To be included in Beta testing, reply to this message with the device(s) you'll be testing on (iOS only). Do NOT send us requests for Android, they will be removed.
Beta testers won't be charged. Beta versions expire after 60 days.
Complete Message
7 yearss #
I originally had the KetoDiet app, not the KetoDiet Basic app, had bought all the in-app purchases, and can now not access them. I have tried the restore purchases a number of times, but no luck. Any suggestions?
7 yearss #
Please try to purchase again - You won't be charged - but if you do (you'll get an invoice from Apple) send me a message at: with your paypal account + cost + currency and I'll refund the cost. Thanks
User #E36B27BA
7 yearss #
I have the same issue, is it ok if I also follow the advise and then if I get an invoice send you the bill?
7 yearss #
Yes of course - just send to our support email above - do not post your PayPal email on this forum - thanks
User #DB2B044B
7 yearss #
Once you go through the purchase process, that is after typing in yout password, a message appears that beta testers won't be charged.