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SuperFood Keto Soup

4.1 stars, average of 223 ratings

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This recipe is great for a keto / paleo diet because it's low in carbs and very high in micronutrients. I used watercress, one of the most underestimated superfoods. Together with Chinese cabbage, chard and spinach, it has the highest amounts of micronutrients amongst greens.

It's high in antioxidants, vitamin A, B, C, E, K, magnesium, potassium and is one of the best non-dairy source of calcium. One serving of this soup will provide over 40% of your daily potassium and help you beat "keto" flu.

For a vegetarian option, use vegetable stock. If you want to avoid dairy, use coconut milk instead. Try this creamy soup with low-carb bread such as Ultimate Keto Buns or Keto Breadsticks!

Hands-on Overall

Serving size about 1 1/2 cups/ 360 ml

Allergy information for SuperFood Keto Soup

✔  Gluten free
✔  Dairy free
✔  Egg free
✔  Nut free
✔  Nightshade free
✔  Pork free
✔  Avocado free
✔  Coconut free
✔  Fish free
✔  Shellfish free
✔  Beef free

Nutritional values (per about 1 1/2 cups/ 360 ml)

Net carbs6.8 grams
Protein4.9 grams
Fat37.6 grams
Calories393 kcal
Calories from carbs 7%, protein 5%, fat 88%
Total carbs9.7 gramsFiber2.9 gramsSugars3.7 gramsSaturated fat23.4 gramsSodium676 mg(29% RDA)Magnesium61 mg(15% RDA)Potassium811 mg(41% EMR)

Ingredients (makes 6 servings)

  • 1 medium head cauliflower (400 g/ 14.1 oz)
  • 1 medium white onion (110 g/ 3.9 oz)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 bay leaf, crumbled
  • 150 g watercress (5.3 oz)
  • 200 g fresh spinach (7.1 oz) or frozen spinach (220 g/ 7.8 oz)
  • 1 litre vegetable stock or bone broth or chicken stock (4 cups/ 1 quart) - you can make your own
  • 1 cup cream or coconut milk (240 ml/ 8 fl oz) + 6 tbsp for garnish
  • 1/4 cup ghee or virgin coconut oil (55 g/ 1.9 oz)
  • sea salt and ground pepper, to taste
  • Optional: fresh herbs such as parsley or chives for garnish


  1. Peel and finely dice the onion and garlic. Place in a soup pot or a Dutch oven greased with ghee and cook over a medium-high heat until slightly browned. Wash the spinach and watercress and set aside. SuperFood Keto Soup
  2. Cut the cauliflower into small florets and place in the pot with browned onion. Add crumbled bay leaf. Cook for about 5 minutes and mix frequently. SuperFood Keto Soup
  3. Add the spinach and watercress and cook until wilted for just about 2-3 minutes. SuperFood Keto Soup
  4. Pour in the vegetable stock and bring to a boil. Cook until the cauliflower is crisp-tender and pour in the cream (or coconut milk). SuperFood Keto Soup
  5. Season with salt and pepper. Take off the heat and using a hand blender, pulse until smooth and creamy. SuperFood Keto Soup
  6. Serve immediately or chill and keep refrigerated for up to 5 days. Freeze for longer. SuperFood Keto Soup Just before serving, drizzle some cream on top. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days or freeze for up to 3 months. SuperFood Keto Soup

SuperFood Keto Soup

4.1 stars, average of 223 ratings
SuperFood Keto Soup
This creamy low-carb soup is packed with flavor and goodness from spinach, watercress and cauliflower.
Hands on10m

Ingredients (makes 6 servings)

  • 1 medium head cauliflower (400 g/ 14.1 oz)
  • 1 medium white onion (110 g/ 3.9 oz)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 bay leaf, crumbled
  • 150 g watercress (5.3 oz)
  • 200 g fresh spinach (7.1 oz) or frozen spinach (220 g/ 7.8 oz)
  • 1 litre vegetable stock or bone broth or chicken stock (4 cups/ 1 quart) - you can make your own
  • 1 cup cream or coconut milk (240 ml/ 8 fl oz) + 6 tbsp for garnish
  • 1/4 cup ghee or virgin coconut oil (55 g/ 1.9 oz)
  • sea salt and ground pepper, to taste
  • Optional: fresh herbs such as parsley or chives for garnish


