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Take the guesswork out of following a low-carb diet, lose body fat & feel great!
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Healthy low-carb, keto and paleo recipes plus free guides and diet plans to help you achieve your goals on the ketogenic diet

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Beyond the Labels: A Fresh Take on Keto and 'Non-Keto' Foods

Think you know keto? Think again! Dive into our eye-opening guide that shatters keto myths and unveils a whole new, flexible approach to low-carb living. Don't miss out! Discover the nuanced approach to the ketogenic diet, emphasizing the importance of whole foods over rigid 'keto' labels.

Is Erythritol Safe? Unpacking the Latest Research

What's the future of low-carb desserts? Get a straightforward breakdown of the latest research, hear what critics have to say, and explore suitable alternatives and how to substitute them in your diet.

Sesame Seeds & Oil: Surprising Science of Sesame

Processed seed and vegetable oils are generally regarded to be unstable and potentially inflammatory. Sesame might be a delicious exception because of how compounds in the oil alter inflammatory pathways and fat metabolism.

Macadamia Nuts - King of Keto Nuts

Macadamia nuts are the healthiest nuts you can eat when you follow a low-carb diet. They are ultra low in carbs, low in omega 6 fats, high in monounsaturated fats and low in anti-nutrients!

Free Holiday Survival Guide plus 4 Free Diet Plans

Support for the Existence of Lean Mass Hyper-Responders

Breaking new study finds that being Leaner and Metabolically Healthy is associated with larger increases in LDL cholesterol on a low-carbohydrate diet. While these data are preliminary and observational, they open up fascinating Questions about mechanisms and cardiovascular risk.

The Ketogenic Diet: A Promising Treatment Option for ADHD?

The ketogenic diet shows great promise in alleviating ADHD symptoms, and may be a potent dietary intervention for ADHD. Rebalancing neurotransmitters and altering the gut microbiome are potential mechanisms for the ketogenic diet to improve ADHD.

Are Sugar and Sweet Harmful?

What does sugar do in the body? Can you eat it in moderation? Is it addictive? Here, we provide answers to these questions, and more, in a story that hopefully gets more compelling as you read. And, if you take these thoughts to heart, you may just discover how to make blueberries taste like ice cream!

High-Protein Diets: Is More Protein Actually Better?

There is a lot of hype right now about high-protein diets. But what does this actually mean? How much protein should you eat? What are the best sources of protein? Is more protein actually better or is too much unhelpful? In this blog, we try to wade through the hype and give you reasonable scientific responses to some of the most common questions and controversies.

Bestselling Books
KetoDiet Cookbook by Martina Slajerova
Have any of my books?

The Science of Cheese: All You Need To Know

All you need to know about cheese; How it's made, why you should be eating more A2 dairy and less A1 dairy and whether you should worry about saturated fats in cheese. You'll also learn which types of cheese are low in lactose, histamine and tyramine and which types of cheese are high in calcium.

What is the Carbohydrate Insulin Model?

There is a lot of misinformation on the internet about the “Carbohydrate Insulin Model” (CIM) of obesity. In this post, we clarify what the model is and overview the supporting science, as well as where challenges to the model fall flat.

Is Cholesterol Corrupted by the Dark Side?

LDL is NOT "bad cholesterol." LDL is a carrier particle for molecular fuel and building blocks. Healthy lifestyle, starting with proper human nutrition, prevents LDL from turning to the dark side.

The Truth About Flax and Other “Superfoods” & “Toxic” Foods

There are a lot of claims in the low-carb nutrition and health media about amazing “superfoods” that will transform your body and health. In reaction to the superfood sensationalism, there are an equal number of fear-mongering blogs about the dangerous properties of certain "so-called" health foods.

Reducing carbs isn't just a diet trend
it's a proven method for weight loss, backed by over sixty scientific trials. This isn't just about weight loss; it's about cultivating a healthy lifestyle to maintain your ideal weight.
KetoDiet plan chart comparison