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How Much Fat on a Ketogenic Diet?

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Do calories matter? How much fat can I eat to lose weight on a ketogenic diet? These are just some of the many questions I focused on when writing this post.

What's the Ideal Fat Intake on a Ketogenic Diet?

As most of you know, ketogenic diets are high in fat, adequate in protein and low in carbohydrates. The aim of the ketogenic eating is to get your body into a state known as ketosis. Generally, the macronutrient ratio varies within the following ranges:

  • • 60-75% of calories from fat (or even more),
  • • 15-30% of calories from protein, and
  • • 5-10% of calories from carbs.

However, percentages are relative and don't say anything about the amounts of calories you are eating. Percentages will give you an idea of the macronutrient composition of a diet. To determine the amount of calories, you have to look at absolute numbers - macronutrients in grams. So it's totally different to consume 4,000 kcal and 2,000 kcal on a ketogenic diet.

Can I Eat less than 60% of Calories from Fat?

Yes, you can. Since you only regulate your energy intake via fat when following a ketogenic diet (protein and carbs remain more or less constant), you may end up eating less than 60% of calories from fat, especially if you are trying to lose weight. This is perfectly fine.

In his bestselling books and also in this video, Dr. Stephen Phinney explains the different phases of the ketogenic diet. Depending on your goal, your fat intake will vary in each phase and you will lose different amount of body fat. Weight loss slows down and it's completely natural - you will lose more weight at the beginning (water weight + accelerated fat loss) so don't get discouraged if your weight loss slows down as you get close to your target weight.

Why You Need to Use a Keto Calculator

Not everyone follows the ketogenic diet to lose weight. Many people do it for medical reasons (cancer, epilepsy, etc) while athletes and bodybuilders use it to enhance endurance and muscle development. All groups of keto dieters can benefit from knowing their macronutrient requirements. This includes people that simply try to lose weight and feel better.

Contrary to what many people believe, calories do count, even on a ketogenic diet. When eating nutritious foods low in carbs, moderate in protein and high in fat, most people will naturally eat less. For this reason, most of you won't need to count calories on a keto diet.

However, just following a ketogenic diet doesn't guarantee weight loss. It helps to keep an eye on your fat intake. The closer you get to your target weight, the more important that becomes. Additionally, you need to ensure that you're eating a sufficient amount of protein to stay satiated and prevent muscle loss.

Our keto calculator will give you recommendations depending on your goal (weight maintenance, weight loss or weight gain). The calculations I used are based on widely accepted research and recommendations made by Dr. Volek and Dr. Phinney. We put a lot of effort to ensure that unlike some other calculators, you get sensible results that will help you with your diet.

How Much Fat on a Ketogenic Diet?

How Much Fat for Quick Weight Loss?

You should never use the ketogenic diet as a "quick fix" for your bingeing days. If you decide to follow a low-carb approach, you should see it as a new and better life-style rather than just a temporary diet experiment. Contrary to what you may have heard, there is no magic tool or supplement that will "burn" all those extra pounds of body fat for you.

You will lose weight if you stick with the basic KetoDiet rules - just don't have unrealistic expectations. Some people simply lose weight faster than others. That's because apart from their macronutrient intake, there are several other factors to consider (gender, age, health condition, activity, etc). If you haven't succeeded by following the ketogenic diet, chances are you need to start monitoring your calorie intake.

The best way to lose weight is to find a calorie deficit that you feel comfortable with. You can opt for a larger calorie deficit but you should not feel hungry when you follow the ketogenic diet. If you do, you are either not eating enough protein or fat, thus calories. For most people, a moderate calorie deficit (15-20%) is a great way to start.

Don't Fall for the Extra High Fat Myth

I'd like to address a myth frequently seen in the low-carb community. I've seen people following a very low-carb diet who cannot lose weight. To my surprise, they are often advised to increase their fat intake and decrease their carb and protein intake. This is supposedly going to help them enhance ketosis and break through a weight loss plateau but it's simply wrong. Your calorie intake matters and it's not all about going as low on carbs as possible. In fact, you don't even need to be in ketosis or show high ketone readings to lose weight.

While the optimal carb level for some is 20-30 grams of net carbs, others may do better with more or less carbs - it's down to individual needs and body responses.