  1. Peel and finely dice the onion and garlic. Place in a soup pot or a Dutch oven greased with ghee and cook over a medium-high heat until slightly browned. Wash the spinach and watercress and set aside.
  2. Cut the cauliflower into small florets and place in the pot with browned onion. Add crumbled bay leaf. Cook for about 5 minutes and mix frequently.
  3. Add the spinach and watercress and cook until wilted for just about 2-3 minutes.
  4. Pour in the vegetable stock and bring to a boil. Cook until the cauliflower is crisp-tender and pour in the cream (or coconut milk).
  5. Season with salt and pepper. Take off the heat and using a hand blender, pulse until smooth and creamy.
  6. Serve immediately or chill and keep refrigerated for up to 5 days. Freeze for longer. Just before serving, drizzle some cream on top. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days or freeze for up to 3 months.

Nutrition (per about 1 1/2 cups/ 360 ml)

Net Carbs6.8g
Saturated Fat23.4g

Detailed nutritional breakdown (per about 1 1/2 cups/ 360 ml)

Net carbsProteinFatCalories
Total per about 1 1/2 cups/ 360 ml
6.8 g4.9 g37.6 g393 kcal
Cauliflower, fresh
2 g1.3 g0.2 g17 kcal
Onion, white, fresh
1.4 g0.2 g0 g7 kcal
Garlic, fresh
0.3 g0.1 g0 g1 kcal
Bay leaf, dried
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Watercress, fresh
0.2 g0.6 g0 g3 kcal
Spinach, fresh
0.5 g1 g0.1 g8 kcal
Vegetable stock
1 g0.8 g7.2 g72 kcal
Cream, heavy whipping, pouring, full-fat (30-40% fat)
1 g0.8 g15.2 g146 kcal
Cream, heavy whipping, pouring, full-fat (30-40% fat)
0.4 g0.3 g5.7 g55 kcal
0 g0 g9.2 g83 kcal
Salt, pink Himalayan rock salt
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal
Pepper, black, spices
0 g0 g0 g0 kcal

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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Comments (38)

I am keto vegan. I’ve made this soup this week. I´ve put in a whole bunch of spinach and watercress, put it in my Vitamix at the end, and ended up with a delicious, velvety, healthy  soup. Thank you. This is quite a discovery.  Marie-Andree. Victoria BC

Thank you Marie-Andree! I'm glad you enjoyed

This is my go to Soup recipe that I make all year round. I found watercress at our Toronto Asian Market. The taste with it is out of this world! Thank you Martina for the perfect comfort soup. xoxo p.s. if I'm out of bone broth I add Non msg - Vegeta, next level!

Thank you for your kind words Claudia!

Great recipes

This soup is SO good! And super easy to put together -I even cheated and used frozen riced cauliflower. Just weighed it out to the grams you indicated in the ingredients and it all worked fine. My toddler even scarfed it up 😊 Thank you!

Thank you so much Miranda!

Hi Martina! Love this recipe and can’t wait to try it out!
Just curious, will the soup taste different if it’s served unblended?

Hi Maya, I think this depends on what you prefer. I personally like it blended as it makes the soup creamy. If you don't blend it, it will be more like stock.

Where can I find watercress???  I live near what was once called the Watercress Capitol of the World.  I havn't seen watercress in any store in years.
This diet is so important for us.  Hubby is T1 diabetic and developed a seizure disorder after a major brain hemorrhage.  His seizures are controlled by a medicine that is processed in the liver.  We lean toward a keto diet with a carb load nearer 70 gm of carb.  I must be able to prove to his neuro doc that we know how o manage a keto diet so we can wean him off the seizure meds. Seizure meds are implicated as a cause for Alzheimer's We a mostly organic and  We drink lots of green smoothies.
It is all expensive.
Thanks for your app and recipes.

