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It can take up to 48 hours before we can process your request. We'll send you an email to let you know when you can start Beta testing.
Note: The free offer period for KetoDiet Beta has ended. Sadly, this is a limitation of Google Play. We lowered the price to a minimum (£0.99) and any new Beta testers will be charged. We have considered refunding but that's just too much admin. Thank you.
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7 yearss #
Hi again
Is it possible to have a menu option that is recent meals or recent ingredients or even frequently used ingriedients so that I do not have to go through searching each time when I am really basically having the same meals every day. I know there is a copy a meal option but I don't want to have exactly the same thing everyday. I guess it's a wishlist option lol thank you
7 yearss #
Hi Yvonne, this is something we'll definitely add in the future! (Nikos just added it on iOS) Don't worry it's on the list, though it may take a while! Thanks, Dan
7 yearss #
7 yearss #
Hi Dan, thanks for this, I too had the same suggestion/request. A quick question, though - where is the "copy a meal" option that Yvonne mentions?
7 yearss #
Hi Anu, to copy a custom meal. First select the meal you wish to copy, this will take you to the details view for the meal. In the top right there should be three dots, tap those then tap "Copy". This will work for both meals you've defined and blog meals. Let me know if you have anymore questions. Thanks, Dan
7 yearss #
Thank you, I found it now :)