To be included in Beta testing, reply to this message with the device(s) you'll be testing on (iOS only). Do NOT send us requests for Android, they will be removed.
Beta testers won't be charged. Beta versions expire after 60 days.
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Clare 💕
7 yearss #
Went to put data into my Keto planner and I was signed out? I didn't signed out I add.
So went to sign in and it just came up with this! Please see attachment.
Keto trying and still no luck on both devices so I thought I'd change password to see if I can get in that way, I changed passwords and still can't get into my account. I'm using iPhone and iPad devices .
7 yearss #
Hi Clare, it's rather unfortunate, but, the Beta sync server experienced some issues just before you tried to sign in (just before 16:00 GMT). I'm still going through logs to figure out what happened but should be ok if you want to try again - thanks.
Clare 💕
7 yearss #
Ok thank you Nikos