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6 yearss #
No way to add servings. If I enter a bar coded product that has a serving size attached (i.e. 30 g), there is no way to say if you had 1/2 a serving, 2 servings, etc. You have to enter the amount by either grams or oz. This takes a lot more time. Also, it would be helpful if more measurements are added...not just ml but also tsp, cups, etc. If I am putting in a recipe, I am not usually just entering the serving size, and I then have to calculate how much I am actually using in oz or g, not just ml, etc. I have almost given up because it takes twice as long to enter products. Also, there are very few Canadian products with bar codes.
User #D786D77B
6 yearss #
I have this question also; I am in the U.S. and have noticed I have to figure out how many grams are in an egg for instance, (about 5.8gms for 1 egg), in order to add my egg servings. This is for many, many things and can be pretty tiresome and time-consuming.
6 yearss #
Hi, could you post a pic of the barcode for products that have this issue and I'll take a look at it? Thank you