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Fluffy Keto Angel Food Cake

4.9 stars, average of 18 ratings

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Fluffy Keto Angel Food CakePin itFollow us 148.4k

Enjoy the ultimate guilt-free treat with our fluffy low-carb, sugar-free, and gluten-free Angel Food Cake!

This heavenly creation is not only light, fluffy, and irresistibly delicious, but it's also high in protein and very low in calories. With delicate flavors of vanilla and almond, this cake is the perfect indulgence while keeping your health goals in check. Get ready to experience a slice of pure bliss that's both satisfying and nourishing.

Recipe Tips

You will end up with a lot of leftover egg yolks when making this Keto Angel Food Cake. Don't waste these egg yolks! Used them to make other recipes including Mayonnaise, Hollandaise Sauce, Lemon Curd or Passion Fruit Curd.

Do I need to grease the pan?

When making Angel Food Cake, leave the tube pan ungreased. The cake batter needs to cling to the sides of the pan to help it rise and maintain its structure. Greasing the pan can make it difficult for the cake to properly climb up the sides while baking, potentially resulting in a deflated cake.

How do I prevent the cake from sticking?

To prevent sticking, you can use an alternative method to greasing to ensure the cake releases easily from the pan after baking. Once the cake is done, invert the pan onto a wire rack and allow it to cool completely while still in the pan. This allows gravity to help prevent the cake from collapsing.

Once cooled, gently run a thin knife or spatula around the edges of the pan, including the center tube, to loosen the cake. Finally, carefully lift the cake out of the pan by gently pulling the center tube or using the removable bottom, if applicable.

Here are some swaps:

  • Instead of 1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar-free vanilla extract you can use 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla bean powder.
  • Instead of defatted almond flour, which is similar to coconut flour in texture, you can use 2 cups (200 g/ 7.1 oz) of regular almond flour. Make sure to sift the flour in to avoid large clumps and uneven texture.
  • Carton egg whites can be used instead of fresh eggs whites. You should use about 400 grams (14.1 oz) carton egg whites to replace replace 12 large egg whites.
  • Cream of tartar is used to stabilise the egg whites so they can hold their shape. If you don't have cream of tartar, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of lemon juice of apple cider vinegar.
  • Do not be tempted to use more almond extract. I've tried versions with double the amount and it was way too overpowering. 1/2 teaspoon of almond extract was just perfect.

Fluffy Keto Angel Food CakePin itFollow us 148.4k

Hands-on Overall

Serving size slice

Allergy information for Fluffy Keto Angel Food Cake

✔  Gluten free
✔  Dairy free
✔  Nightshade free
✔  Pork free
✔  Avocado free
✔  Coconut free
✔  Fish free
✔  Shellfish free
✔  Beef free

Nutritional values (per slice)

Net carbs1.8 grams
Protein8.6 grams
Fat1.3 grams
Calories61 kcal
Calories from carbs 14%, protein 64%, fat 22%
Total carbs2.5 gramsFiber0.7 gramsSugars0.9 gramsSaturated fat0.1 gramsSodium69 mg(3% RDA)Magnesium27 mg(7% RDA)Potassium137 mg(7% EMR)

Ingredients (makes 12 servings)


  1. For an ultra-fluffy cake, incorporate defatted almond flour into the recipe. If you don't have it, check recipe tips above for substitutions. Prepare a stand mixer with a balloon whisk attachment or a large mixing bowl for a hand mixer. Fluffy Keto Angel Food Cake
  2. Preheat the oven to 175 °C/ 350 °F (fan assisted), or 195 °C/ 380 °F (conventional). Place the egg whites in the mixer bowl along with a pinch of salt and cream of tartar. Process on high speed until soft peaks form. Fluffy Keto Angel Food Cake
  3. Add the sweetener, vanilla extract, and almond extract. Continue processing on high speed until stiff peaks form.
  4. Turn off the mixer and sift in half of the almond flour. Process on low speed while sifting in the remaining almond flour, ensuring thorough incorporation. Alternatively, gently fold in the almond flour using a rubber spatula. Avoid over-mixing, as this could deflate the egg whites. Fluffy Keto Angel Food Cake
  5. Transfer the mixture to a large, ungreased cake pan specifically designed for angel food cakes or a large bundt cake pan (preferably 10 inches or 25 cm).
  6. Place in the oven and bake for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, reduce the heat to 140 °C/ 285 °F (fan assisted), or 160 °C/ 320 °F (conventional) and continue baking for an additional 40 to 50 minutes (more if you use regular almond flour instead of defated). Fluffy Keto Angel Food Cake
  7. When ready, the top should be golden and the cake should be cooked through. To ensure the cake is thoroughly cooked, check for a golden top and use a wooden stick to test for doneness. Fluffy Keto Angel Food Cake
  8. Once baked, remove the cake from the oven and allow it to cool before removing from the pan and slicing. (For tips on achieving a fluffy cake that doesn't stick, refer to the recipe tips provided above.) Fluffy Keto Angel Food Cake
  9. Serve with fresh berries and whipped cream or sugar-free custard. Store at room temperature loosely covered with a kitchen towel for up to 3 days, or in the fridge in an airtight container for up to a week. Fluffy Keto Angel Food Cake