My good friend, Franziska Spritzler, also known as the Low Carb Dietitian - and one of the experts I recommend on my blog - has written an excellent post about the misconceptions surrounding the ketogenic diet. I strongly recommend you read the full post on Franziska's blog. Below is an extract:

"A ketogenic diet containing less than 20 grams of net carb daily can produce weight loss provided energy intake is reduced, which often occurs spontaneously with carb restriction. There's no denying that many people experience dramatic weight loss with minimal carb intake, are able to maintain the loss, and feel great eating this way. But some of the statements I've read about keto being a miracle for dropping unwanted pounds are simply untrue, such as:

  • You can eat as much fat as you want as long as you keep your carbs really low, because fat doesn't stimulate insulin secretion (I've seen the phrase, "The more fat you eat, the more weight you'll lose.")
  • If you're eating very low carb and not losing, you need to reduce your protein and increase your fat intake to at least 75% of your calories.
  • You should aim for the highest serum ketone levels possible to ensure maximal fat burning; i.e., you'll lose more weight if your serum beta-hydroxybutyrate level is 3 or 4 mm than if it's 0.5 or 1 mm."

Is a "Zero-Carb" Diet Better for Weight Loss?

The suggestion that a "zero-carb" or a very low-carb approach (less than 20 grams of total carbs) leads to a higher level of ketones and enhanced fat loss is misleading - this is not how the ketogenic diet works. The main reason why you'll lose weight on a ketogenic diet is simple: you'll naturally eat less because low-carb diets have appetite-suppressing effects. Additionally, following a low-carb approach will help you release and utilise your fat stores more effectively. Although some people see better results with less carbs, most people won't benefit from a "zero-carb" approach.

Most people that do "zero-carb" believe that higher ketone levels will help them lose weight. There is no scientific evidence to support that. That's why supplements that boost ketone levels do nothing for weight loss. If you want to lose weight, just stick with the diet. Typically, a zero or very low carb approach is desirable purely for therapeutic purposes rather than weight loss.

A carbohydrate-restricted, mildly ketogenic diet is a better way to manage weight in the long run. It's easier to stick with and provides sufficient micronutrients. I personally follow a ketogenic diet with 30-50 grams of net carbs and 2000 kcal (for weight maintenance) or 1600-1700 kcal (for weight loss).

How Much Fat on a Ketogenic Diet?

How Do I Get Enough Fat on a Ketogenic Diet?

When you start following a ketogenic diet, you have to increase the amount of fats. And it's not any fats - it's the healthy fats.

Getting most of your daily calories from fat is easier than you might have thought. You don't even have to introduce large amounts of pure fat like butter or coconut oil to your meals - your food doesn't have to taste greasy. Avocados, eggs, macadamia nuts or salmon are all great sources of healthy fats for your ketogenic eating. And even if you find it difficult to increase your fat intake, check out the hundreds of recipes on my blog and also this ketogenic food pyramid.

When increasing your fat intake, it's important to understand which fats are beneficial and which may damage your health. Simply put, the type and quality of fats matter.

Use the Right Types of Fats

Avoid unhealthy processed fats and oils at any cost. Processed vegetable oils, margarine, hydrogenated oils or trans fats are all damaging to your health.

For cooking: Use oils and fats high in saturated fats (SFA) - ghee, lard, tallow, coconut oil, etc. Additionally, for light cooking, you can use oils high in monounsaturated fats (MUFA) like olive oil, avocado oil and macadamia oil.

For cold use: Use oils high in MUFA and polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) like nut and seed oils. If you want to use these oils for cooking, add them at the end of the cooking process or after the food is cooked.

Not All PUFA are Equal

Opt for oils high in omega-3 fatty acids, ideally from animal sources (fatty fish like salmon, mackerel or sardines). You can also get your omega 3s in quality supplements like fermented cod liver oil. Apart from being a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, it's high in vitamin D that is deficient in modern diets. Due to the nature of my job (mostly working in front of my computer and not getting enough sunlight), I was deficient in vitamin D, even though I was eating fatty fish 2-3 times a week. I'm taking cod liver oil every day!

Watch your consumption of omega-6 rich foods - beware that even some keto-friendly foods like almonds and walnuts should be consumed with caution. This doesn't mean that you should avoid nuts altogether - just eat them in moderation.

