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7 yearss #
I'm loving the app with the exception of my weight being listed in the Planner. I want to be able to show others how great the app works but do not want share that info. Is there any way to turn that off/not show weight?
7 yearss #
The main reason we added the weight in the Planner is to make it more familiar for existing KetoDiet users. The weight & measurements used to be in the Planner tab and we felt moving it under Profile may confuse existing users. - if you want to show people what you eat without your weight etc being visible there is currently no way to do this - we need to think about how to implement it.
- if you want to simply demo the app and let people try it then you can sign in with an account under 'account & sync'. Doing so will move all your 'local' data to your online account. Whenever you wanted to demo the app you could simply sign out and none of your data will be visible. Effectively you can use the 'offline' local account as a demo account. When you sign back in all your data will be there.
I hope this helps.
User #1EA7EF0A
2 yearss #
I've struggled through depression/anxiety for so long and I still do to some degree..but no zero days was one of those things that I can say definitely had an impact in starting to turn things around. I could read all the inspirational comics, quotes, and what not but for some reason it just got to me.