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Can the Ketogenic Diet Help Patients with Parkinson's Disease?

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Can the Ketogenic Diet Help Patients with Parkinson's Disease?ShareFollow us 261.1k

Quick Summary tl;dr

From the data that we have already on the ability of ketone bodies to help mend and protect neurons from oxidative damage, the Ketogenic Diet as a therapy option for the use in Parkinson’s disease would therefore appear to be very promising.

Many more well designed studies in human populations would be needed before a specific conclusion could be drawn.

Table of Contents

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive neurological condition generally indicated by nerve cell damage and cell death. It results from a deterioration of dopamine producing cells in the brain (an area known as substantia nigra).

This lack of dopamine in the brain is what produces the symptoms of the disease such as tremors, rigidity and slowness of movement. Other symptoms, which can also occur in some people with Parkinson’s disease, include tiredness, confusion, depression and pain. The disease itself significantly impacts an individual’s quality of life.

Can the Ketogenic Diet Help Patients with Parkinson's Disease?

What Causes Parkinson’s Disease?

The specific cause of PD is believed to be genetic abnormalities and/or environmental triggers such as infections (1). These causes affect mitochondrial function by increasing oxidative stress in the body, which is believed to be a key driver in the deterioration of the dopamine producing cells in the brain ( 2).

Under normal conditions, when oxidative stress occurs in the body, there are systems that are available to help counteract the negative effects. However, when the system becomes over loaded (as in the case of PD), they are unable to deal with the pressure and so free radicals (also known as Reactive Oxygen Species; ROS) are formed which cause cell death and destruction.

Is there a Cure for Parkinson’s Disease?

There is currently no cure for Parkinson’s disease with only a select few drugs and treatments available to best help manage the symptoms.

How Can the Ketogenic Diet Help Patients with Parkinson’s Disease?

In normal adults, the brain generally relies on the metabolism of glucose for its energy. The only other substrate that it can use is that of ketone bodies produced when following the ketogenic diet.

The ketogenic diet (KD) is a high-fat, moderate protein, low-carb diet that makes your body switch from glucose to fat and ketones as fuel. KD has been used as a treatment in refractory epilepsy for over 50 years and now there is a growing interest in the use of the KD for treatment in PD.

There exists a growing body of evidence to show that the ketogenic diet and specifically ketone bodies, can exert neuroprotective activity within the brain. Namely, studies that have been done in cells and animal models, have demonstrated that the ketones can promote antioxidant activity ( 3).

This antioxidant activity is what helps to decrease the free radical formation in the mitochondria and so protecting the cells from oxidative stress and injury ( 4).

Due to the proposed impact that ketones can have on mitochondrial function, it is hypothesised that they may be warranted as a treatment within PD.

The Effect of Ketone Bodies - Animal Studies

In animal models, a certain type of substrate (known as 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine; MPTP) has been found to mimic that of PD. This means that researchers have been able to investigate the impact that ketone bodies may have on the disorder.

In one study ( 5), tissue cells of rats containing MPTP were infused with the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate. It was found that the ketone body could protect the mitochondria from the toxicity caused by the MPTP by decreasing free radical production.

Another similar study also demonstrated that the ketone body D-β-hydroxybutyrate protects the neurons in the brain from cell damage ( 6).

The Effect of Ketone Bodies - Human Study

Whilst most of the work looking at the effect of ketone bodies in the treatment of PD has been done in cell and animal models, there is one small study that has been carried out in humans. Seven patients with PD volunteered to follow a KD for 28 days at home.

Only 5 out of the 7 completed the 28 days but the results showed a positive impact on PD scales (UPDRS). Symptoms that were shown to improve included resting tremors, freezing, balance, gait, mood and energy levels ( 7).

Although this is a very promising study, the limitations of the study do need to be highlighted. It is of course a very small sample size and even of the sample size, only 5 out of 7 could stick with the diet.

Likewise, the diet was only carried out for 28 days, so not really mimicking what it would be like to follow a KD as a lifestyle change. The KD that was followed was of the strictest 4:1 variety (90% of calories as fat, 2% from carbohydrates and 8% from protein). This could be what caused the low adherence rates.

From the work that has been carried out in adults with epilepsy, we can see that the same neuroprotective effects can still be found from a Modified Atkins Diet ( 8).