Angel Food Cake

4.9 stars, average of 18 ratings
Angel Food Cake
This light, fluffy, low-carb, keto, and protein-rich treat is incredibly low in calories, making it the perfect choice for those seeking a satisfying yet guilt-free dessert.
Hands on10m
Overall1h 10m

Ingredients (makes 12 servings)

  • 12 large egg whites
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
  • 1 1/2 tsp sugar-free vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp sugar-free almond extract
  • 1 cup granulated Allulose (200 g/ 7.1 oz)
  • 1 cup defatted almond flour (120 g/ 4.2 oz)


  1. For an ultra-fluffy cake, incorporate defatted almond flour into the recipe. If you don't have it, check recipe tips above for substitutions. Prepare a stand mixer with a balloon whisk attachment or a large mixing bowl for a hand mixer.
  2. Preheat the oven to 175 °C/ 350 °F (fan assisted), or 195 °C/ 380 °F (conventional). Place the egg whites in the mixer bowl along with a pinch of salt and cream of tartar. Process on high speed until soft peaks form.
  3. Add the sweetener, vanilla extract, and almond extract. Continue processing on high speed until stiff peaks form.
  4. Turn off the mixer and sift in half of the almond flour. Process on low speed while sifting in the remaining almond flour, ensuring thorough incorporation. Alternatively, gently fold in the almond flour using a rubber spatula. Avoid over-mixing, as this could deflate the egg whites.
  5. Transfer the mixture to a large, ungreased cake pan specifically designed for angel food cakes or a large bundt cake pan (preferably 10 inches or 25 cm).
  6. Place in the oven and bake for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, reduce the heat to 140 °C/ 285 °F (fan assisted), or 160 °C/ 320 °F (conventional) and continue baking for an additional 40 to 50 minutes (more if you use regular almond flour instead of defated).
  7. When ready, the top should be golden and the cake should be cooked through. To ensure the cake is thoroughly cooked, check for a golden top and use a wooden stick to test for doneness.
  8. Once baked, remove the cake from the oven and allow it to cool before removing from the pan and slicing. (For tips on achieving a fluffy cake that doesn't stick, refer to the recipe tips provided above.)
  9. Serve with fresh berries and whipped cream or sugar-free custard. Store at room temperature loosely covered with a kitchen towel for up to 3 days, or in the fridge in an airtight container for up to a week.

Nutrition (per slice)

Net Carbs1.8g
Saturated Fat0.1g

Detailed nutritional breakdown (per slice)

Net carbsProteinFatCalories
Total per slice
1.8 g8.6 g1.3 g61 kcal
Egg white, fresh
0.2 g3.6 g0.1 g17 kcal
Salt, sea salt
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Cream of tartar, raising agent
0.1 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Vanilla extract, sugar-free, alcohol-based
0 g0 g0 g1 kcal
Natural extract, sugar-free (maple, peppermint, almond, orange, lemon, coconut, cherry, etc.)
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Allulose, natural low-carb sweetener
0.8 g0 g0 g3 kcal
Almond flour (deoiled, defatted, fine)
0.7 g5 g1.2 g39 kcal

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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Comments (2)

So I haven't had loads of angel food cake in the paste so I wasn't sure entirely what to expect, but I made a smaller version of this earlier today to use up 4 x egg whites after making keto ice cream, and it turned out so nice! I scaled down all the ingredients by 3 and used a deep 5-inch cake tin, and the baking times were spot on for my fan oven. I did 10 minutes at 175 C and then 40 minutes at 140 C, and this was with regular almond flour (66 g... which is one-third of 200 g, the recommended full amount in this recipe if using regular almond flour instead of defatted) - perfect! The only issue was that some of the base stuck at the bottom of the cake tin, but not enough to cause any great distress... I just ate those bits straight from the tin! 😊 Next time I might try placing just a single circle of baking parchment at the bottom of the tin and leaving the sides bare -- hopefully that will help kept the base from sticking.
All in all, a wonderful simple recipe with very few ingredients, quite foolproof, and a great way to use up leftover egg whites! We had this plain and it was delicious, but it would be just as lovely with a dollop of greek yoghurt and berries and/or whipped cream and strawberries -- a la shortcake! Or clotted cream and keto jam, a la British scones!
Thanks so much, Martina, this was loads of fun to make and eat. Next time I might try subbing the almond extract with some lemon or lime or orange zest, for a different twist!

Thank you so much for all your feedback, Anu! The sticking issue is always the case with recipes that don't use any oils/fat. For the bottom section a piece of parchment paper is best. I think the almond extract can be quite strong, I was surprised about how little I ended up using. Lemon zest, maybe with some vanilla, will be nice!