Cooking Method Matters

Even when you use heat-stable fats, it doesn't mean that you should fry all your food. Braising in a slow cooker is one of the healthiest methods to prepare food. Although most of us just quickly fry our bacon on a pan (yes, I'm guilty of that too), this report shows that cooking bacon on a lower temperature for longer is the best way to avoid carcinogenic nitrosamines. I usually cook mine at 135 °C/ 275 °F for 30 minutes. Not all keto-friendly foods are healthy, especially when they're burned.

For a complete overview of healthy fats and oils including smoke points, shelf lives and oxidation rates, check out my Guide to Fats & Oils.

Healthy High-Fat Sources For Keto

If you do need to increase your fat intake, here are some of the best sources of fat for keto:

  • Fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, salmon and herring).
  • Fatty meat such as sirloin, lamb and mutton, pork belly and duck.
  • Nuts and seeds, especially macadamia nuts. Go easy on pistachios and cashews as they are relatively high in carbs.
  • High-fat fruits such as olives, coconut and avocado.
  • Egg yolks, mayonnaise (you can make your own) and hollandaise sauce (you can make your own).
  • Healthy fats and oils such as olive oil, avocado oil, butter and ghee.

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

About the Reviewer

This article has been reviewed by Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE who is a qualified expert. At KetoDiet we work with a team of health professionals to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. You can find out more on the About us page.

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Comments (70)

"20-30 grams of net carbs" is that per meal or per day?
How do I calculate the carbs in a cup of chopped lettuce compared with a 5 ounce portion of steak or fish? And then the Italian dressing and crumbles of cheese and half a dozen olives?

Hi Garry, that is "per day". You can get your macros here: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
We have an app that you can use to track & plan your diet (includes macronutrients in foods):

I am a beginner seriously looking to change my eating habits and lose 50-60 pounds.  I see Carb Counting and Calorie Counting mentioned everywhere. What I am looking for is a recommended portion size and something I can relate to, ie.  a 1/4 or 1/2 cup, cup, handful, tablespoon, or ounces.  Can you help?

Hi Keith, tis post will help: Complete Keto Diet Food List: What to Eat and Avoid on a Low-Carb Diet
Also, check out our tracking app:

I have been put on a keno diet by my doctor following cancer treatment bu t do not want to lose weight. Can you suggest any resource which may have advice

Hi Lesley, this is different from case to case but you may want to try and follow the restricted ketogenic diet. Here is more about this topic:
Can the Ketogenic Diet Help Patients with Brain Cancer?
And also here: Types of Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy (the typed of KD for therapeutic purposes).
To ensure that you are not losing weight, you need to keep your calorie & fat intake at "maintenance": KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
Having said that, this calculator will not work for you if you follow the restricted ketogenic diet that is also limited in protein. I hope this helps!

To your point about The misconception, "eat more fat, lose more weight"...The one thing I'm confused about is the amount of fat to consume if you're overweight. If you want your body to burn your own fat stores, would you not limit your own fat consumption somewhat so that your body burns what's already there?

Hi Holly, if your aim is to lose weight, it is correct, you need to be in calorie deficit (ie use body fat for fuel instead of dietary fat).
This doesn't mean you have to follow a very low calorie diet - quite the opposite, you should be eating to satiety. The advantage of the ketogenic diet and low-carb diets in general is their natural appetite-suppressing effect. When you eat foods low in carbs (keeping your insulin and blood sugar low), moderate in protein (macronutrient most affecting satiety) and high in fat (where dietary fat is used as "filler" and not over-consumed), you will feel less hungry and eat less. Most people who aim to lose body fat will notice significant initial weight loss but may then reach a weight loss plateau. As you get close to your target weight, weight loss will slow down. This is the time when it's worth checking your macros to make sure you are doing the right thing: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
I hope this helps!

Hi there and thank you so much for the wonderful app and blog!
My question, probably obvious (but not for me) is - I am an amateur athlete training for IM Triathlon and am burning lots of calores per training (sometimes - 2000+), which means I need to consume around 3700cal per day. So if I burn more calories, does this give me an "excuse" to consume more carbs (more than the recommended 35-50gr)?
My confusion comes from the percentage - if it is only percentage - I understand it is correlated and I should be fine and in ketosis increasing my carb intake as eating/needing more calories? Or it is super solid 50gr (ok, or slightly more for some people) the zone I need to be in?

