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7 yearss #
Is there a way to edit the custom meals or delete them? Also I think it will be great if we can copy meals from one day of the planner to another rather than having to add them again. The resturant meals are great, but is there a way to sort them by the quantity of the carbohydrates in them? And also can the app be linked to other apps such as fitbit?
7 yearss #
1. When you edit a custom meal the delete option is on the top-right corner. Keep in mind that deleting a custom meal won't remove it from the planner.
2. Copy & Paste will be added soon after the app is released.
3. By default (when searching) restaurant meals are sorted by carbs (low -> high)
4. We plan to add Health app integration in the near future
7 yearss #
Hi, Thanks for your reply. My resturant meals are not set by low to high. Is it to do with the settings? See below- i random screenshots of few reaturants
7 yearss #
HI, they are sorted by carbs when searching for them - for example. at the top level search for a meal name or keyword, e.g. 'beef'...