Hi Lindy, I get it from a local grocery store but they don't have it all the time. I think it depends on the season. You can always use just spinach, or add a few broccoli florets, it will work just fine. This post might help: Ketogenic Diet and Type 1 Diabetes

Thank you very much for this recipe!  My husband and I simply adore it.  I think it will go into a bi-weekly rotation.  

I cannot easily find watercress. what could be used as a substitute?

Yes, you can use more spinach, or even chard or broccoli 😊

Just made this soup for dinner using beef broth. It is excellent! I normally don't like soup very much, but this really great. All of your recipes that we've tried so far have been fantastic. Just bought your fat bombs book. Thank you for all your hard work!  

Thank you very much Erica!

I can't see how you got 392 calories per serving - when I calculate it, I get much less!
400g cauliflower - 100kcal
110g onion - 46 kcal
2 cloves garlic - 9kcal
1 bay leaf, crumbled - 6kcal (? for 1 tsp)
150 g watercress - 17 kcal
200 g fresh spinach - 46 kcal
1 litre vegetable stock - 4*72=288 kcal from your recipe
1 cup + 6 tbsp coconut milk -  577.5 kcal
¼ cup ghee or coconut oil - 468 kcal
When I added this all up and divided by 6 I got much less than 392. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks.

Hi Alice, coconut milk is an alternative to cream. It works well as a substitute but is lower in fat and changes the nutrition facts  - unless you use coconut cream (creamed coconut milk) that is higher in fat - that's why the nutritional facts don't match. I got slightly different results (622 kcal from coconut milk) - you may have used a different brand with less fat. Cream, on the other hand, will contribute to 1100 kcal (30-40% fat).

Hey! Thanks for the clarification. I don't really understand how you got 622 or 1100, either. Mind sharing the numbers with me?

Heavy whipping cream contains 878 kcal per cup, coconut milk contains 445 kcal per cup and coconut cream contains 792 kcal per cup. Keep in mind that nutrition facts for products will slightly vary. Additionally, if you are using an online/ shared / user-generated food database that is not verified like the USDA database, you may get different results.

Where does it say that heavy whipping cream has 878 kcal/cup? I cannot find it.
Secondly, I still do not understand how you obtain 392. Could you share with me the exact numbers you used?
(100+46+9+6+17+46+288+468+878*(1+6/16))/6 = 351.83, not 392. Where am I going wrong?

I'm sorry Alice but I'm too busy working on a book now. I used a verified database to calculate this - I'm sure it's correct. 350 vs 390 is actually not a big difference and is likely the result of inaccuracies in the other database. Maybe the cream you are using has different amount of fat (all it takes to add 40 kcal is 4 grams of fat).

This is an awesome recipe it's a comfort food especially during the freezing cold days of winter!!

This was yummy thanks.How many fluid oz are you calling a serving and how many total calories are in this soup (made with coconut milk)

Hi Brett, there are 392 calories per serving and one serving is about 1 1/2 cups (11-12 fl oz) based on the ingredients used.

This soup looks so delicious and healthy! I need to get an immersion blender, I've been just pouring my soups into a regular blender but that gets messy real quick! ;)

Thank you Sarah! 😊

I bought a cheap one at Walmart that works nicely (hand-held immersion blender) and cost less than $20.

This soup looks so refreshing! I started eating keto just 3 weeks ago, so this website is going to be a big help to me.
I see that you have nutritional information, which is great (thank you!), but I don't see how many servings this recipes makes or what amount a serving is. Can you help? Thanks so much!

Thank you Becca! It's 6 servings (see the list of ingredients). Hope this helps 😊

I've been suffering with flu and stomachache and was hardly able to eat anything. This soup has saved me and I couldn't get enough of it. Thank you so much for all your amazing recipes!

That's great to hear Kim! Thank you 😊

This looks delicious. Is it supposed to be eaten as a cold soup?

Thank you! It can be eaten both hot or cold 😊

Made this today! Yummy! 😊

Thank you!!

This soup is so amazing that I actually CRAVE it often! I always eat the whole pot and don't share 😊

Thank you, I'm glad you like it! 😊)