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Perfect Keto Review

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Disclaimer: Perfect Keto products have been provided to me for the purpose of this review by Perfect Keto as free samples. This has not influenced my review and the opinions expressed in this post are my own.

Supplements with exogenous ketones have become increasingly popular within the keto community. While exogenous ketones show promising results in certain areas, there has been lot of misinformation that needs clarification. Sadly, some exogenous ketone supplements are sold via what is known as multi-level marketing (MLM).

What bothers me with MLM strategies is that they employ an ever growing army of unqualified distributors that go to great lengths to sell exogenous ketones as a "miraculous weight loss product." Want to know more? Check out the comment section for my replies.

But not all companies follow a MLM strategy and Perfect Keto, who make exogenous ketone supplements and MCT oil powder, is one of them. Are they worth the price tag? I listed all potential benefits and side effects - it's up to you to decide.

What is Perfect Keto made of?

As opposed to endogenous ketones that are produced by the body, exogenous ketones are supplemented. There are two types of exogenous ketones:

  • synthetically made ketone esters that are primarily used in research
  • commercially available exogenous ketone supplements, such as Perfect Keto, made with naturally derived ketone salts

Each pack of Perfect Keto is made with beta hydroxybutyrate (BHB), calcium, magnesium, natural flavours, citric acid and stevia.

How does it work?

BHB raises blood ketone levels after ingestion, providing the body with extra energy in a similar (but not the same) way endogenous ketones do (see sections below for more info).

How does Perfect Keto taste?

They come in two flavours. Although I love chocolate, I preferred the Peaches & Cream flavour. At first, I tried mixing with water but the taste was much better with almond milk. My partner preferred the Chocolate & Sea Salt flavour.

Exogenous ketones are known to have a specific taste that some people will like, while others will not. If you want to try Perfect Keto, start by trying small single-serving packs to see if you like it. I found that mixing them with almond milk instead of water significantly improves the taste.

How much does Perfect Keto cost?

As you may know, exogenous ketone supplements are fairly pricey. Perfect Keto is more affordable compared to other ketone supplements and works out at about $59 USD per 15 servings.

Perfect Keto Review

What are the benefits?

Exogenous ketones may help increase energy levels, improve performance and enhance mental focus. However, more studies to support these claims are needed, as currently most studies focus on the effects of endogenous ketones. My experience: I did notice an increase in energy levels and less tiredness after exercise with exogenous ketones. I like the extra energy boost it gives me and still use it before my workouts.

If you just started following the ketogenic diet, exogenous ketones may help you get through the initial adaptation period, until you get fat-adapted and your body effectively uses body fat and dietary fat for energy. This doesn't mean you need exogenous ketones to get keto-adapted (I didn't use them back then), it simply means they may lessen the negative symptoms of the adaptation period.

If you're following the ketogenic diet for therapeutic purposes, exogenous ketones may help manage your condition. Dr. Dominic D'Agostino has been using exogenous ketones in his research for their therapeutic effects, focusing on cancer. Due to their neuroprotective properties, exogenous ketones may also help patients with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and epilepsy.

Note: If you're following the ketogenic diet for therapeutic purposes, or you are a type 1 or type 2 diabetic, first consult with your doctor before taking exogenous ketones. Exogenous ketones can significantly alter your blood sugar and you may need an adjustment to your medication.

Will exogenous ketones help me lose weight?

Many people have been wondering if supplements with exogenous ketones can help them lose weight. Although there is anecdotal evidence that exogenous ketones may suppress appetite, there is currently no scientific evidence to support that. Some suggest that the appetite-suppressing effects are only present for a few hours after ingestion.

I have been following a low-carb diet since 2011 and I personally didn't notice any difference in my appetite. I can easily go without a meal until dinner with or without exogenous ketones.

Exogenous ketones may boost your energy levels and improve performance while you exercise. This can potentially help you lose weight if you can control your appetite. Keep in mind that as your energy levels increase and you can exercise more vigorously, your appetite may also increase. My advice: Don't exercise just to burn calories and lose body fat - this approach doesn't work in the long run.

Instead, focus on your diet. Just like you cannot out-exercise a bad diet, you cannot out-supplement a bad diet. Don't confuse endogenous ketones that are produced on a ketogenic diet and combined with a low energy state, with exogenous ketones added to your diet without the necessary changes in your food intake. Supplementing with exogenous ketones doesn't give you a free ticket to splurge on carbs. If you want to give exogenous ketones a try, you should do it while following a well-formulated ketogenic diet.

Exogenous ketones are not a magic tool for weight loss. If you want to lose weight, your macronutrient targets should be your number one priority. In fact, ketone levels that are too high can block the utilisation of body fat via increased insulin levels.

