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Not Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet?
Don’t Give Up and Read Further

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Not Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet? Don’t Give Up and Read FurtherShareFollow us 261.1k

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The ketogenic diet is not only known to be one of the most effective weight loss tools, but has proven to have many health benefits. Ketosis is a state in which your body produces ketones in the liver, shifting the body's metabolism away from glucose and towards fat utilization.

Unless you can check your blood ketones, using Ketostix is an easy way to detect urinary ketones. It's not the most accurate method, but may be good enough to find out whether you are in ketosis. In some cases, weight loss may be difficult even on a low-carb ketogenic diet and there may be a few possible reasons for weight stalling, which I have listed in this post.

If you want to know more about the ketogenic diet and how it can help you lose weight, have a look at my Practical Guide to Keto Diet which is freely available on my website.

Top Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight on a Keto Diet

1. Carbs are Too High

Your carbohydrate intake may be too high and you may need to decrease it. Typically, 20-30 grams of net carbs per day is the ideal carb intake.

If you want to know more about carbs & ketosis:

2. Protein is Too Low

Your protein intake may be too low. Protein is the most macronutrient that will keep you full for longer. If you don't eat enough protein, you will feel hungry and most likely you will end up eating more. Lack of protein can also lead to muscle loss.

This doesn't mean that you should overeat protein. Protein is not a particularly efficient fuel source and too much of it may raise your insulin levels.

Dr. Phinney and Dr. Volek recommend 0.6 - 1 gram of protein per pound of lean mass or 1.3 - 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of lean mass a day (lean mass is total body weight without fat). You can read more about protein in my post here: All You Need to Know About Protein on a Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet.

Feeling hungry on a keto diet? Make sure you eat enough protein!

3. Carb Cheating & Carb Creep

Carb cheating / carb creep is another possible reason for weight loss plateaus. You have to be really disciplined and aware of all carbs you eat. It’s a little nibbling here and there of the forbidden foods, leading to a carb creep, so make sure you count all carbs.

In this video, Dr. Eric Westman explains the ketogenic diet and emphasises that even eating mints may affect ketosis and weight loss results. Sometimes, even when a label says "sugar-free", it isn't necessarily "carbs-free"!

4. Too Many Calories - Yes, They Do Count

Another reason could be way too much fat and therefore calories in your diet. Firstly, it's indisputable that all calories are not equal. It really matters whether you get them from healthy and sating LCHF food or processed food rich in carbs. Sam Feltham's 5000 calorie experiments (first with LCHF diet, then High-carb diet) may be extreme, but they have shown that calories are NOT equal and their source is very important.

However, some people on a LCHF diet may find it easier to lose weight if they also watch their calorie intake. Fat contains twice as many calories as carbohydrates and protein, so it's important your fat intake falls between the recommended ranges. There is no diet that lets you consume "unlimited" amounts of calories and still lose weight.

Fat is used as "filler" and overeating is not going to do any good for weight loss. To find your ideal macronutrient targets, check out KetoDiet Buddy, our free online Keto calculator. Apart from the amount of fat in your diet, the type and quality of fats matter. For more, have a look at our Complete Guide to Fats & Oils on Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet.

Note: If you just started a low-carb diet, it may take some time for your body to get used to it and you will naturally eat less. Just give it some time. Low-carb diets are a lot more nutritious and sating as you will discover.
Macronutrient breakdown for the ketogenic diet: 60-75% calories from fat, 15-30% calories from protein, 5-10% calories from net carbs

Are you in ketosis but still not losing weight? Calories do count on a keto diet!

See the big picture: Ketosis itself will not guarantee weight loss. It's not just the level of ketones in your bloodstream. Low-carb diets in general are beneficial for weight loss due to their appetite suppressing effects and provide easy access to body fat as an energy source.

What this means is that going "zero-carb" will not help you lose more weight - don't aim for high ketone readings. If you haven't succeeded by following the ketogenic diet, chances are you need to start monitoring your calorie intake.

5. Too Many Low-Carb Treats

Another possible reason for a weight stall is that you eat too many low-carb treats that may cause cravings. Going low-carb doesn't mean you can indulge in low-carb pancakes, cheesecakes or muffins on a daily basis. Although these may be very low in carbs (when you use stevia or Erythritol), they may still cause cravings.

