Dear KetoDieters,
we've been hard at work on yet another update.
Nothing keeps us motivated and focused as much as finding your reviews on the AppStore. If you love KetoDiet, please, leave a review. It only takes a moment and we would really appreciate it.

The new version should be available to download in 5-7 days. As always, all updates are free.
Here are some of the new features we added:
iPhone & iPad
- Several recipe adjustments (including added macronutrient ratio of each meal).

- Several updates to KetoDiet Guide.
iPad only
- New restaurant chain added (Sharky's). As before, meals are sorted by net carbs content.

- You can now switch between tabs when creating Custom Meal or Custom Ingredient.

- Improved integration with the KetoDiet Blog (including thumbnail photos and other adjustments).

I hope you enjoy the new additions. We are already working on the Christmas release that will include more recipes and more features!
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