A word of advice: If your goal is to lose weight but you are not willing to change your diet, then exogenous ketones aren't for you.

Are there any side effects?

You may experience stomach discomfort. If you do, start with just half of the recommended serving. I tried a different brand of exogenous ketones in the past and had stomach discomfort to the point that I couldn't leave the house for several hours. Needless to say that I was hesitant when trying Perfect Keto for the first time. To my surprise, I didn't have any digestion issues even after having 1 serving of exogenous ketones and one serving of MCT oil powder in one day. Keep in mind that everyone is different. If you use them for the first time, just be aware that you may experience some stomach discomfort.

Blood ketone & glucose effects

During my experiment I wanted to see how taking the supplement affected my blood sugar and ketone levels. I took measurements before and 100 minutes after taking the supplement.

I took the first readings at 3 pm. This was 5 hours after my first meal (full-fat yogurt with berries and nuts, about 10 grams of net carbs), and 2 hours after my workout (60 minutes of resistance training combined with light cardio and stretching). I took the second reading 100 minutes after taking the exogenous ketone supplement (1 cup of unsweetened almond milk + 1 serving of Peaches & Cream Perfect Keto).

My "before" ketone readings were 1.2 mmol, and my "after" ketone readings increased to 2.2 mmol.

Perfect Keto Review

My "before" blood glucose readings were 5 mmol/L (90 mg/dL), and my "after" blood glucose readings dropped slightly to 4.9 mmol/L (88 mg/dL). Although in my case the drop was insignificant, others have reported more significant decrease in their blood sugar levels.

Perfect Keto Review

MCT Oil Powder

Finally, I also tried Perfect Keto MCT Oil Powder. I often use MCT oil in smoothies and coffee to boost my energy before a workout. What I like about it is that unlike most commercially available products, there are no fillers, such as maltodextrin or soluble corn fibre - just pure powdered MCT oil. Perfect Keto MCT Oil Powder is made with 70% C8 (Caprylic Acid) and 30% C10 (Capric Acid).

MCT Oil Powder is easier to digest compared to regular MCT oil - I had no stomach discomfort which I experienced with some MCT oils, and it provided extra energy that kept me going until dinner.

How about blood glucose and ketone readings? One hour after ingesting a serving of Perfect Keto MCT Oil Powder (mixed in 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk with cinnamon), my ketone readings were unaffected and stayed at 2.2 mmol/L. My blood glucose slightly increased but the change was insignificant: from 4.9 mmol/L (88 mg/dL) to 5.2 mmol/L (94 mg/dL) - this could be down to the almond milk I used instead of water.

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If you want to give Perfect Keto a try and get it for free, you can join our giveaway and win 2 packs - choice will be yours! Two lucky winners will be picked in a few days.

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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Comments (203)

Dear Perfect Keto personnel:
I became a subscriber with my first order of the Perfect Keto chocolate protein powder.  Fraud happened on my debit card that I used for my subscription and it was resolved and I was sent a new debit card. I went in to my account, to edit my debit card info with the new info and did so, but as soon as I clicked on the button to edit my info, it stopped working. I notified your company by email and text and they said they were working on it. It has now been 3 days. My subscription acct. had to be delayed and upcoming shipment stopped until they fixed the website problem. Now I get an email that they are sorry to lose me, when they were supposed to be fixing this problem quickly so I can order again.  I am so frustrated with the customer service! I ended up just cancelling out all together, which is a total shame, since I loved the product. It's just the customer service quality that is nonexistent.
Mary Chappell

Hi Mary, please, keep in mind this is just a product review. Perfect Keto support personnel will not see this and you need to contact them directly. I'm sure they will be happy to assist with any issues!

I tried Perfect Keto Chocolate Sea Salt base. I went through the entire container expecting some kind of results and got ZERO!!!!!!! I was extremely disappointed in the outcome because I had paid 59.00 for the product.I am using their MCT Oil and I bought some nut butter. I emailed them and asked for refund and was told by Jenica to just return it and I would be reimbursed. I mailed the container back to them and after not hearing from them for two weeks, I resent email. She claims they never received the package and doubted I had sent the container back to them. I don't trust these people and would NOT recommend dealing with them!!!!!

I would just like to comment on the Perfect Keto Micros- lemon flavor with micronutritional greens powder. The taste of this product is putrid! I really wanted to like it- was looking forward to supplementing my Keto path and even tried it twice. It has the flavor of bile. I would like to try a different flavor however I am a little skittish after this experience. Maybe I will stick with products that I can sample. As a disclaimer- I contacted Perfect Keto with my concerns and was told they only have a 30 day exchange policy (which I was not aware of). Hope other flavors are better than this one. Thank you.