You should always treat them as occasional rewards and your diet should be based on real food (eggs, meat, leafy vegetables, cheese and some nuts). Also, beware of chewing gums, mints or any medications such as cough syrup and others that may contain sugar or sweeteners. These are common sources of hidden carbs.

6. Snacking on Nuts and Dairy

One of the common mistakes people make is that overeating dairy and nuts when they are trying to lose weight. You may experience weight stalling or even weight gain not because nuts and dairy will kick you out of ketosis but because these foods are calorie-dense and easy to overeat (100 grams of macadamia nuts has over 700 kcal and over 70 grams of fat!)

There is no reason to avoid non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, bell peppers or fruits like avocado or berries. These foods are very high in micronutrients, low in carbs and won't impair your weight loss efforts.

Avoid dairy, nuts and low-carb treats to break through a weight loss plateau!

7. You Are Close to Your Target Weight

Weight loss is not a linear process. Losing body fat gets more difficult as you approach your ideal weight. If you need to lose a relatively small amount of body fat such as 5-10 pounds, and your body weight is already at a healthy "natural" level, you will find it hard to lose more body fat.

If you want to lose a few more poounds, may try slightly reducing your calorie intake. In my case — because I'm quite active — this is eating up to 2,100 to 2,300 kcal a day (maintenance level + level of activity) to maintain my weight or 200-500 kcal less to lose weight. As you can see, it’s nowhere near starvation. To calculate your ideal macros on a ketogenic diet, use our Keto Calculator.

8. Short-Term Weight Gain and Fluctuations

You may have also put on weight over a short period of time. This could happen if you had more carbs (even once!) than your daily limit (e.g. you went to a party). As you may know, there is a relationship between water retention and glycogen stores.

If your body manages to store some extra glycogen, you also increase water retention. This happens literally from one day to the next. Don't panic, it's just water. Once you go back to your daily carbs limit it will take 2-3 days to lose the excessive water. Also, there are natural fluctuations related to hormone balance, especially in women.

9. Thyroid or Adrenal Disease & Weight Loss

You may have a thyroid or adrenal dysfunction and you are not aware of it. It only takes a blood / saliva test to find out - visit your doctor! In case of autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's), a very low-carb diet, such as below 20 g of total carbs, is not recommended.

Dr. Broda Barnes, who spent over 50 years on thyroid research, suggested in his book “Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness” that the minimum amount of carbohydrate intake for patients with hypothyroidism should be at least 30 grams of net carbs. If you want to learn more about thyroid / adrenal disorders and what your doctor may not tell you, have a look at Stop The Thyroid Madness.

Read more about keto & thyroid: Are Keto and Low Carb Suitable for People with Thyroid Disease?

10. Stress

Stress is a significant factor. When you are stressed out, your body produces a hormone called cortisol, which is responsible for storing fat around your stomach area (visceral fat) and makes weight loss more difficult.

Try to relax, don't underestimate stress. Instead, find your own way to reduce it. Try meditating, take a few days off work, go somewhere for a weekend or go for a walk. Stress is also linked to hypothyroidism and adrenal issues and this adversely affects your metabolic rate. As a result of that, you store fat.

11. Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep and disrupted circadian rhythms may be the cause of your weight stalling. It may sound cliche but sleep is an absolutely crucial part of fat loss: Maximum fat loss is only achieved with adequate sleep, diet and exercise. Try to fall asleep before midnight and sleep for 7-9 hours. I don't expect all of you can afford to sleep for 9 hours, but take it as a goal.

Stress management and sufficient sleep are huge factors in weight loss!

12. Leptin & Satiety

Leptin and its satiety signalling is another possible factor. Fat is hormonally active and it sends out leptin, a hormone that tells us when we’ve had enough to eat. As you lose body fat, there will be less to do the job. This does not apply just to low-carb, but any diet. The question is how significant this factor is. If you eat food rich in fat and protein, this can be minimised.

13. Too Much Exercise

You exercise too much. Overtraining could be as harmful as lack of exercise. Here is a good article that explains Why You May Need To Exercise Less. Here is my post that will guide you through the types of exercise that are beneficial for weight loss and health.