Meaning that for future research, placing people on a less restrictive form of the KD may warrant similar results with better attrition rates.

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Emily Maguire, BSc, MSc
Creator of

Emily Maguire

After completion of her BSc in Nutrition, Emily went onto study for an MSc in Obesity Science and Management. Author at, she is keen to share the myths and truths surrounding the ever confusing and interesting topic of nutrition.

With over 7 years of experience working within the commercial weight loss sector, she has unprecedented insight knowledge into the use of alternative nutritional therapies, particularly that of the ketogenic diet.

Expert Article

This article was written by Emily Maguire, BSc, MSc who is a qualified expert. At KetoDiet we work with a team of health professionals to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. You can find out more on the About us page.

Evidence Based

Evidence-Based articles are based on medical research, and scientific evidence. Our expert authors focus on hard evidence alone and include relevant research references from trusted sources to support their articles. We always aim to deliver relevant, trustworthy and up-to-date information based on trusted evidence and proven research.

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Comments (11)

Do you know of other studies and articles proving KD is good for PD?  My PD makes it hard to digest meat and I fight constipation... Is there a certain time of day I need to eat my protein?  I wonder if KD makes it easier to digest meat?   Thank you, Rita

Dear Emily:   Good Day,   I am a 54 year old man ,recently diagnosed with Parkinsins disease , doing Physical therapy when able and taking my meds for this as directed by my doctor..  I have good days and bad day some mood swings,some stiffness at times do not feel my age and have a very supportive wife. I recently started a diet on the Keto plan and wanted to know what is your opinion of this??  I feel it can be a good diet plan and willing to try anything to diminish the effects of Parkinsons diseace .. I hope to lose some weight gain strength and  maintain my quality of life for a long time..  Any suggestions???

Hi Emily
Great to see your commitment and assistance.  My problem is the loss of weight (parkisons 12yr) in the last 12 months about 15kg and getting the frozen feet problems.  Where do I go for assistance to put weight on,
Thanks Les

Hi Emily ,thank you for the info. It is helpful to find out that there are cures existing for Parkinson. I wish to ask is there an exact diet you can introduce?daily intake food and what to do eat and what not?

Hi Mehdi,
Thank you for your comments. In terms of diet, there isn't a specific one that has conclusively been shown to 'cure' Parkinsons. The early data that we have on the KD is showing to be promising but more evidence is still required. In terms of the optimal diet, this is about working with your body and establishing what is right for you. I would recommend working with a qualified health expert to put you on the right tracks.

Interesting knowledge and many thanks to you. I have had PD for about 5 years and currently attacking my PD with nutrition and exercise. To better understand a Ketogenic Diet, I highly recommend the book "Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore and a  group of MD's". the book explains the KETO diet, how it functions in the body and how to know when you're in nutritional Ketosis. The  audible version is superb, easy to follow and understand with a summary at the end of each chapter  (27 total). Audible is 9 hours long. He doesn't talk about PD, just the Keto Diet and the neurological benefits. Very easy listening and interesting (enjoyable). He uses 80% fat for his Keto Diet to be a fat burner. Also clearly explains testing to ensure proper KETO state. My PD doctor also stated the benefits of a Ketogenic diet. I think the problem is no one has put together a PD Keto Diet and to get the percentages cited in this small study extremely hard let along to live on it. We need some dedicated and determined person(s) to design a PD Keto Diet and food products.  

Hi Joe,
Thank you for your comment. That book is a great book and there are some others now that have been pubished that take a deep dive look at more neurological conditions including that of PD. One in particular is called The Ketogenic Bible. Also in agreement that more dedicated work and research is needed in this area.

You might want to rethink your position that PD is a genetic disease.  Most PD cases are due to smal mtDNA mutations that lead to a lack of energy production in the eye, frontal lobe, and then the basal ganglia and substantia nigra.  You might want to watch this video of Dr. Doug Wallace carefully when he mentions PD.

My partner John is in year 23 of Parkinson's Disease. We began a ketogenic diet April 8. The challenge is to get protein intake properly timed so as not to impede his carbidopa/levodopa.

Hi! Great piece for anyone wanting to mitigate PD symptoms with diet😊 Are there additional resources you could share for PD patients' nutrition? Thank you so much for this piece and the blog in general - very inspiring!

Thank you for your kind words! Yes, Emily will share some practical tips for PD patients in her future posts.