I would love to win. I have tried the MLM brand and really like it, but don't love the MLM piece of it. If I win I'd choose the chocolate!  Thanks for the review!

Hi do you ship this to Australia apart from going through amazon america

I've been reading reviews on Perfect Keto and many people say that it's "half the price of others" (namely Pruvit). I was really interested until I figured out that the cost is actually MORE than Pruvit if you buy larger quantities. I'd LOVE to find a BHB that's not so expensive (I'm sure the profit-margin on any of these is astronomical). Also, I'd prefer to NOT buy from any MLM (I'd rather be fat, than feel like a car-salesman). ;)
I don't need the MCT or anything else. Is there a BHB that isn't so expensive?

Hi Rob, I only tried 3 brands and now use two of them (none are MLM). One of them is Perfect Keto (I like the peach flavour BHB and chocolate Collagen that contains MCTs) and the other one is Ketologic which seems less expensive (about $70 per 30 servings). Prices of these products change over time as new products are introduced to the market.

Is it ok to use Exogenous Ketones and / or MCT Oil or Whey Protein in the one smoothie?

I'd start with just one of them and slowly add more. Both BHB and MCT oil may be too much to start with and you may experience digestive issues.

Hi I am looking to try this product but my question is.  There are so many different products to choose and I was wanting to loose about 20 pounds.So what product would be the best way to do so.  Would it be the Salts (no idea what they do or are for)  The Keto Collagen, ( again no idea what for or what they do)  or the MCT oil?  

Hi Shelley, as I explained in this review, exogenous ketones are not a weight loss products. Weight loss claims related to exogenous ketones are based on anecdotal evidence. Perfect Keto Collagen is a protein powder supplement. It's a blend of grass-fed collagen, MCT oil powder, unsweetened cocoa powder and stevia. Protein powder may aid weight loss (just like protein in general) as it may reduce appetite. MCT powder will boost your energy levels - and could potentially help you lose weight via increased activity level. But none of these are "weight loss products" - your diet is the main factor for weight loss.

Hi. Thank you for your post. I was surprised to read that MCT powder didn't changed your ketones level. Do you have an idea why?

Hi Thierry, my ketone levels were already relatively high (at least for me), and I don't know how much can MCT oil/powder help increase them (I never tested other MCT oils/powders to see if there was any difference in ketone levels).
Also note that once you get keto-adapted, your ketone levels will tend to be lower and that is fine because it means you are using ketones and fat for energy and your body will down-regulate their production. I would just like to add that these days I don't measure my ketone levels - I just follow the diet. If I want to see how certain foods affect me, I use a blood glucose meter. I used the ketone meter just for the purpose of this review.

After 2 years on a keto diet, I can confirm that my ketones level is lower than initially. I was using a ketones meter to test food impact. I never thought to use a glucose meter. That makes sense. Thank you for the tip.
If I use a glucose meter, what is a normal level? 5? And what's the interval we can consider as acceptable? Thank you again.

I tried it a few times before my crossfit and love it... but it's way too expensive. Would like to win the chocolate!

Think i will keep to just eating for keto 😀

I'd love to try any of the products

I would love to try the chocolate! I have tried the MLM product and liked the benefits but would like to find a product that was not MLM, so I am a fan of PerfectKeto already!

Perfect Keto is MLM Amy, she mentioned it in the review.

Perfect Keto is not MLM, it's the opposite - I mentioned no such thing.

Looking forward to trying Perfect Keto.

Great review, thank you for your honesty! I'd love to try the MCT powder.

I would like to try the exogenous ketones.

I'd like to try the chocolate  please!

I can't wait to try this. I value your review.

Chocolate and peach

Thank you for the honest review, I'd love to try the peach! I use exogenous ketones (different product) for the energy and mental focus. I had a very stressful year with lots of exams, it was hard to stay focused and too much coffee was making me anxious.  I just wish that they weren't so expensive and would love to win!

I am on chocolate kick right now so that flavor would probably be my first choice.

Hello , this is an awesome review you have written. Everyday getting sales request from ppl of  exogenous ketones, I needed to know both the sides. Than you Martina.

All of them look great!

If I get sample packs and like, I'll purchase.

Has to be the Peaches+Cream! 😍 Promo aside, I have always been a food is purely functional person, zero interest in cooking ever, regularly forgot to eat, no appetite, body in total atrophy. Since switching to Keto I've never eaten so much and you genuinely can't keep me out of the kitchen!! I don't know who I am anymore 😄 I feel sorry for my housemates because I always the processor going and the oven on now! Aside from the monumental health benefits, you've awakened a real joy in me and I (+mum) can't thank you enough for all the effort you go to for all of us. I 100% could not commit to keto if it wasn't for your app. Legend! 🙌🏼

Thank you so much for your kind words!

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