In my own experience, too much exercise is counterproductive. A few years ago I was trying to lose 4 pounds. I decided to do more exercise (HIIT, weight training and some cardio 6-7 times a week). Result: I was hungry and started eating more - my calorie intake spiked. Anything I burned during exercise was negated by the increase in calorie intake. About 2 months ago, I had an injury and couldn't do any exercise other than 30 minutes of daily walks. My calorie intake dropped, I was eating less and most importantly, I lost the last 4 pounds! Since 2013, I don't exercise more than 3 times a week and I walk about 30-45 minutes every day.

Overtraining is as counterproductive as lack of exercise!

What Else To Do When You Hit a Plateau?

KetoDiet Challenge

Join the KetoDiet Challenge - check for when the next one starts. I created this challenge to help people follow a healthy low-carb diet or even get through a weight loss plateau. At the end of each challenge, I'm always giving away prizes to help our participants stay motivated!

KetoDiet Plans

Try one of my Keto Diet Plans. I created two Premium Keto Diet Plans and three Free Keto Diet Plans

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Don't Weigh Yourself

Don't weigh yourself more than once a week or even better, don't weigh yourself at all. There are natural fluctuations related to water retention and hormonal balance. If you are a woman, you will notice these fluctuations more often.

If you see no movement on the scales or even if your weight goes up, it doesn't mean you are not losing fat. If you exercise, you may even see a little increase in weight, as muscles are heavier than fat. You should concentrate on losing body fat - here's how you can measure body fat. Don’t rely just on scales, use body tape, calipers, belts or clothes to see any changes.

MCT Oil May Help

Try to include small amounts of MCT oil and more omega 3 fatty acids (flax, chia, or hemp seeds, fatty fish) in your diet — it may help with fat loss. For more about healthy fats: Complete Guide to Fats & Oils on a Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet

Avoiding or Limiting Dairy and Nuts

Some low-carb dieters claim to have improved their weight loss by reducing the consumption of dairy products, while others found no significant effect. This may well be down to individual response, and it's worth trying in case it works for you.

Why would dairy products cause weight stalling while they are low in carbs? Some say it's due to dairy intolerance but the most likely reason is that full-fat dairy products are energy-dense and easily overeaten.

Full-fat dairy and nuts should be eaten with caution — calories may not be the main focus of a LCHF diet but they are not insignificant. You can read more about dairy here: Dairy on a Ketogenic Diet. Similar rules apply to nuts and seeds: Nuts & Seeds on a Ketogenic Diet.

I created one premium keto diet plan and one free dairy-free keto diet plan for those who need to avoid it.

Avoid "Low-Carb" Products

Avoid products labeled "low-carb", "sugar-free", etc. They are the most common sources of hidden carbs.

Not all sugar alcohols have the same impact on blood sugar and I recommend you only use products sweetened with Erythritol, Swerve, Stevia or FOS. These sweeteners have no impact on blood sugar and are very low in calories. To find out more about sweeteners, here is my list of Top 10 Natural Low-carb Sweeteners.

Similar to "low-carb" products, avoid products labeled "fat-free" at any cost. Because the fat has been removed, these are often carb-laden!

JERF = Just Eat Real Food

Meat, eggs, vegetables and nuts should be the main part of your diet. Eating food full of preservatives, additives and colourings is not only unhealthy, but it will impair your weight loss efforts. In most cases, these products are not nutritious enough, don't have the ability to sate your appetite as real food does and as a result, you will eat more.

Most of your diet should consist of meat, eggs and non starchy vegetables (all part of our Keto Food Pyramid). Some foods, such as nuts, root vegetables, dairy and berries, should be eaten with caution.

Try Intermittent Fasting

If you reach a plateau, try Intermittent Fasting (IF), or High Fat Fasting (HFF), for a few days and see if there is any difference. Doing IF every now and then is recommended for boosting your metabolism.

Exercise Wisely

HIIE (High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise) also works for breaking the plateau. These short intense workouts improve glucose tolerance and are the most effective for burning calories without inducing increased appetite. I love home workouts from They offer free beginner, intermediate and advanced programs, all starting from just 12 minutes a day!

If you want long-term effects, do not use exercise to burn calories. Use it to build muscle tissue and increase your metabolic rate. Therefore, include resistance training in your workout routines.

