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Complete Message
7 yearss #
Hello, I seem to have run into a problem with the "Progress" section. This worked fine for me earlier when choosing any date range (Today, Last 7 days, All time... the latter of which I used most often), but as of this evening only the "Today" option seems to work. The app crashes every time I attempt to choose any of the other options. The only time I got it to work was when I chose Custom Date Range and chose a short range (two days). I tried a few ranges - 14th-15th July, 13th-15th July - these worked, but 10th-15th July did not, and the app crashed again. I'm not sure why this is happening since I regularly use the Progress section. The only other thing of note I did today was add a weigh-in, but that's all, nothing more.
7 yearss #
Hi Anu,
Thanks for reporting this - I think I've identified the problem and it should be fixed in the next update. Please note this may take a while for the application to update on your phone.
The fix will be in version 0.21.0. You can check which version you're running by going to the Help page and at the bottom it'll have the application version.
Please let me know if the app is still crashing after receiving this update.
You can either reply here, or send me an email at:
7 yearss #
Thanks very much, Dan, I'll keep an eye out for the update and let you know if I still have problems after the update.
7 yearss #
Hello Dan, I spoke too soon. I've just had the update to version 0.21.0 and the problem persists. It's a bit better now in that I can check Progress up to the past 14 days, but anything more than that and the app crashes again.
7 yearss #
Hi Anu, so I've taken a look at the crash report we get when the app crashes (which gives us a bit of information) about what went wrong. It looks to me like there's a meal that has no ingredients and no nutritional data to it (which confuses the app - as it expects one or the other). If you have a minute, would you be able to view each of your Custom Meal, just going to the Meals list and opening them should be good enough. If trying to view one of them crashes the app would you let me know - just a theory I want to check! Thanks, Dan
7 yearss #
Also out of curiosity - did you edit a meal you had previously created? i.e. add an extra ingredient to it? or change it to be defined by nutrition instead of ingredients? Thanks, Dan
7 yearss #
Hi Dan, I've checked all my Custom Meals but they each have either nutrition information listed or ingredients, opening none of them caused the app to crash. However, you do make an interesting comment about changing a Custom Meal - I recall I did in fact change the ingredients in one of my Custom Meals (an aubergine one - I think I added or removed tomatoes) after I had added it to the Planner. Could this be the reason for the crashes?
7 yearss #
Hi Anu, I believe that editing a custom meal (after adding it to the planner) could cause this issue. I've made a bunch of fixes when editing custom meals (in v0.23) which should prevent this issue happening again. Also - I believe you should now be able to view as much progress for longer than 14 days. Please let me know if it still crashes! Thanks so much for reporting this issue - it led to us being able to fix a ton of bugs in the custom meals screen! Thanks, Dan
7 yearss #
Hi Dan, thank you so much for your comments and the app update. I've just checked the updated version and it works!! No more crashes with the Progress section for any of the date ranges, and even with the All Time option. Hooray! And so glad I was able to help :-)))
7 yearss #
That's great!! Thank you so much :)