need one egg yolk to brush on top of the bread.)
  9. Add the egg whites and egg yolks into the bowl with the proofed yeast. Add the vinegar and the remaining warm water (1 1/4 cup/ 300 ml).
  10. Use a hand mixer or a stand mixer and process until well combined. Add the dried mixture, about 1/2 cup at a time and process well.
  11. Gradually add more until you use all of it.
  12. Transfer the dough into the lined loaf pan. Spread using a spatula and optionally draw a line in the middle to create a slit effect.
  13. Place in the oven and let it proof with the oven light on to 60 minutes.
  14. Once the dough has proofed, remove from the oven. Preheat the oven to 175 °C/ 350 °F (fan assisted), or 195 °C/ 380 °F (conventional). Whisk the remaining egg yolk with about 2 teaspoons of water. Gently brush on top of the bread without pressing too much (do not deflate the bread).
  15. Optionally, sprinkle with sesame seeds and transfer into the preheated oven. Bake for about 60 minutes. You can optionally cover the top of the bread with a foil for the last 15 to 20 minutes of the baking process (this will prevent any burning).
  16. Once baked, remove from the oven and let it cool down. If you have another loaf pan, grab the edges of the parchment paper and transfer the bread to the second pan. This will minimise condensation and reduce moisture that has accumulated in the first pan.
  17. Once completely cool, slice and serve. Store at room temperature loosely covered with kitchen towel for up to 3 days.
  18. Eat just like bread — with butter, cream cheese and/or chia jam or use to make a sandwich.
  19. To store for longer, slice the whole loaf and freeze in batches of 2 to 4 slices for up to 3 months.

Nutrition (per 1 slice)

Net Carbs1.6g
Saturated Fat1.4g

Detailed nutritional breakdown (per 1 slice)

Net carbsProteinFatCalories
Total per 1 slice
1.6 g8.7 g5.3 g101 kcal
Water, still
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Yeast, active dry yeast
0.1 g0.4 g0 g3 kcal
Yacon syrup - used with yeast
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Egg white, fresh
0.1 g1.3 g0 g6 kcal
Egg, yolk, raw, fresh
0.1 g0.6 g1 g12 kcal
Apple cider vinegar
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Sesame flour, fine, defatted
0.4 g3.3 g1.4 g29 kcal
Flax meal (flaxmeal), ground flaxseed
0.1 g1 g2.3 g29 kcal
Coconut flour, organic
0.5 g0.7 g0.6 g16 kcal
Whey protein powder (protein isolate, Jay Robb)
0.1 g1.4 g0 g6 kcal
Psyllium husks, whole
0.2 g0 g0 g1 kcal
Cream of tartar, raising agent
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Baking soda, raising agent (bicarbonate of soda)
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Salt, sea salt
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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Comments (143)

May I use Cup 4 Cup instead of the 1 1/4 of Defated Sesame Flour?  If not where can I get the Defated Sesame Flour?

Are you planning to use ground sesame seeds? Or other alternatives? The conversions are listed in the recipe post but let me know if you meant something else!

I am wondering if anyone has used SAF instant yeast.  That is what I have on hand and have used with gluten cinnamon rolls I bake for Squadron Christmas gift giving.  Regular yeast is expensive and I am trying to be mindful of our grocery money.

Yes, if you use instant yeast, you just add it straight to the dry ingredients. You won't need to use sugar either.

Some extra tips not mentioned for those using a bread machine.
Use a program that only has a single knead before rise and bake. Any additional kneads will destroy the rise and produce a flat loaf.
A program with a longer rise time than shorter is better.
I had best results by mixing  both wet and dry ingredients first (in separate bowls) as per instructions before layering wet, then dry into bread pan. Keeping wet mildly warm (40 to 45 dec C, 105 to 115 F will maximises rise. I warmed the bread pan first and put eggs in separate bowl in the oven while using oven to activate the yeast.
Dry active yeast instead of instant produces best rise and I also add separate ‘bread machine yeast improver’ to dry ingredients to maximise rise.
I reduced liquid by 30 ml. Reducing too much the machine may struggle mixing properly.