Get Enough Electrolytes

Increase your electrolytes, make sure your electrolyte intake is sufficient (magnesium, potassium, sodium).

Keep Hydrated

Drink water! Make sure you get properly hydrated, it's vital for fat loss. Water suppresses appetite and helps the body metabolise fat.

Be Patient

If your carbs intake is low and you don't see any reason why you shouldn't lose weight, give it some time. Your body may just be getting used to your new life-style and needs time to adjust.

To read more, also check out this post: How To Low Carb: 15+ Common Weight Loss Mistakes

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

About the Reviewer

This article has been reviewed by Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE who is a qualified expert. At KetoDiet we work with a team of health professionals to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. You can find out more on the About us page.

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Comments (347)

I began the keto diet at 350 lbs in late January.  I began walking daily (began at 1/2 a mile daily and increased to 2.5 miles every other day).  The pounds literally fell off in hoards.  In 10 weeks, I was down to 297, and my waist size dropped from 46 to 40 (in 12 weeks).  Then, the plateau hit:  No changes according to the scale for two weeks.  I laughingly share that I expected to continue dropping weight at the same pace. I did an inventory of my eating habits, and I had eased into low-carb snacks, and a handful of nuts at bedtime.  I also discovered that the "carb-friendly" sauces that I used sparingly contained hidden sugars.  The almost instantaneous loss of  50 pounds was a fabulous motivator.  I came to terms that this is a marathon, not a sprint.  I am beginning a fast tomorrow, and sifting out the hidden sugars.  I have also discovered that a break from walking (a few days to a week), then resuming has been helpful.  So, 50 down, and fifty more to my goal.  Be blessed!

Well done Tommy!!

I'm not trying to be rude but I wonder what your training is. I'm sure a lot of what you say is excellent but in reading the 1st page of yours that I read, I saw an error-I am a medical person. As an adult one does not LOSE fat cells. They get smaller-after one reaches teen years they will always have the same number of fat cells. If one loses weight they will shrink.

You are absolutely right, JoAnn. I haven't revisited this article for several years and I didn't realise I had this error there! Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate that. We now have a review process in place to eliminate such inaccuracies but it takes time to go through the 8 years of content.

I love the articles from the blog. However, I find they take me forever to read because the ad displayed causes the text to jump every time the ad changes. I’m using my iPhone X at the moment. I ha ENT noticed it on my iPad. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this but I’m about to throw my phone at the wall!!!

Thank you Janis! You mean the banner we use for our app & book right? We don't have ads on our website (as the usual third party ads) Let me check that and make sure it doesn't move the text.

Yes, the banner is causing the slight movement. It’s just enough to cause the lines to shift minutely while reading. Which, in turn results in rereading a line or two

Thank you so much for reporting this! We added a temporary fix by not letting our banners change when visitors read an article. I appreciate your feedback!

I have been doing (IF) usually around 17/18 hours once even did 21 hours about two weeks now.  I eat a very low carb diet usually only raw vegetables (lettuce, celery, carrots, radishes, onions....)
Two weeks before that I was only doing low carb.  I initially lost weight  and after losing about 5 pounds ... I stalled -- so did (IF) and lost another three pounds.
couple of Days ago had some taco meat with a salad (no chips, no carbs other than lettuce) -- will admit the seasoning was a bit salty -- ended up gaining two pounds.  Figured it was water weight and went back to hard core low carb and still fasting at least 17 hours.
Did lose one of those two pounds -- yet the last three days .... no loss whatever.
Bought a ketone blood monitor -- past two days never higher than .5 -- even after fasting
Any clue of what is going on?  NO I Have not cheated -- not even a little..............

That is not easy to tell, we are all so different! I think you definitely need to give it at least 2 weeks - do not weigh yourself every day, that is counterproductive because there are always natural fluctuations.
I'd go easy on the carrots, at least for a start. Is there any reason you only eat raw veg? Some types of veg including carrots are actually better cooked as they provide more bioavailable nutrients.
Have you checked your macros? Here's how to: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
Although calorie counting is not always necessary, it may help in this case as you may either be eating hidden carbs or too much fat from "added" fats like mayo, butter and oils. Also, check your protein intake as too little protein can increase your appetite.
High ketone readings are not required for weight loss and people typically get lower readings as they get keto-adapted. However since you just started following the diet and have low ketone readings, this may mean that you are actually eating hidden carbs. I'm not sure why you keep having low reading even after fasting. If you often eat out, they can be in dressings, sauces and sometimes even in meat (marinades etc). I hope this helps!