Hi Dess, when it comes to the percentage, it is relative and works with the general recommendations (daily intake of 1,500-2,500 kcal). If your energy requirements are this high, then it's better to follow the "gram" recommendation only: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
Having said that, it is true that if you are very active, you can afford eating more carbs as you are unlikely going to store them as fat. Depending on the type of exercise, you may even benefit from carb-ups (especially if you do HIIT). For more about carbs and exercise, check out this post: Ketogenic Nutrition and Exercise: Carbs

DRDA of saturated fat is 15g...this limit increases in keto it a danger?

There is no limit on SFA although it is best to include a variety of fat sources, especially foods high in MUFA and omega 3s (Volek & Phinney).

I am inteested in a ketogenic diet, but wabt to limit the fat. I had thyroid cancer 6 years ago; TT and RII. I have other medical problems as well, and need to lose at least 50 lbs.

Hi Rosemary, the best way to start would be here:
How To Start Keto: All You Need To Know
KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
I hope this helps!

I am having a hair pulling time trying to get a logical explanation as to why I need to eat a bunch of fat on a Keto diet (for an obese person)
I have made up my own diet based on hundreds of hours research and combining several diets all into one.
My calorie intake is less than 300 calories a day..... Yes.... Less than 300.
I have lost forty two pounds in just over three weeks and I feel Fantastic!
I was 328 and I want to be at least 199.
I fasted three days to start.... Ketosis was easy to get to.
I have two high ph bottled waters during the day and a dinner consisting of a meat and two portabella mushroom caps for dinner and a star fruit for dessert.
My meal is less than 300 cal and because I use butter spray and zero calorie lemon pepper or seasoning salt... I have an utterly tiny carb intake.
Zero sweets. Plain celery for snacks
My belief is that keto is my body using fat die energy instead of carbs.
Now if I did not carry an extra 100 lbs of fat on me... OK... Need fat for energy... But I have tons of energy and feel great!  Why would I want to put fat into my body for it to burn for energy instead of allowing it to use my body fat instead????
When I get more lean.... I'll adjust as needed.... But I've yet to see a logical reason to eat fat when you are trying to burn fat when you are deep purple into ketosis!
Can you explain in simple terms?  

Hi Tony, you don't need to do that. Fat is used as "filler" and eaten to satiety which means that the amount of dietary fat is what can determine whether you lose, maintain or gain weight.
Having said that, you should increase your calorie intake - this level is painfully low and can cause serious damage to your health. I totally understand how you feel about increasing calories but you have to think about your health - it is what matters most. You should not be aiming for a "quick fix" but for a sustainable way to lose and maintain a healthy weight. In fact, (if) such calorie restriction should only be done under medical supervision for a limited period of time and only in some cases. Even being a woman is one of the factors that don't go well with severe calorie restriction.
At 300 calories you will get insufficient protein which will cause you to lose muscle mass. That is exactly the opposite of what you should be doing if your goal is longterm weight loss. Also, such calorie restriction causes severe micronutrient deficiency and that can be detrimental to most body functions. Your goal should be healthy - not quick - weight loss.
This should help you get started: How To Start Keto: All You Need To Know
KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet

I have been on the Keto diet for 2 weeks and I have lost 14 lbs and several inches already... I love it! I was reading that the more fat you ate the more you would lose, but i just cant eat alot and it seems to be working for me. I'm really glad I read your post because that is the way I'm  doing it and it makes great sense, you have cleared up a lot of questions I had... Thank You sooo much!!!!!!  Tresa

Hi Tresa, that is great! Overeating fat is most certainly not what you should be doing. I'm glad it helped!

Found your site on a google search. So helpful, thank you.

I am part of a keto group on Facebook and I see some people telling others that if they have fat to lose, they don’t need to eat fat. They just need protein and low carb. Is this true? I don’t think so but don’t want to misinform anyone.