Just adding some comments not yet included in prior feedback for those attempting to use this recipe in a bread machine.
First and foremost, it’s imperative that you choose a program that only performs a single knead on the ingredients prior to the rise and bake period. Even one additional minor knead after the first on this loaf will completely destroy the rise rendering the loaf flat.
If your manual doesn’t break down the knead/rise/bake times, then I’d encourage running the machine programs with mock ingredients or even empty during other activities so you can listen, check and jot notes for each part of the making cycle to find an appropriate program. Noting that even Gluten Free programs on some machines unhelpfully incur multiple kneads! Ideally find one that has a short single  knead, a rise of at least an hour (longer is fine, it just enhances the rise and boosts yeast favour a bit more) and I found a longer bake (50 mins to 1 hr) is generally better for this 1kg loaf.
I reduced water by 30ml and would encourage following the recipe instructions of mixing the dry ingredients in one bowl, then properly mixing all wet in another before layering in wet, then dry in the bread maker pan. Ensuring the wet are all nice and warm as instructed to optimise the rise.
If your machine has a forced rest period prior to kneading (mine does) use that time to prep ingredients in such a way that you put everything in the pan a short time before the knead starts so the yeast is still nice and active. I also warm the pan with a little warm water first.
As others have said you’ll  get the best rise using dry active yeast instead of instant, and if you can get your hands on ‘bread machine yeast improver’ available at some supermarkets, a heaped teaspoon added to dry ingredients mix will help the rise even further.

Thank you SO MUCH, this is so helpful!

Hi Martina, up the top in the conversions for replacing defatted sesame seed flour with ground sesame seeds you state “use 1 cup packed ground sesame seeds (140 g/ 5 oz) for every 1 cup fine defated sesame flour (100 g/ 3.5 oz)”, but in the recipe you state the 100g/3.5oz defatted flour volume as being 1-1/4 cups. I’m just wondering which it is please as i’ll use ground sesame seeds so want to use the right upscale ratio. Also, have you ever tried this in a bread machine. Thanks!

I'm sorry it took a while to reply, I have been enjoying the fourth trimester with our twins 😊 Well spotted, thank you I'll fix that. The amount in the ingredients is correct.

ALL THOSE HELPFUL HINTS. So proud of this webster. Tries to help people understand. So grand! A few tips for what it's worth (not much):
BLOOMING YEAST: An old lady whose mother made her make bread each Sat.  Blooming yeast is easy. Just run your hand under the sink until it is lukewarm, that will do it. Also, a TINY amount of sugar (or honey) will start the process, but you really DO NOT need to do this if you have active yeast. The sweet stuff proves it's alive.
DON'T KILL IT: So when it comes to the yeast, I made sure my eggs were not cold. Just sayin'.
FLAXSEED & ESTROGEN DOMINANCE: For those of you with estrogen dominance, do NOT use flaxseed in any way, it is very estrogenic.

Obviously you can't use sugar or honey in this recipe. Neither are keto friendly. Why suggest these on a keto recipe?

It absolutely can be used and I explained why.  I mentioned it in multiple parts of the recipe 😉

My first try with this recipe resulted in a very dense loaf that didn’t rise, due to the instant yeast. (Still it was very good and we are both loaves ☺️) Took your advice today and used a type which I could see bubble. It turned great! The first attempt, I stored the loaves in a paper bag and had no trouble with it being too moist. Thanks for an amazing recipe!

Thank you for your feedback Laurie, that's good to know!

Well, mine's rising in the pan, I've used live fresh yeast, and ut seems tobe working nicely. Unfortunately my scales decided to stop registering just as I was adding the psyllium husk, and igadn'tthought it through, I was weighing by composite adding, so I suspect there might be a bit too much, and I imagine that will affect the texture and final rise, but looking forward to the  result whatever

Oh no that happened to me when I was working on my Panettone recipe. Luckily it was ok but I always worry with baked recipes. Psyllium is the one ingredient that may alter the recipe as it's highly absorbent but I think if you used a tablespoon measure, you should be fine. I hope it came out great!

It did, it was lovely, the best bread I've tried since I went keto, including commercial ones. Nice colour, good crust, nice texture, though fairly close crumbed. The taste was bland, as bread is, it was lovely with just butter and cut very well. Tomorrow I shall try it toasted with butter and marmite, or maybe my favourite lunch recipe - toast, butter and marmite, with cheddar cheese completely covering it so that the crusts don't get burnt. Pop it under the grill till the cheese warms up then top it with thin slices of tomato and back under the grill till the tomato is cooked and the cheese bubbling. I'm really looking forward to it - thank you so much for producing such a great recipe and sharing it

This bread is amazing - despite my slip with the  psyllium husk, it turned out beautifully. I tried it toasted for lunch, with cheese and tomato grilled on top  and then at teatime i had a slice just spread with butter with a large salad meal. Both delicious. I shall no longer feel restricted and as if I'm on a diet, as really I will be eating as I always have as far as meal styles go - basic fresh foods (all my weight problems are 100% down to sugar addiction and having eliminated sugar and most other carbs I'm in control and don't want them )
Thank you so much for your hard work developing this bread

Thank you Robbie, I'm glad you enjoyed!

Hello. I'm trying to find a way to use wheat gluten. Can I add it or can I substitute anything in this recipe?
Thank you for your time

Hi Priscilla, I'd love to be able to help but since I don't eat (and can't eat) gluten, I haven't tried this. I'd probably use a small amount, such as 1/4 cup and use it instead of the protein powder. But I'm only guessing!