Muscle do not weigh more than fat! Muscle takes up less space than fat that is why a muscular person weighing the same as a fat person looks leaner.

That is indeed what was meant by it, I used the comparison for the same volume (thus heavier).

Hi all!
As I see in the comments a lot of you say you are not losing weight on YOUR Keto diet.
If you stick to a real hard core keto there is no way you can NOT lose fat.
My diet for Keto.
Morning, coffee with heavy cream and a multi vitamin.
No lunch. Dinner, a T bone steak and three fried eggs. Season with salt and pepper only.
Hot sauce is OK.
Snack before bed is a small handful of walnuts.
Every third day incorporate a salad of lettuce and tomato with olive oil and wine vinegar.
Include broccoli or asparagus with any meal. No bigger than your fist and use real butter.
Drink at least 64 oz of water everyday.
Walk at least two miles everyday and do some light weight training no longer than 45 minutes.
If you do this and stick with it you will lose weight.
If you plateau include one cheat day every sixth day and then get right back on that horse.
No cheating and you will get ripped.  

Hi!  I have been on the Keto diet for about a month now.  I have mainly tries to keep carbs closer to the 20g mark.  I have Hashimoto's,  on 150mg Armour daily.  So far I have only lost 2 pounds.  I am aware my metabolism is pretty non existent.   I read here I should be at 30 carbs daily?  I also read somewhere I should eat some sweet potato 1x a week.  I also read cruciferous veggies should be limited for hypothyroid people which cuts alot of keto food from my diet.  Is there help out there for hashimoto's/keto people?  

Hi Billie, you may want to check these out:
Are Keto and Low Carb Diets Suitable for People with Thyroid Disease?
How To Low Carb: 15+ Common Weight Loss Mistakes

Every diet plan offers basically the same advice:
1) Limit calories (not "too much" X).
2) If you get great pleasure out of a particular food, limit it (#1).
3) Check with a real doctor to see if you have a disease.
4) Get enough sleep.
5) Don't be too stressed.
6) Try some supplements/more water/essential oils...
But not one of them offers solutions that work enough for most obese/overweight people who try the diet but don't feel good for weeks, months... into it and, because they have jobs/school... to attend to, quit.
And we wonder why no diet is putting a populationally significant dent in the increasingly global obesity epidemic.

I understand your frustration but these are general tips and, of course, they would never replace a custom-built diet plan and personalised advice. There isn't one way that works for everyone because we are all different. This post (and the updated version: How To Low Carb: 15+ Common Weight Loss Mistakes) simply lists the most common reasons.
There are ways to make it work even if you are busy: How To Follow a Low-Carb Diet If You Are Busy

No where do I find an easy way to count my fat, protein and carb consumption.  Any suggestions .
I have been on Keto for 5 weeks and lost 10 pounds in two weeks and then without changing my eating habits my weight has not changed for 3 weeks and I am very frustrated.

It is mentioned in point 4: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet

I am confused.. lost 15 lbs but have now plateaued.  Why does keto want us to eat extra fat?  And then this article says not to each extra fat.  Am i supposed to be doing high fat or not?  Is keto just low carb and normal fat intake or are we supposed to be putting butter in our coffee and fat bombs and trying to get extra fat?

Keto is not about eating extra fat - it is about eating fat to satiety. Here's more (point 1): How To Low Carb: 15+ Common Weight Loss Mistakes

I’ve learned the hard way that fats carbs and calories matter. I downloaded a free app and dropped my carbs to 20 or less, fat ias 70 to 100 a day and calories are around 1200 to 1400. Only after doing this did I I lose weight and inches. It wasn’t  hard to do just had to wrap my mind around it and accept it. I also do NOT eat unless I’m actually really hungry so I end up having just 2 meals a day. I’m 65 so someone younger or super active could probably eat more. Hope this helps