Hi Jess, that is the wrong advice, you do need to eat some fat. Fat is used as "filler" and eaten to satiety which means that the amount of dietary fat is what can determine whether you lose, maintain or gain weight: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet

I'm so confused by keto. I'd sincerely appreciate any help because  it's new to me,  and I plugged in the search engine asking info on how much fat, carb and protein I should eat in regard to calorie intake.
The 75% fat, 20% protein  and 5% carb isn't answering the question and  it will take me hours to slog through all the websites just to get my answers.  I'm hoping you might help me.
Typically  I previously ate protein drinks, which either have whey isolate (processed) or a raw unprocessed which usually has  pea/rice/grain blend.  I'm not very fat but I notice I gain weight when I take this.
I'm not a meat eater but I can tolerate eggs for protein.  I don't like the smell of eggs (sometimes they stink and I have to plug my nose)  & generally have been inclined to vegan diets all my life (just can't seem to take meat products but raw and vegan can be very complex for me.)    A friend is doing keto and I thought I'd try it.  I don't like to cook so this sounds simple and I'm willing to try a change.
Question 1)  I don't know how many calories on keto I should eat a day. (I was recently in a car accident and can't exercise as much as I did 8 months ago.)  
2) I don't know how much fat or protein or carb is in the main keto foods and wonder if you have an easy guide in regard to that.  
Because I'm only eating eggs and cheese, seeds for protein (no meat because I won't be able to swallow it or stomach it)  I have a hard time following other full meat keto menus.  
3) Do you have any menus for people like me who have been vegan but for my personal reasons (car accident)  I feel a need to re-set my diet and want to try keto but adaptable for someone like me - to eat a version of keto that I could play with?  
Apologies for my long story and thank you for your time and assistance.
All the best to you in this present moment toward unifying  in your best and healthiest creations !  

Hi Dawn, I hope this helps:
1) The percentages are only relative. Here's how to calculate your macros (carbs, protein, fat and calories) based on your goal and activity level: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
2) Complete Keto Diet Food List: What to Eat and Avoid on a Low-Carb Diet and also this will help: Vegetarian Diet and Keto - Can These Two Work Together?
Also, you can find all vegetarian or vegan recipes here: Recipes (use the filtering tool)
3) Yes! You can get my free vegetarian keto diet plan (includes eggs and dairy so I'm not sure if that's ok):

I have been do I g this low carb diet for over 2 weeks I exercise my life is very low key, so I am 56 but I need to lose about 1 inch off my waist and nothing is happening, getting frustrated!

Hi Anita, I hope this helps: How To Low Carb: 15+ Common Weight Loss Mistakes

Hi!  I’ve been trying to follow the keto diet for about a week now and so far it seems pretty easy, and the number on the scale has gone down but I’m curious if I could lose more if I ate more!  My goal based of the keto calculator is 75% fat (135g) 25% protein ( 110g) and 5% carbs (20g) while consuming around 1750 Cals a day.  So far I have no problem staying within those percentages but hitting the actual gram amount for fat and protein is hard, typically I come up a little short in both and my calorie intake is rarely over 1500.  I’m not hungry usually but was curious if not hitting the gram goal is as important as keeping the percentages in check and carbs low.

Hi Kylie, your protein looks a little too high but I may be wrong - make sure to use this tool: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
If you don't feel hungry, don't force yourself to eat. That is one of the main benefits of low-carb eating. It's not about hitting the macros - it's about controlling the appetite.

What percentage of fat on a ketogenic diet should come from saturated fat?  On the ketogains website they have suggested 55% monounsaturated fat, 27% saturated fat and 18% for polyunsaturated fat for the ketogenic diet.  If saturated fat and monounsaturated fat is the preferred source of fuel it would make sense to have a nice mix of the two.  Thus the aforementioned percentages would be irrelevant to a certain degree.

Hi John, that's a good question and there are different opinions when it comes to the "ideal" saturated fat (SFA) intake. I follow a simple rule: to include enough sources of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and omega 3s, especially from animal sources. I don't track them though. Otherwise, the diet becomes too complicated for most people to follow. Dr Volek and Dr Phinney always emphasise the importance of MUFA and omega 3s because people tend to eat more SFA.

