To be included in Beta testing, reply to this message with the device(s) you'll be testing on (iOS only). Do NOT send us requests for Android, they will be removed.
Beta testers won't be charged. Beta versions expire after 60 days.
Complete Message
4 yearss #
Do you want to Beta test KetoDIet on iOS? Simply reply to this message listing the device(s) you'll be testing on and we'll add you to the list. It can take up to 48 hours before you receive an email to download the Beta version.
User #CF85198B
I am using an iPhone X on 13.3.1 software
4 yearss #
User #93818D83
I will be testing on iPhone X 13.3.1 latest update.
4 yearss #
iPhone SE, iPhone 8, iPhone X, iPhone 12 Mini, iPad Pro (9.7"). Yes I know, it's quite a few of 'em.
3 yearss #
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