I have read most of your articles and I am confused on exercise. I am older and was in bad shape and gradually increasing my activity to a speed that I manage. I do about 400 to 600 calorie burn on my stationary bike after 2 months of working, I do lite resistance work on my upper body, that is slowly building the past month. Limited on the bowflex. I have a bad back so I need to rebuild a little before I do too much resistence work, generally 20 minutes every other day. I lost 20 pounds over a 7 -8 week period and hit a plateau  and needless to say I tried IF fasting and the end result was I have even less of an appetite and eating too few calories. I figured out 900 calories a day was not enough, but it is hard to eat more since I just not hungry. I make fat bombs to help get me up to 1200 calories. I raised my protein that may have been low. I used your calculator and I am still unsure of how much I have to eat. My exercise does not make me hungry like your article suggested so I am guessing I am not overdoing the riding. 60+ years old and 33 to 35 percent body fat. 5'4" 137. I want to break this plateau that I have had for the past 2 weeks. I think I am under the calories I need, but unsure. I have raised my proteins this past week to the 70 to 78 range. I force myself to hit 1200 calories. do I need more??

Thank you do much this really really helped

Last weighed myself on March 30th.   I weighed 260.0 lbs.   I have followed Keto 100 percent since that day.
Got on scales today (April 28) and still weigh 260.0 lbs…have lost nothing.   I don’t over eat at dinner.   Usually just have black coffee with MCT powdered oil in it and maybe a scrambled egg for breakfast.   Lunch might be a small piece of cheese and a handful of almonds.  I don’t eat a thing after 6PM and until breakfast at about 8AM each morning.
Yet nothing.  No weight loss.   And belly fat is the same.
I had better luck a few years back by cutting out all grains, processed food and sugar (which I also follow now).  Lost 17 pounds in two weeks then.
The only thing I can see different is the increased consumption of fat…plus lots of dairy.   Maybe fat and dairy are not the right approach for me…thus meaning Keto may not be suitable for my metabolism.  I have noted a lot of mucus in my throat.  From diary or MCT powder, perhaps?
To my way of thinking I should have lost at least 10 - 15 pounds.   About to give it up and try something else.   My goal is to make it down to 172.   Am 6’1” and 62 years old.
Thanks for letting me babble.

Hello again
I think I will try to drop my carb intake to less that 10 per day. I have gained almost 10 pounds in just over a month on the Keto diet, but am never hungry-rather I usually feel stuffed. Not much energy either. Maybe it is necessary to feel hunger to lose those 35 pounds, (guess I now have to lose 45 pounds--things are gong in the wrong direction for me right now, but I want to keep trying as others seem to have lost so much weight). Incidentally, I have not eaten any possessed food, or alcohol, in over a month, except cheese, which I stopped eating a week ago, thinking that was my problem. Can anyone offer any advise?
Although I reviewed all the steps/mistakes as to why keto does not work for some, but none relate to me. Any other insight, or is it true that keto does not work for everyone. Other than being fat, I have zero health issues and take zero medication.  

Hi Curt:
Am  in much the same boat.  Going on five weeks following Keto and have not dropped an ounce.  
Another issue with me is the over production of phlegm in my throat.   I am prone to bronchitis in the autumn each year.  But the mucus is way over the top.  Last night after eating a cheese, broccoli and chicken casserole I was up to about 3AM hacking, coughing and clearing my throat.  
I am suspecting that the fat and dairy are not suited in mass quantities for my body.   I eat no grains or processed foods and nothing with added sugar.  
I am close to realizing that another food lifestyle is likely appropriate for me.   What has been a great success for many has garnered no results for me.  

Dropping your carb intake too low can be counterproductive. The body has a  requirement for some (not much, but some) glucose. Therefore if you don't eat enough carbs the body will generate its own glucose via a process called Gluconeogenesis. So even if you were able to eat 0 carbs in a day, you won't be able to rid yourself of blood glucose -- your body will produce whatever is needed.
For example the brain requires glucose. Even when you are fully in ketosis roughly 25% of your brain's fuel needs must come in the form of glucose. This comes to ~20 grams of glucose a day. Therefore, if you are eating less than 20 grams of carbs your body is going to make up the difference.  The actual amount of glucose needed is to help the brain and other body parts that requires glucose such as red blood cells and others have the same need.
So, don't fall into the trap of thinking that "since low carb is good, no carb is better". The real goal for low carb is to be low enough to force the generation of ketones. It is the presence of ketones which makes the difference in this diet. Phinney & Volek say that pretty much anything below 50 grams a day will put you into ketosis. 20-30 grams is pretty much the sweet spot.