I am 65, diabetic,and have been following the low carb Keto diet now for 60 days. I use an app to keep track of my macros and have lost 16 pounds and enough inches to buy smaller clothes! I started out at about 50g carbs then dropped to 30. My blood sugar levels are now well under control and I feel great!
This is a great article....I felt like you HAD to consume that much fat and frankly my stomach was complaining, so it is great to know that you don't have to.

Hi, I wonder if you can help? Cos I NEED HELP! 😢
I've been on a paleo-ketogenic diet for over a month now (maybe be 6-7 weeks). I was advised to try it by my new doctor - I have severe M.E (sometimes known as Chronic fatigue syndrome) and she thought it could help my energy levels. I've been very strict and keeping my carbs at 20g max daily, worked out all my macros using a 'keto calculator' and keep a track of everything I eat using an app. Initially I lost quite a bit of weight in the first couple of weeks (I'm not overweight but am naturally very slim and have put on weight since becoming bedbound), my blood ketone readings were in the 'nutritional ketosis' mark (between 1.5 and 3) so I was feeling I was on the right track. The last month or so however, the weight has slowly but surely been going back on and I can see and feel it more day by day. Plus my ketone readings are all over the place too - they are generally around 4.5 but have sometimes been as high as 5.8! I read this is ketogenic starvation mode?! Which I guess means that my body thinks it's being starved so it's holding on to most of/all the fat I'm consuming? I have no idea why this is as I haven't changed anything! Can you help me at all please? Why are are my ketones so high? How do I get back into nutritional ketosis (1.5-3 in ketone blood readings)? And how do I get to a place where I feel in control of my body and weight? Sorry for going on a bit, but I'm feeling pretty helpless!
Jen x

Hi Jen, I think that "keeping it strict" may be why you don't see the results. In this case your carbs may be too low - here is a similar article (about hypothyroidism but a similar rule will apply when it comes to carbs): Are Keto and Low Carb Diets Suitable for People with Thyroid Disease?
Also, when it comes to ketones, they are sometimes overrated. You do not need to aim for high ketone levels and it may be why you experience these issues: The Ketone Craze - Who Really Benefits From High Ketone Levels?
Here is more about what to focus on: How To Low Carb: 15+ Common Weight Loss Mistakes
I hope this helps!

Hello. I've followed a strict keto diet for 21 days, have not lost a single pound. I'm only looking to drop 10-15 lbs. I have been consuming 75% fat. 15% protein. 10% carbs. Approx 1700 calories a day. I initially was eating AS MUCH FAT AS POSSIBLE, thus a 2000+ cal diet. The more I wasn't loosing. I ate more fat, less protein. 10 days in, I tuned into my calories, and started to reduce them. I exercise 5-6 days a week, and can't go below 1,700 without feeling hungry.  So now I'm thinking I need a different approach to my fat consumption here. All my fat is coming from Butter, coconut oil, MCT oil and macadamia nuts (no more than 30 g day). Some cheese.
Can someone please guide me on what to do, and why. I like to understand the method. I did ideal protein Three times over the past 7 years. I successfully lost weight after each pregnancy. And maintained. I had gained a ton of weight with each child.
I am trying to stick with Keto to see if I would like to maintain it/lifestyle change. I have an under active thyroid, low energy, little sleep, 3 kids. Ideal protein was great for quick weight loss, not a sustainable diet. I find Keto easy. And sustainable for me. I just need help tweaking what I'm doing. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi Monica, have a look at this post: How To Low Carb: 15+ Common Weight Loss Mistakes

You should lower to fat intake to 60%, move your protein intake to 30% and move your carb intake to 5%. 75% instead of 60% is unnecessary for fat intake and only 15% protein is not anywhere close to sufficient to keep the body feeling full as well as for muscle repair/growth (upp the protein on days you workout since your protein will require more on those days). 20-30g of daily net carbs is the optimal range to keep the body in a ketosis state. I have roughly the same daily calorie intake which has yields good results for me and my buddy has lost a ton of weight with the same macro ratios. The reason why you may not be feeling full is due to a insufficient amount of protein. Your body requires more energy to metabolize protein compared to fats and carbs, which corresponds to a faster metabolism.

I don't understand how when even the fattiest meat is only ~20% fat how my daily fat intake can possibly reach the minimum target of 60+% fat.  

