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User #9FA310DF
7 yearss #
Hi, I have started using the beta app and have come across a problem - I input ingredients in grams but when I save to the planner it reverts to 'common weights' and even if I go back and change it again it wont record the grams on the planner.
7 yearss #
Thanks for reporting this - if you could please take a screenshot and post it here it would help a lot - I suspect it's an unwanted optimisation where the grams value matches a commonly used weight - thanks
7 yearss #
OK, I managed to reproduce this by adding 30g of bacon -- it shows as 1 slice in the planner which is the same as 30 grams. Will fix this for the next update.
User #9FA310DF
7 yearss #
Hi Nikos - I have taken three screen shots 1. Inputting 15g butter 2. After adding it to the planner (now in 'pats') 3 hitting the edit button shows it has defaulted back to 'common weights'. Hope this helps, if not let me know if you need anything else. This is not happening in my own ingredients that I have set up in grams.
User #9FA310DF
7 yearss #
Oops, just seen your reply as I hit send 😁
7 yearss #
Thanks for uploading them - I can see an autolayout issue (some icons are smaller then they should be) so I'll add that to my list too :)
User #9FA310DF
7 yearss #
Yes, I noticed that but wasn't sure if it had a purpose that I hadn't yet found !
User #9FA310DF
7 yearss #
The icons and font size change if I tap on the 3 lines to the right of the edit button ?
7 yearss #
The three lines are for dragging the meal to another section (up & down) -- When you tap on three lines the cell recalculates it's own layout which causes the change in fonts & icon sizes.