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Perfect Ribeye Steak with Gremolata

4.7 stars, average of 59 ratings

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Perfect Ribeye Steak with GremolataPin itFollow us 148.4k

Everyone should know how to make a perfect steak. I love this cut of beef and prefer it to sirloin because of the extra fat. This recipe shows an easy method that works great and produces evenly cooked meat: nicely browned on the outside, juicy and pink inside.

The most important thing is to always rest the meat and not overcook it. I love serving it with Gremolata or Chimichurri, both are delicious herb-based condiments. Another way to serve steaks is with cheese sauce or creamy mushroom sauce (one of the recipes in KetoDiet App).

I used a small steak. You should choose the size based on your energy needs and your ideal protein intake. As you may know, carbs are not the only factor to consider when following a low-carb ketogenic diet. I always go for a small or medium sized steak. Here is an overview of the average protein and fat content:

  • small: 200 g/ 7.1 oz: 38 grams protein, 40 g fat
  • medium: 250 g/ 8.8 oz: 47 grams protein, 50 g fat
  • large: 300 g/ 10.6 oz: 56 g protein, 60 g fat
  • extra large: 350 g/ 12.3 oz: 66 g protein, 69 g fat

Hands-on Overall

Serving size 1 steak with gremolata

Allergy information for Perfect Ribeye Steak with Gremolata

✔  Gluten free
✔  Dairy free
✔  Egg free
✔  Nut free
✔  Nightshade free
✔  Pork free
✔  Avocado free
✔  Coconut free
✔  Fish free
✔  Shellfish free
✔  Beef free

Nutritional values (per 1 steak with gremolata)

Net carbs1.3 grams
Protein38.1 grams
Fat62.2 grams
Calories722 kcal
Calories from carbs 1%, protein 21%, fat 78%
Total carbs1.8 gramsFiber0.5 gramsSugars0.2 gramsSaturated fat28.5 gramsSodium434 mg(19% RDA)Magnesium67 mg(17% RDA)Potassium890 mg(44% EMR)

Ingredients (makes 2 servings)

  • 2 small ribeye steaks (400 g/ 14.1 oz)
  • sea salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tbsp ghee (15 ml)
  • 4 tbsp freshly chopped parsley
  • 2 cloves garlic, mashed
  • 2 tsp freshly grated organic lemon zest
  • 3 tbsp ghee or extra virgin olive oil


  1. Allow the steak to sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. Using a paper towel, pat the excess blood off. Toss with some melted ghee and season with salt and pepper. The ghee may solidify even at room temperature which is perfectly normal. (Note: Make sure you season the steak after you toss it with oil. You don't want to wash the seasoning off.) Perfect Ribeye Steak with Gremolata
  2. Prepare the Gremolata by mixing the melted ghee (or olive oil), freshly chopped parsley, crushed garlic and finely grated lemon zest. Season with salt to taste. Set aside for later. If using ghee, keep warm or it may solidify. Perfect Ribeye Steak with Gremolata
  3. Fry in a very hot heavy based pan over a high heat for 2-4 minutes on each side to let the meat caramelise and seal in the juices. When you see the sides getting brown, it's time to flip it over. The exact time depends on the size of your steak. Small would take 2 minutes, while large up to 4 minutes to brown. Reduce to a medium heat and continue to cook for further 4 minutes (rare), 7 minutes (medium), 11 minutes (well done). There is no need to turn the steak again. If you use a thermometer, the steak should read 52-60 °C/ 125-140 °F (rare to medium-rare).
    Perfect Ribeye Steak with Gremolata
  4. Remove the steak from the pan and allow it to rest in a warm place for 5-7 minutes. The steak will finish cooking in the residual heat as the temperature slowly goes down. The best way to rest the steak is to fold it up in parchment paper and then in a kitchen towel. This will keep it juicy and equally pink inside. Perfect Ribeye Steak with Gremolata
  5. When ready to be served, place on a serving plate. Perfect Ribeye Steak with Gremolata
  6. Serve with the Gremolata and try Creamy Keto Mash. If serving with keto mash, you won't need to add any ghee on top of the mash - use the Gremolata instead! Perfect Ribeye Steak with Gremolata