If I triple the recipe, should I triple the yeast amount as well?

Yes, you will need to triple all of the ingredients.

Is there a way to test if the bread is done? Should it be a specific temperature, should a toothpick come out clean? Thanks.

I think the best way is to use a wooden stick. I've baked this bread for even longer (by accident) and it's ok to do that. Longer baking is not an issue as long as the top is not burnt.

This is a delicious recipe… Thank you so much for posting it!
I do have a question about the posted net carb count. When I do the math, I end up with 4.7 g of net carbs per slice, based on 12 slices per loaf. I see that you come up with only 1.7 grams per slice. Just wondering where my calculations have gone wrong. Thanks for any clarification that you can provide!

Thank you Adele! Is that when you're using another app? It's very common to get errors. In my recipes I only use verified data sources and I avoid using branded product data as they are crowd sourced and prone to errors. In our app ( we tag foods included in the database with badges that indicate the trust levels. I hope this helps!

Wonderful! I will definitely download the app!
Thanks so much!

I made this bread for my husband yesterday with almond flour. I used fast acting yeast and you said it does not have to be activated but I was not sure if I still had to add the sugar or not.  I left it out and the dough still puffed up by the end of the hour. I covered it loosely with foil toward the end of the cooking time because it was getting quite brown on top but when I removed it the puffed up crust had deflated. When I cut the bread it had a hole all along the top. He hasn't tried it yet but I hope he likes it better than the paleo bread I have been making him. The slices are a lot smaller and it tends to crumble a lot on the top so cannot be toasted in a toaster.  

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. I had hollow bread a few times and have written about it in this recipe: The Best Low-Carb & Paleo Bread - The Ultimate Guide
If you're using fast-acting yeast, you can mix it directly into the dry ingredients and then add (the same amount of) liquid ingredients including the yacon syrup or other nutritive sweetener (sugar, honey or maple syrup).
You then need to let the dough proof in the oven. It should take a lot less for the bread to rise when using fast-acting yeast, just about 15 minutes.
I prefer using dry active yeast as I can easily confirm if the yeast is alive and ok to bake with (in the first "foaming" step).
I hope the next batch comes out great!

What can I replace sesame seed flour?

Hi Nina, please read the recipe - there's a section on substitutions.

I followed the recipe exactly, except did not let the bread rise as long as I should've because I needed the oven for dinner. It was still delicious and fairly fluffy! I got 14 full slices out of it, and will be trying to make a "sweet" loaf soon with defatted peanut flour and vanilla whey + some stevia.
Have you ever tried increasing the whey protein powder?

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback! I haven't tried adding more protein powder but it I think that it can't hurt. It should make the bread even fluffier and less crumbly.

Forgot to mention which way I made it:  Used my own ground sesame seeds because that's what I had on hand, reduced water like you suggested, used 8 egg whites from a carton because, again that's what I had on hand, no whole eggs because of the extra fat in homemade ground sesame seed flour, per your suggestion.  Next time I will grind the sesame flour 24 hours ahead of time and spread it out on a pan to help it dry out.  It was a little moist but I can work on that.  5 Stars!

That is a good point to skip egg yolks when using ground sesame seeds. I can see why that can help! 😊

Holy freakin cow.....this is amazing.  I've been looking for a keto bread for years that didn't add in unnecessary chemicals and unnecessary high amounts of fiber nutrititionless fillers.  I wanted a bread filled with nutrition and have it taste good AND be keto.  My bread didn't rise as high as yours, but it did rise and that yeast flavor!  This has such a delicious and mild flavor I can eat it with butter.  Very very happy.  Good Job

Thank you so much, glad to hear it was a success!

I’m glad I discovered this recipe, as I am avoiding gluten and dairy. I have recently started an exercise and nutritional plan that promotes a higher protein diet. For the last few months I have learned how to make gluten-free bread, however these recipes are grain-based therefore quite high in carbs. Your recipe might save my breakfast ritual! I am wondering if I can replace the defatted sesame flour with defatted peanut powder (PB&Me defatted peanut butter powder) or pea protein powder? I have read in one of the comments that I can replace the whey protein isolate with collagen protein powder, which is great because that’s what I have in my pantry. Also, can I replace the egg yolks with olive oil?
I have plenty of psyllium husk powder, so it will have to for now.
Thank you Martina for this recipe and all the tips, I’m looking forward to experimenting!

That sounds like an interesting idea! I'd love to help here but these are too many substitutions and I would only be guessing as I have tried none of them.
I only used peanut powder ingredient once to make truffles. I remember it was very dry. You may need some additional liquids but I would have to test that. I'm not sure about pea protein powder either as this is not an ingredient I use in large quantities. I use whey protein powder in keto baking as it improves the texture but I only use 1/4 to 1/2 cup and never as a replacement for the main baking ingredient.
If you try any of these alternatives, please do share them here, I'm intrigued!