Hi Hank, a gram of fat has more than twice as many calories as a gram of protein and carbs. For this reason, it's actually not that difficult to get to 60-75% fat on a keto diet. Also, fat is used as "filler" - there is no minimum amount. For more information, check out our macronutrient calculator: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet

Why do you think the fattiest meat is only 20%? That's not correct. One slice of baked bacon is about 60/65% fat. 80/20 meat is 'lean' to 'fat' ratio, that doesn't mean it only has 20% fat. You can also buy 70/30 so I'm not sure at all what you mean.

I have Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's. What should my carb count be.

It depends - you will need to try what works best for you. I would generally avoid going below 20 g net carbs. I have Hashimoto's and keep mine at about 40-50 g total carbs (25-35 g net carbs).

hi i am a 45 year old man who weighs 300 i am also diabete i try the keto diet for a few days it made my blood suger go to mind 50 i told my doctor he said maybe i should do around 100 to 120 carbs i micro is 100 gm carbs  130 gram of protein 140 gram of fat is this good for me to lose weight i am have 2050 cal a day

I'm a 38 year old male who is 312 lbs and 6' tall. My day of work is mostly stationary. Am I shooting for under 2000 calories as well? Obviously I'm looking to lose weight but 2000 calories may be difficult. I have read elsewhere that I'd still be in weight loss mode if I ate more, say 2300. I was looking to start my macros at 5% carbs, 70% fat and 25% protein. Any help would be appreciated. I attempted the Keto diet before and lost 5 lbs initially but then stalled for over a week. That being said I didn't eat many veggies and nuts. I now know I need to incorporate these things into my diet. Thanks in advance.

Hi John, the best thing to do would be to check your macros (percentages are not as important as grams, in fact, your ideal intake may be different than the general advice of 5-25-75%): KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet I hope this helps.
And this may help too: How To Low Carb: 15+ Common Weight Loss Mistakes

Fibrous green vegetables, leafy greens and nuts (all high in fiber) with good net carbs will be your best friend on the keto diet. I would advise to eat more of these on a daily basis. Fiber will clean out your intestines and get your digestive system moving.

Hi, One thing I'm confused I supposed to assume that 50% of my fats will come from body fat and only eat 25% dietary fat?  So, when I calculate macros, should I only calculate 25% for fat from my total caloric intake, or the full 60-75%?  I saw a chart by Dr. Phinney that confused me on this.  Thanks for your help.  I could really use help with my macros, though I've had much success thus far.  

Hi Sondra, that depends on the calorie deficit you opt for. The larger the deficit, the more body fat you will use. However, it's generally better to stick with a moderate calorie deficit (although this can be different for individuals). So when you calculate your macros using this keto calculator: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
- this is how much you should be eating (the deficit will already be accounted for). You don't have to deduct anything from your calculated target macros. I hope this helps!

Great article! One thing I have been searching for and can't find is a breakdown of fats. I am supposed to eat around 180g of fat per day but am looking for a breakdown of how many grams of poly, mono, and saturated fats that would come out to be? IE 100g sat, 40g poly, 40g mono = 180g. Obviously needing all 3 I was curious if you could give me a rough breakdown on what your day typically looks like? Thanks for any help!

Hi Brandon, as far as I know, there are no general recommendation. I haven't been tracking my fat intake in detail but I generally eat foods high in omega 3s (animal sources such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, 2-4 times a week) and MUFA (I eat avocados and extra virgin olive oil almost every day, and sometimes snack on macadamia nuts). Plus I opt for healthy sources of SFA (coconut oil, pastured meat, etc). This post explains more about healthy fats:  Complete Guide to Fats & Oils on a Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet

i am on keto for 3 days now . i workout 5 to 6 days per week strength training 5 days ,cardio, 1 class spinning, running 2 times for 40 minutes per week and HIIT. how to keep my strength and keep on track in the gym without feeling tired because of keto diet? and really adding fats won't get me fat ? my weight is 69, body fat percentage is 21%.

I think you need to slow down. If you just started following a keto diet, your energy levels will be low for the first few weeks. If you feel tired, and still want to exercise, go for a walk instead. You need to get your body adapted to fat burning - right now it's still glucose dependent. Don't forget about electrolytes: Keto-Flu and Sufficient Intake of Electrolytes

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