Perfect Ribeye Steak with Gremolata

4.7 stars, average of 59 ratings
Perfect Ribeye Steak with Gremolata
Juicy and tender ribeye steak cooked to perfection and served with fresh herby gremolata and cauli mash.
Hands on15m

Ingredients (makes 2 servings)

  • Steaks:

  • 2 small ribeye steaks (400 g/ 14.1 oz)
  • sea salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tbsp ghee (15 ml)
  • Gremolata:

  • 4 tbsp freshly chopped parsley
  • 2 cloves garlic, mashed
  • 2 tsp freshly grated organic lemon zest
  • 3 tbsp ghee or extra virgin olive oil


  1. Allow the steak to sit at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. Using a paper towel, pat the excess blood off. Toss with some melted ghee and season with salt and pepper. The ghee may solidify even at room temperature which is perfectly normal. (Note: Make sure you season the steak after you toss it with oil. You don't want to wash the seasoning off.)
  2. Prepare the Gremolata by mixing the melted ghee (or olive oil), freshly chopped parsley, crushed garlic and finely grated lemon zest. Season with salt to taste. Set aside for later. If using ghee, keep warm or it may solidify.
  3. Fry in a very hot heavy based pan over a high heat for 2-4 minutes on each side to let the meat caramelise and seal in the juices. When you see the sides getting brown, it's time to flip it over. The exact time depends on the size of your steak. Small would take 2 minutes, while large up to 4 minutes to brown. Reduce to a medium heat and continue to cook for further 4 minutes (rare), 7 minutes (medium), 11 minutes (well done). There is no need to turn the steak again. If you use a thermometer, the steak should read 52-60 °C/ 125-140 °F (rare to medium-rare).
  4. Remove the steak from the pan and allow it to rest in a warm place for 5-7 minutes. The steak will finish cooking in the residual heat as the temperature slowly goes down. The best way to rest the steak is to fold it up in parchment paper and then in a kitchen towel. This will keep it juicy and equally pink inside.
  5. When ready to be served, place on a serving plate.
  6. Serve with the Gremolata and try Creamy Keto Mash. If serving with keto mash, you won't need to add any ghee on top of the mash - use the Gremolata instead!

Nutrition (per 1 steak with gremolata)

Net Carbs1.3g
Saturated Fat28.5g

Detailed nutritional breakdown (per 1 steak with gremolata)

Net carbsProteinFatCalories
Total per 1 steak with gremolata
1.3 g38.1 g62.2 g722 kcal
Ribeye steak, beef, grass-fed, raw
0 g37.6 g39.6 g510 kcal
Salt, pink Himalayan rock salt
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Pepper, black, spices
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Garlic, fresh
0.9 g0.2 g0 g4 kcal
Parsley, fresh (spices)
0.2 g0.2 g0.1 g3 kcal
Lemon zest (peel), fresh
0.1 g0 g0 g1 kcal
0 g0 g22.5 g204 kcal

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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Comments (8)

Thank you so much for this awesome recipe and for all you Keto knowledge you share with my husband and I forge forward with this new ketogenic cuisine , we really appreciate you and your time sharing your delicious recipes, tips and is such a great help to us....thanks again

Thank you so much Cyndikay!

IS the nutritional value including the gremolata? if so what is it alone?

Hello Adamie, yes it includes the gremolata. The best way to quickly see the effect of substitutions or when you want to omit ingredients would be to use the "clone" function in the app in Custom Meals and then change the recipe as you wish. You can do that directly in the recipe in our App as all recipes that are shared on my blog can also be found in the app (full integration).

Searing the meat on both sides does not "seal" anything. The purpose of searing is caramelize the meat for added flavor.

Thank you - you do have a point there! It is mostly used for the flavour.

Cool! Never thought of eating my steak with gremolata. I think I just found my new favourite 😊

I'm sure you'll like it 😊