To be included in Beta testing, reply to this message with the device(s) you'll be testing on (iOS only). Do NOT send us requests for Android, they will be removed.
Beta testers won't be charged. Beta versions expire after 60 days.
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User #F46DA1BC
6 yearss #
I have a question. I just started to do the beta test. Before I downloaded it I was using the Keto Diet I bought together with some recipes I unlocked. Once the test is over. All the purchases I payed for they will not be canceled, right?
6 yearss #
Yes, your Beta account is different from your regular App Store account. You can purchase any recipe packages again for the Beta and you wont be charged (in-apps for all Beta apps are free). Once Beta testing is over and you switch back to the App Store version (by downloading from the App Store) your original packages/ purchases will be restored.