One of the instructions says decrease the water but the water amount is increased?

Hi Alisa, I'm not sure what you're referring to, are you using any substitutions? That is when I suggested you may need to decrease the amount of water.

I accidentally purchased the psyllium already powdered... what should I do if I want to try to use it?

That shouldn't be an issue if you get the fine, light ground psyllium. The reason I recommend grinding it myself is that some types of psyllium is dense and heavy. It is also a lot darker. You can see the comparison picture to tell whether you have the right product.

I just made this bread, but there are so many steps and alternatives I missed two key suggestions. First, the one about using whole psyllium husks and grinding yourself...I have both ground and whole husks in my pantry. I also missed the suggestion to use defatted sesame flour. I don’t have defatted sesame flour, just the regular sesame flour, so I would have used the flour I have on hand anyway. My loaf turned out very flat, dense and was way too moist. The texture/taste was very strongly “Psyllium” dominant, which I don’t particularly enjoy. BUT! I was able to salvage it by slicing it very thin, brushing the slices with olive oil and sprinkling a bit of granulated garlic and salt to create some very delicious and crunchy crostini by placing the slices in the dehydrator for a few hours. I also tried them in a very low oven, but the dehydrator yielded the best results. I’m very happy with the final product, and would make it again...just the way it is!

I'm sorry Pati, that must have been disappointing! At least you made a keto crostini using this recipe! 😊
All of the suggestions and alternatives are mentioned in the post, I know it's long but it's one of those recipes that can be made in different ways but only with adjustments. I can't guarantee results otherwise.
I do list "defated" sesame flour in the ingredients but I'll add a note to the first step to read the instructions if anyone decides to use alternatives to make sure that this doesn't happen again. I hope the next batch comes out great!

Thank-you for this recipe. I have been making yiur Ultimate keto buns and making that into bread,  which I enjoy very much. Like everyone else, I miss the aroma and taste of a yeast bread. I cannot seem to find defatted sesame or almond flour here in Canada so I made it for the first time today with regular almond flour. While it didn't rise the way I had hoped and the bread is a little on the heavy side, the flavour is wonderful. The texture is till a little moister than a wheat bread but I can sure live with that. I may experiment with some sunflower flour to see what the flavour is like.
Thank you, Martina. I have several of your cook books and find the recipes always work and I love the way you add instruction so there is less room for failure!

Thank you so much Cathy, I'm glad you enjoyed! I wish it was easier to find sesame flour. I may have good news for you, I found it on! It should be the same that I am using, based on the texture. It's called "Kevala - Organic Sesame Flour". I use one from Sukrin and I'm surprised it's not available as I can see they do have Sukrin sweeteners.

Hi, can you substitute collagen protein powder for the whey protein powder?

Hi Marie, yes you can do that. I haven't tried it in this recipe but I commonly use us in cakes and it works just as well as whey protein. I hope this helps!

Hi Martina,
I have made this bread several times and never had good luck.  I live at very high altitude (10750ft).  I have tried tweaking several ingredients but still can't keep this from falling.  I am determined.
My best loaf was made with 1-1/4c. almond flour, 1/2 c. lupin flour, wheat gluten for protein and 1 T. coffee berry flour for that sweet whole wheat look. I want to make sure I am reading your recipe correctly.
I one sentence you state that you should use 2 c. almond flour.  In another you state that 1 c. of sesame flour is equivalent to 3/4 c. almond flour.  These two amounts are conflicting?  Can you clarify?  Thanks

I'm sorry to hear that Jill! I've never lived at high altitudes so I can only provide usual generic tips for baking. 11K ft is a lot of fine tuning! I'll try to do some research on high altitude baking to see if I can find more tips. I think you may be referring to this section which I'll further clarify as I can see how "defatted almond flour" and "almond flour" can get mixed up:
"1 cup fine defated sesame flour = 3/4 cup fine defated almond flour
If you can't find defated almond flour or defated sesame flour, use twice as much of almond flour (see section above for more information)."
This means that you can either use 3/4 cup fine defated almond flour OR 2 cups regular almond flour. I'll also add weights to all just to make sure it's all there.
Another thing I'd try is making 12 burger buns instead of a loaf. Generally speaking they are less likely to fall. You'll need to bake them for 15-20 less minutes so keep that in mind.
UPDATE: I made this recipe into burger buns today and I used fine defated almond flour to replace the sesame flour. I used 1 1/4 cup defated almond flour. so I adjusted the tip above to "1 cup fine defated sesame flour = 1 cup fine defated almond flour" as it worked better.

Hi Martina
I have been unable to find whole psyllium husks where I reside...any suggestions? Thank you

Hi Fehmida, Amazon and most online "health food" stores should have it. It may be available in some grocery stores but online is your best bet. Where do you live?

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