I've only been on the diet for 14 days but I'm somewhat surprised that I have not lost a single pound either. I am 62 but I've been a gym rat since I was 15. I no longer over-lift/over-cardio: 3 sets of 20 reps per body part using 50% of the weight I lifted in the past. I keep track of my daily food intake using the Under Armour's "myfitnesspal" and I STRICTLY keep my carbs at 20g/day or under. I weight 224lbs but I keep my protein intake at 140g/day and my calories at 1900 max (my GOAL weight is 190lbs). My Sugar intake is normally never higher than 10g/day. I will stick with this eating lifestyle but, I'm used to seeing results - this is getting frustrating.

Hello Curt
I would like to follow your results as to date I have not had  results either, and maybe you might find something that moves you towards success and share your information. As I have no alternate diet plan, I really want to keep with keto if there is any hope. the best, and please keep sharing your results

Hello I have been on the keto diet for 1 month. The first week I gained 3 pounds, but have been steady since. However, I have not lost any weight at all. I do not eat processed food, except cheese. And I had 2 cups of diet pepsie in the one-month period....Nothing else that is not completely on the diet. I eat about 30 carbs per day of veggies, spices, cheese and cream. One day I ate 10 carbs, but never over 40 carb in a day for this past month.
To ensure ketosis is maintained, a urine stick is checked twice per day.
I need to lose about 35 pounds. Is it possible that keto only works for a certain sector of the population.

I know atkins recommends limiting dairy to 4 ounces a day during induction. You mention cheese and cream... so maybe too much dairy is part of it?

Hi M,
You don't mention alcohol as a possibility. What are your thoughts on that?  I am at 1,000 -1.300 cals a day (186 #) but occasionally (2x week) I have some vodka - no mixer, no sweetener - no more than 3 ozs. total for both drinks and I account for the calories in my total.
Can this cause a stall?  If, so, why? I'm not going over my cal total and it's zero carb.
I'm frustrated that in the past week, I went down 1 # and then up 2#.  The only things that changed was an increase in fat and the alcohol.

The body will prioritize processing the alcohol over processing carbs. But, overall, hard spirits (gin, whiskey, scotch, vodka, etc) don't really impact a keto diet. It is true that it adds additional calories but it does not impact blood glucose levels nor does it impact insulin levels.
For example, a close friend and myself (both on keto) downed an entire bottle of scotch in a few days during a holiday. Neither of us saw any change to our weight loss over the week.
The impact some people report is typically based on carbs in the drink. Beer, wine and added mixers contain nasty carbs. But pure spirits doesn't.
Of course, your results may vary per your own body makeup.

I’m getting married next year and I’m hoping to lose weight on keto...I have a problem not cheating for a few days every month...but I always get back on track...I seem to be stuck when I get at 160!! I feel like if I broke that plateau I wouldn’t cheat!! 😂😂😂 keto makes me feel SOO much better, but I just have to stop giving in when I have weak moments!! Cause the weight gain is not worth it, water weight or not!!

I read the whole article.  Very good.
I see now why I can't get past a 10 lb loss probably.
Back to no cheating. sugar treats.
I do find this regime hard.
Not good in social settings.
Making my friends feel GUILTY when they eat everything out in front of them.....I don't.
I will press on.

In the past, I've done very well on low carb. However, I started eating this way of life again on Feb.1st. I lost about 15 lbs in 2 weeks, Feb.15th, which is the norm (Usually I lose anywhere from 15- 20lbs). However, today Feb.24th, I have barely lost 1lb. Now, this is not the norm... I have a lot of weight to lose. I started at 305 on the 1st and is 289.6 today. I have been intermittent fasting from the very beginning; fasting for 16 hrs a day. Maybe I am not eating enough? I usually eat bacon and eggs with onions and cheese in the morning (10am), a meat and salad for lunch (1:30-3:30pm) and sometimes I do not get the opportunity to eat my last meal because it is too late when I get home from work or I am not hungry. I drink about 6-7 bottles of water each day. I have not added fruit or nuts to my diet yet. As far as I know, I am not diabetic and have no thyroid problems. My clothes are fitting loser than before. I am 41 yrs old. Am I being impatient? In 1 month of starting low carb, I have ALWAYS lost at least 20lbs in one month and lose about 8-10 lbs each month thereafter. What could I possibly be doing wrong or should I just give it some more time. Either way, I do not plan to quit this time because my way of eating in the past made me physically feel worse.

