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Low-Carb Green Eggs with Smoked Salmon

4.8 stars, average of 16 ratings

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Don't let a busy morning stop you from having a delicious breakfast. If you're hungry but barely have 10 minutes, make these simple low-carb green eggs and salmon in just 5 minutes!

A simple meal made with whole foods combined with intermittent fasting is the best way to keep keto eating effortless and easy to follow in the long run. I usually eat just two meals per day so this would either be my breakfast, brunch or lunch. For more super simple breakfast ideas, check pour some of these keto recipes:

For more easy keto recipes, check out my latest Keto Simple Cookbook 😊 It is available in most major book stores.

We want low-carb and keto to be accessible to everyone no matter what their dietary preferences and restrictions are. There are hundreds of simple keto recipes freely available on my blog so make sure to check them out and use the recipe filtering tool to find exactly what you're looking for.

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Allergy information for Low-Carb Green Eggs with Smoked Salmon

✔  Gluten free
✔  Dairy free
✔  Nut free
✔  Nightshade free
✔  Pork free
✔  Avocado free
✔  Coconut free
✔  Beef free

Nutritional values (per serving)

Net carbs2.6 grams
Protein41.4 grams
Fat51.8 grams
Calories654 kcal
Calories from carbs 2%, protein 26%, fat 72%
Total carbs5.6 gramsFiber3 gramsSugars1.3 gramsSaturated fat17.8 gramsSodium1,805 mg(78% RDA)Magnesium146 mg(37% RDA)Potassium1,386 mg(69% EMR)

Ingredients (makes 1 serving)

  • 100 g frozen spinach, thawed and drained (3.5 oz)
  • 1 tbsp ghee, lard or duck fat (15 ml)
  • 3 large eggs
  • sea salt and ground black pepper, to taste
  • 3 slices smoked salmon (85 g/ 3 oz)
  • 1 tbsp chopped chives or spring onion
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (15 ml)


  1. Squeeze out all the excess water from the spinach. (You should end up with just about 43 g/ 1.5 oz drained spinach per serving.) Low-Carb Green Eggs with Smoked Salmon
  2. In a bowl, lightly beat the eggs with salt and pepper until just combined. Chop the drained spinach and set aside. Low-Carb Green Eggs with Smoked Salmon
  3. Pour in the eggs and swirl the pan to coat the bottom. Using a wooden spoon or a rubber spatula, gently push the edges into the middle of the pan. The uncooked runny eggs should spill out and coat the base of the pan.
  4. After just about a minute, add the chopped spinach. Cook until the eggs are just set, and then remove from heat. Low-Carb Green Eggs with Smoked Salmon
  5. To serve, place the eggs on a plate and add the smoked salmon. Sprinkle with chives and drizzle with olive oil. Serve immediately. Low-Carb Green Eggs with Smoked Salmon

Green Eggs with Smoked Salmon

4.8 stars, average of 16 ratings
Green Eggs with Smoked Salmon
Don't let a busy morning stop you from having a delicious breakfast. Make these simple low-carb scrambled eggs with spinach and salmon in just 5 minutes!
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Ingredients (makes 1 serving)

  • 100 g frozen spinach, thawed and drained (3.5 oz)
  • 1 tbsp ghee, lard or duck fat (15 ml)
  • 3 large eggs
  • sea salt and ground black pepper, to taste
  • 3 slices smoked salmon (85 g/ 3 oz)
  • 1 tbsp chopped chives or spring onion
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (15 ml)


  1. Squeeze out all the excess water from the spinach. (You should end up with just about 43 g/ 1.5 oz drained spinach per serving.)
  2. In a bowl, lightly beat the eggs with salt and pepper until just combined. Chop the drained spinach and set aside.
  3. Pour in the eggs and swirl the pan to coat the bottom. Using a wooden spoon or a rubber spatula, gently push the edges into the middle of the pan. The uncooked runny eggs should spill out and coat the base of the pan.
  4. After just about a minute, add the chopped spinach. Cook until the eggs are just set, and then remove from heat.
  5. To serve, place the eggs on a plate and add the smoked salmon. Sprinkle with chives and drizzle with olive oil. Serve immediately.

Nutrition (per )

Net Carbs2.6g
Saturated Fat17.8g

Detailed nutritional breakdown (per serving)

Net carbsProteinFatCalories
Total per serving
2.6 g41.4 g51.8 g654 kcal
Spinach, frozen
1.3 g3.6 g0.6 g29 kcal
0 g0 g15 g136 kcal
Egg, whole, fresh, raw (free-range or organic eggs)
1.1 g18.8 g14.3 g215 kcal
Salt, sea salt
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Pepper, black, spices
0.1 g0 g0 g1 kcal
Salmon, wild, smoked
0 g18.8 g8.4 g153 kcal
Chives, fresh
0.1 g0.1 g0 g1 kcal
Olive oil, extra virgin
0 g0 g13.5 g119 kcal

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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