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Want to Lose Weight?
Eat Fat for Breakfast!

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Want to Lose Weight? Eat Fat for Breakfast!ShareFollow us 261.1k

Eating more dietary fat for breakfast will boost your metabolism and help you with fat loss! Your body is in fat-burning mode when you first wake up, and you can keep that going if you keep your carbs intake low in the morning. In other words, this means you should have the majority of carbs later in the day rather than eating them in the morning.

A study from 2010 published in the International Journal of Obesity examined the effect of different types of foods and timing of intake on the development of metabolic syndrome characteristics.

It concludes that eating dietary fat in the morning is better metabolically, because the enzymes are most active when you wake up, and least active at the end of the day. In other words, the first meal you have in the morning will program your metabolism for the rest of the day. So, eat fat and you will most likely be burning fat throughout the day!

So, what should the perfect breakfast look like? On days you really want to eat as little carbs as possible, here is the list of foods you can try:

  • avocados (they contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats)
  • eggs (they are amazingly nutritious - rich in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals)
  • bacon and fatty meat cuts
  • fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring)
  • fresh vegetables (freshly chopped, full of vitamins, minerals and fiber)
  • nuts (rich in omega 3 fatty acids that will help you burn fat)
  • full-fat plain yogurt (slightly higher in carbs but also contains gut-friendly bacteria that will help digestion)

Aim for organic, natural products and avoid preservatives (e.g. if you get eggs, get them free-range or organic) - read the food labels!

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Martina Slajerova
Creator of

Martina Slajerova

I changed the way I ate in 2011, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. I had no energy, and I found it more and more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and to start following a whole-foods-based ketogenic approach to food.

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Comments (14)

I’ve seem to stall or revert back. I’ve only been on this for 2 months and had lost 6-7 lbs, but lately I’m roller coasting. I don’t go by the scale that much but you feel bloated and h act. Too much heavy beef and cheese will do that.
So I’m starting over, tracking again. I don’t feel I fell off but I’m not doing something right.
I also had Hashi Moto’s back in 1990’s and lost 92% of my thyroid. But I guess I’m stable my TSH and T4 stay in the normal range at my current Med dose.
Thanks for the info on morning metabolism. I didn’t know that.

Hi Katie, this might help: Are Keto and Low Carb Diets Suitable for People with Thyroid Disease?

Ive been loving the taste of Keto foods, and would like to continue it as a life-style, not just a passing diet.
I am struggling because i dont have a gallbladder.
It is now 8 days and i cant figure out what kind of fat and the percentage of fat that i should be consuming for the diet to be effective without it causing GI problems.
Any info you can give me or guide me towards would be much appreciated!
Many thanks in advance!

Hi Alexandra, you can use our keto calculator to calculate your macros: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet
It may also be better to work with an expert/dietitian who understands low-carb diets and can help you make the right choices.

I'm now on day 3 of keto eating and waiting for keto flu to hit. LOL. I've been here once before and remember around day 3-4 is when I felt the worst. I'm hoping that this time I'm getting enough salt to help stave off the headaches, because that's what hit me worst the last time. I'm so far doing well, except struggling to get in all my fat (and my calories are quite low - I forgot how much lower in calories low carb foods are!)
Anyway, I've been having fun going through your site! Eating fat for breakfast goes against everything I've been told in the past - which makes me laugh. They always said morning was the best time for carbs! My struggle is, most mornings I'm not hungry until almost lunch time (except for my coffee, which satisfies me until around 11 AM). Do you think if I eat my "breakfast" that late, it will still give me the fat burning effect? Or have I been away too long by then for it to have the same benefit as a true breakfast? Just curious if timing of the first real meal makes a difference.

I was there too, Michelle! What I love about keto is that I don't call my meals "breakfast", "lunch" or "dinner" any more -  I just eat when I'm hungry. On most days, this means I don't eat before 1 pm. Unless you have severe blood sugar issues (hypoglycaemia) or hormone issues and have to eat more frequently, only eat when you are hungry 😊

Re:  Freshly chopped vegetables. Because standing up for more than 10 minutes gets very painful for me, prep time for meals needs to be kept to a minimum. I was thinking of pre-chopping a lot of veggies and freezing them in baggies, probably a cup or two per bag. Will I be sacrificing significant nutrition?  Many LC recipes seem to call for frozen spinach or broccoli.

How quickly do you lose on Keto?  I weigh a lot,  a little over 200

I wish I could tell you but there is not "universal way" or number for everyone. Just make sure you stick with the right macronutrients: KetoDiet Buddy - Easy Macro Calculator for the Ketogenic Diet

Any information about Carb up days?

Hi Art, I don't currently have any specific post about carb-up days but I have it in my list!

It's crazy if you think about it. We were told carbs were good for us, especially for breakfast. I've been keto-adapted for 2 months and never felt better in my life!

Great to hear that! Good luck with keto 😊

Thanks for all the tips!