Don't know if it's true or not, but I've heard that if you've done low/no carb diets before to loose weight, then go off them, then come back to them ... over time, they stop working so well. Maybe someone who knows if this is really true could chime in.
I'd done low/no carb diet years ago, 2-3 times over the course of 3-4 years, and now when I go low carb, I don't see the results like I used to. I looked it up and found what I said above. I, too, would like to know if it's really true.

I’m in a bit of a predicament. I lost 65lbs on low carb since April of last year, gained 12lb back over the holidays and dropped some of it. I need to drop at least another 10lb to get back to pre- holiday weight and my goal weight is another 20. However, right now I’m training for a pretty rigorous road bike ride in June in the mountains. I have to train to get in shape. I’ve always been a cyclist, though overweight, but I need to get close to my goal weight before June. I’m so stuck. I’ve started interval training on my bike and weight lifting, and I’ve gained a pound since last week. A cycling friend who also does low carb suggested isolate whey protein, which I drink as a lunch and it is very filling- but I need the extra calories so my body doesn’t burn my muscle I’ve gained (I don’t go over in calories than normal- usually hitting in the 800-1100 range). I just don’t know what to do because I NEED to train but my belly fat isn’t going anywhere and I just want this weight to get off! My leg muscle is returning and so is my arm muscle- I know I shouldn’t be frustrated but I feel so stuck.  Should I continue with the interval training and keep the protein shakes or ditch the protein and replace with other food items?

I am glad that I ran across your blog. I recently started on a low carb type diet. The first week I felt great. Then something happened. I became depressed, irritable and didn't lose weight. Although I have Hashimoto's, I do not have diabetes, yet my blood sugar is high. I am thirsty and drink a ton of water. I am actually hungry one day a week. I have read that persons with hypothyroidism should not be on a low carb diet. But, you say it works for you.
I will keep doing it and see what happens. It is frustrating to barely eat and drink a ton of water and gain weight. It is indescribable.
Thank you!

Thank you for the informative information.  I have used atkins in the past with huge results.  I am 54 years old and now the old way that once gave me great weight loss is not.  I have used splenda, diet coke, low carb everything and lost tons of weight.  I seem to not lose the same amount as before.  I will try your recommendations, it will be hard to give up fake sugar coffee in the morning though!!! I also get huge cravings in the evening after dinner.  I have been using 1gram sugar free bars to get me past the cravings but like I said I have stalled.  

I don't u nderstand.  You have Hasimoto as do I, but in your post you say keto is not recommended for those with an under active thyroid but you are doing keto.  Am I correct in saying that? I just really need to find something that works. It's very frustrating and stressful when your trying to lose weight and everything you try just makes you gain weight. What's even more annoying is watching people without an autoimmune disorder doing the same thing your doing she'd the weight,  then telling you,  you must be cheating or doing something wrong.

Keto is to the same a "very low-carb" (under 20 g total carbs) - have a look at this post: Are Keto and Low Carb Diets Suitable for People with Thyroid Disease? I hope this helps!

So I have Hashimoto.  I've been doing keto and IF for 4 weeks.  The first 2 weeks we're great,  I lost 10lbs. The last 2 weeks I've been stuck.  I've added coconut oil,  butter,  I'm down to 1 meal a day at 1200 calories.  I have had an Adkins snack so I thought it was that so I'm weaning my self off of them. Im getting very frustrated and discouraged.  
Is it because of the Hashimoto?  Is it because of the Adkins snacks?  What can it be? I need help!  I dont know what to do anymore.  I'm I going to be stuck like this forever?

Hi Yasmin, 1,200 kcal may not be enough for your thyroid, especially not in the long term: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
Atkins snacks - I would avoid these as they are known to cause issues.

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