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6 yearss #
Is it possible to add pictures to our custom ingredients not just to the custom meals please?
For the barcode scanner it would be perfect if you could scan for creating a custom ingredient and not just put it straight in the planner.
I think a lot of people create their own ingredients and then add them one by one to the planner to fit the macros perfectly. (also every item varies in nutrition, I added all my chicken, nuts, butter etc manually so I get a most accurate result)
The new enhanced planning & tracking feature looks awesome! I love it!
6 yearss #
1. It's not possible to add a custom ingredient picture right now but we'll add that in an upcoming release. 2. We plan allow people to scan for a product under the Ingredients tab. The default action would be to 'find' the ingredient by barcode and if found the user can either add it to planner or create a custom ingredient based on it. If the item is not found the only option would be to create the custom ingredient. When a custom ingredient is created that way it is always preferred when the same barcode is scanned (until deleted). This will be in the next Beta update in a few days.
Thank you for your feedback.
User #D3989845
6 yearss #
I agree with Goella ideas and it you'd also be helpful if we could clone de recipe from KetoDiet Meals su we could modify the ingredients.